J.E.R.F.? Just Eat Real Food ...

... an acronym most closely associated with Sean Croxton. [ Or as I call him in my head: Sean Ton of Crocks, because Croxton is the king of the alt func med summit marketeering spree]. But now it looks like Croxton is in the processed convenience food biz, releasing a J.E.R.F. bar! screenshot of today's JERFbar.com home banner One of the things that most annoys me about Noakes and his "Real Meal" revolution. Many in paleo talk about eating "real food", and many exclude from this definition foods that aren't part of their restrictive food paradigms. You know, such UNreal aka fake foods like whole grains and legumes for the low carbers, soy and veggie oils for the "ancestrals", maybe dairy for the vegans, regular sugar for just about everyone. "Real food" is a foolish label. If what you mean by *real* is "whole" foods, then concoctions don't fly, no matter how "clean" the ingredients list ...