Politics swirled this week, and as a scientist I wept. Much more to come here, check out recent posts if you missed them! As billionaire pescatarians Laura and John Arnold bankroll meat industry spokesperson Nina Teicholz via their lobbying 501(c)s Action Now Initiative & Nutrition Coalition it is easy to lose sight of the actual nutrition surveys and science we are talking about. The hand-wringing, panty bunching, and other various "ings" going on over the impending issue of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines is almost assuredly not about the scientific rigor of the process or the guidelines themselves. Are they perfect? No. Are they really all that radical or far off from what would be healthful eating, on a population-wide basis, for the United States of America? Again, no. Setting aside the particular foods themselves for the time being, the main argument is that this grand low-fat experiment has been a g...