Insulin Caused Cerebral Stress - And THANK YOU! I'm baaaaack :-)

Dateline: March 26, 2016 Helloooo Inmates!! A quick update, but first a sincere thank you to each and every one who participated in my 40 Day Lenten Lentil Fast post. As of this morning -- two months after publication -- we stand at just over 2700 comments. No that's not a typo. Who knew all I had to do was stop blogging? It fills my heart to have such great interaction here at any time. It especially filled it these past two months, months that have been more tumultuous than time-constrained, and some of the most difficult of my life. So THANK YOU, and especially for much needed laughter along the way! What more is there to say? I may or may not elaborate further on some unintended blog-related whys for the unplanned hiatus, but surely one of them has to be that old saying "the more things change, the more they stay the same". While there are many examples of low carb antics I could use, there seems to be somet...