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If you're not sitting down reading this, you might just want to, or grab onto something for support, because I'm going to start this post out doing something I don't all that often: praise Mark Sisson. The sample menu page on his blog reads:
A typical breakfast for me is a cup of coffee with cream and sugar and an omelet

With all the demonization of fructose lately, good old fashioned sugar has been given a bad rap. Indeed these days we have Gary Taubes on record (a post for another day - grin) saying you can probably eat to your heart's content of pasta and rice and potatoes and not get fat so long as you don't eat sugar like those sugar-shunning Japanese. The list of anti-sugar tomes is quite long and getting longer. It is eeeeevil ... worse than crack cocaine! The cause of the obesity epidemic and the root of all disease. Not to mention, addictive as all get-out (another post for another day). But allow me to wax poetic on my childhood for a moment. It was typical and atypical in that at home there was little sugar to be found. I think the way I was fed growing up was very WAPF-friendly. But as a small child I did have access to sugar at my Grandma's house. Once in school I was somehow amazingly able to trade or otherwise be given some of the sugary treats my classmates brought for snacks or birthday parties. While my generation didn't grow up with juice boxes attached to our lips, we did have Kool Aid and Tang (marketed to a generation where we watched Apollo launches in the classroom). At camp, fruit punch was called "bug juice". Don't get me started on Pixy Stix and Lik M Ade, both of which were nothing more than flavored sugar. And we got little lollipops at the pediatrician's office.
Now, I'm certainly not advocating reverting the SAD back to the 60's version. Nor am I advocating making sucrose a staple in your diet. But sucrose has been demonized in an unfair manner, IMO. If one wants to blame HFCS for certain modern woes -- that it is not equivalent to sucrose after all -- be my guest. I have no need for such in the food supply, and at the risk of getting political, the tariff/subsidy system vis a vis sugar and corn is nothing short of criminal. But sugar is a NATURAL sweetener. Sure white sugar goes through a fair amount of processing (producing molasses as well), but what of some of these sugar alcohols? Xylitol is often called "wood sugar", although processing from wood is where the term came from, production from corn (yikes!) is quite common these days.

- it is virtually zero calorie at 0.2 cal/g
- it is sugar like and can act as a vehicle, eliminating the need for bulking agents such as maltodextrin
- it is small and absorbed before it gets to the intestine so produces none of the digestive upset characteristic of other sugar alcohols.

How about stevia? While I'm sure small scale extraction of such a relatively potently sweet compound is quite simple, don't look now, but the stevia in your favorite economical products these days probably came from a rather more industrialized source. That's right folks, perhaps Big Agra's motives in planting old CarbSane in the LC community was just a diversionary tactic all along. Because, don't look now, but in 2007 Coca-Cola and Cargill are/were the big movers and shakers behind the now-widespread availability of cheap stevia, and the US firm Blue California claimed a cheap industrial means of producing stevia.
And so, readers, I do find the flocking of paleos and naturalist low carbers alike to products such as Truvia, consider this post a public service message from mole-turned-whistleblower CarbSane, and consider a donation to my cause as you would to support other down-trodden whistleblowers! Because Truvia is:
The most interesting thing as I've been writing this post is that I didn't know any of Cargill's involvement in this when I started the post. I was just going to do an off-the-top-of-my-head sort of post on what I see as inconsistencies with regards to what makes something an acceptable "natural" sweetener. It was just in the quick searches on processes that this all fell in my lap.
In the end, Sisson makes a good case for incorporating the real deal into a low carb paleolithic-based diet. I actually did something similar on my VLC days back in 2007-8. It was a rare day when you wouldn't find a bag of my beloved Lindor Truffles in the cabinet (forget the %, the black dark-chocolate kind) or a can of light whipped cream in my fridge. Both contain real sugar. The truffles are 5g carb each, a good squirt of whipped cream even less. I do use artificial sweeteners as I insist on having my coffee sweet and that would require too much sugar for my tastes, so Splenda it is (liquid sucralose actually). And if I do drink alcohol, it's vodka in diet soda. I don't care much for erythritol, and stevia is even more disagreeable to my palate. So sucralose it is, even on cheat days (I consider alcohol enough of a cheat) except for those things that don't belong sweetened by anything but sugar. By that I mean if I'm having chocolate it is the real thing, though milk chocolate is waaay too sweet for me these days (while anything north of about 70% is just gross and I'll never understand why anyone would bother eating it). Ditto for the occasional cake/pastry/pie.
So in conclusion, if your goal is more natural ancestral eating, I'd say good old sucrose more appropriately belongs in your diet than any of these other "natural" alternatives. At the very least, they are no better and possibly worse. You will probably do better to "own" your intake of sweets in terms of the calories, because that's really where they get you in trouble.
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As long as your eating is in good control, small portions of sweeteners are no more dangerous than any other tasty foods. And if I'm going for sweet, a natural one like honey or sucrose works much better for me than processed chemicals.
The point is to make food less important overall rather than zeroing in on one element of eating.
Anecdotally, when I use real sugar in my tea I am completely satisfied with 1 cup all day. When I use a sweetener however, 4 cups is usually the average. So for me using sugar saves me a couple hundred milk calories!
I've started using brown sugar in my cooking. I think white sugar is one of those cumulative things. A little white sugar now and then is probably ok, but I think those deficient foods can take a little away from you each time they're eaten, and over time maybe add up to something significant. (That's just my personal feeling, which came mainly from Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.) If you look at brown sugar in the above database it has quite a bit more nutritional value. I've yet to find a recipe that I make where brown sugar doesn't work. I suppose you can't make white cake with it, but yellow cake works fine, for example. I usually make cookies on the weekend, and so far it has yet to affect my weight. Time will tell.
And Manuka at that, to take advantage of that New Zealand natural healing.
There is a from a Gaelic Warrior's love-poem of 2000 years ago - and I paraphrase in English:
"The taste of her mouth was sweeter by far,
than honey drunk through red wine"
But I don't do the orthorexia "never, ever" thing. I do the "kinda rarely" thing. :D I'd rather save my calories form sugar and have other carby stuff like cherries or pineapple or some gluten free rice pasta as a side. Sugar just doesn't give me the big satisfaction like another carby thing does. I like my coffee just fine with fake stuff. So, why bother?
Awesome...it's been a long time since I heard any of those. [raises glass]
I'm not following the argument made by MM that using white sugar would take something away from you in a way that brown sugar would not.
I agree too.
@Princess - my thoughts exactly! I don't eat a lot of sweets, but I'm particular about my coffee. I wouldn't say I like it super sweet, but the amount of real sugar to get it to where a drop or packet of sucralose does -- plus I drink giant mugs. Perhaps the coffee habit needs to be addressed. Sigh :(
@Nance: I'll put a little real honey in tea on occasion, but honey in coffee just not my style. Still even in tea, I'd rather save those calories.
@Fleur: Brown sugar does have some micronutrition to go with the sucrose. This is where the sugary beverages really fail us. All most provide is the sucrose (though now they add in vitamins and such). Even Lustig seems to acknowledge this with the fiber in fruits.
So when I have sweets in the house (we have a box of cookies and some pop-tarts at the moment) it's a struggle to make sure I'm not eating them because they are there. Since I don't really care to have to go through that struggle, we usually don't have them anymore. And since I do not have a problem with avoiding them in the store, it's worked out well. I will indulge occasionally because, hey... soft-baked chocolate chip cookies are really really good and because I know that if I simply deprive myself, at some point I'll give in and it won't be pretty.
One thing I've learned about eating is that I can break it down into smaller and much more winnable battles. Eliminating sugary soft drinks was easy enough. Managing my sugar intake was a separate battle, but it has also become pretty easy to do. I also learned that there are some things that I can eliminate outright, and some that I simply need to manage.
I think a lot about sweeteners. In my experience, and that of several people I know, sucralose is bad news. Does bad things to a fragile brain chemistry. I happen to really like stevia, but maybe I'm weird. Some brands are better than others. I like xylitol and erythritol too.
BUT--I also like to use a little raw sugar, maple syrup, and honey in my creations sometimes. When I lived in HI, I worked bees (and ate masses of honey for a while), and was also exposed to sugar cane growing wild, and fresh sugar cane juice--great stuff, and mineral rich.
For me, if there's a ton of nuts and coconut oil in a recipe, I want to use a lower-calorie sweetener. If it's something lighter, I feel ok using sugar/honey/maple. That's partly the calorie count, but partly also how it "sits" in the body.
All that Big Agra stuff, though--a lot of it was over my head, but I appreciate your bringing it to my attention and feel like I should probably find out more.
And whilst reading about Stevia in that link, I noticed they had a news item for Sucralose as well: Sucralose may not affect blood sugar or insulin resistance, study suggests - http://www.foodnavigator-usa.com/Science/Sucralose-may-not-affect-blood-sugar-or-insulin-resistance-study-suggests?nocount
Which is interesting and on topic
For me, I simply I like the taste (specifically with regards to oatmeal - my gold standard breakfast is to take 150 grams of oatmeal in a bowl, fill it up with water and heat it in the microwave until it's warm and soggy. Add a teaspoon of stevia and mix it in - so good). That said, honey is even better, but I got a big box of stevia in my cupboard and very little honey. Can't throw away food that hasn't gone bad. ;)
First time poster here :)
I'm basically a PHDer and I came across this post while doing research on how to improve my oral hygiene. I would just like to add that it seems like xylitol have good anti-microbial properties. Ref http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xylitol This might make it a good supplement on a low-carb diet...
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