Subcutaneous and Visceral Adipose Tissue: Their Relation to the Metabolic Syndrome

Subcutaneous and Visceral Adipose Tissue: Their Relation to the Metabolic Syndrome

Another bookmarking post of sorts.

One interesting statement:

... in a review of 23 published studies of intervention strategies to promote loss of visceral adipose tissue... (32) concluded that individuals with greater visceral fat mass, either through an increase in body weight or the propensity to store fat in the visceral depot, lose more visceral fat when adjusted to the loss of body fat, regardless of the intervention applied (caloric restriction, pharmacological therapy, or exercise) because the visceral adipocyte has a higher lipolytic rate also in the steady state. 
For me, this makes my body fat distribution change all the more confusing, except that it does seem I'm talking more subQ belly fat than visceral in my case. 
