Pictures ...

Well, yet another installment of pictures worth 1000 words is up from Jimmy Moore.  I've been criticized for posting pictures of health and diet advocates and commenting on their looks particularly in regards to how well they appear to be aging.  Some of that criticism is fair.  Because aging and looks are largely genetic, and I've acknowledged this many times.  When one factors in photoshopping and cosmetic/surgical means of altering one's makeup, and it is becoming increasingly difficult these days to compare oneself with what is considered "normal" aging, etc.  If I'm ever on TV, I want Hillary Clinton's makeup artist from the 2008 primary debates on my team (and the best Spanx out there)!  Still, although I've certainly not lead a healthy life diet-wise for many periods during  my adulthood, my genes have been good to me and I consider myself blessed in that regard.   So Jimmy decided to add to the apparent Facebook pile on of one Gillian McKeith with this comparison of two similarly aged women.

Honestly ... does this tell you a darned thing about how different diets alter one's aging?  I must say that having been considerably more overweight in my life, my  remaining curves -- though  I'm no fan of my chin remnants (my neck is not fat, that is the odd pose in the cropped photo), my remaining cheek pudge contributes to a youthful look.  There's an unfortunate thing many of us women (men too?  to be honest I don't notice much ...) face as we age, and that is that at some point, what was svelte can translate to the look of being frail and declining.   So my immediate reaction seeing these two pictures juxtaposed was that it was a ridiculous comparison to begin with.  Can we please compare something more appropriate?  Some Gillian:

From Wikipedia, date unknown

Gillian McKeith Talks Diets Workouts And Poo


Clearly, depending on light, makeup, etc., Gillian is showing some signs of age.  But how about that picture of Nigella?  It's likely old, and touched up.

Nigella Lawson’s Husband Tore Down Neighbors’ Construction

So ... clearly Nigella has put on some pounds over the years ... eating meat, butter and desserts.  Commenter Andrea had this to say to Jimmy:
Jimmy, I don't like that McKeith bashing all over the internet. I don't want to use the same bullshits Tactics as my opponents. Lawson? Photoshop, Lighting, Makeup. Botox?

Dear Facebook Friends: Please Stop Sharing This Female-Bashing Gillian McKeith vs. Nigella Lawson Photo
The blisstree link is interesting.   First, it shows a slightly more appropriate comparison of pictures between the two (although the Nigella pic is likely dated)

Gillian McKeith Nigella Lawson
We have a little more information here ... Nigella Lawson also smokes and drinks!  Is the take-home message then that smoking and drinking are healthy for one's aging process?  Will Nigella become the poster girl for how smoking doesn't lead to premature aging?  Jimmy quips back:
Fair enough. But that doesn't explain the Ornish-Sisson comparison though.
Hmmphh.  Comparing Sisson to Ornish is ridiculous, but I'll get to that another day.  Does he reconsider his part in perpetrating this nonsense?  Did he even read the blisstree piece?  Does he care?  Eh ....  Still, one wonders what his "friends" must think when THEY look in the mirror.  Or many many of Jimmy's female readers for that matter.  It would not be so bad if he weren't looking so old himself lately, though he just turned 40.  Let's look at just one prominent low carber.  Dr. Mary Vernon

 date unknown, 5 years + old?


Here's a more recent video of Vernon.  To be fair, she's closer to 60 years old now, but the 2003 picture would be comparable to Lawson & McKeith.

In this video she claimed that she lost 35 lbs when she went LC 13 (or 14, I'm too lazy to relisten) years ago and has remained the same size since (a claim I find questionable but it could just be the picture angles).  I'm sure Andreas Eenfeldt, who defended her appearance in this video on his blog, wouldn't have such nice things to say about this woman if he only saw the 2003 picture and knew nothing of who the woman was.

So ... back to Nigella Lawson. A beautiful woman by almost anyone's standards, even at her more recent higher weight.   She's ... um ... also blessed with the predisposition to packing on the pounds in a proportional manner that tends to be pleasing to the menfolk ;-)   In any case, I'm not sure why Jimmy would feature her anyway. Yes, she eats meat and butter.  But, apparently, she is known for her decadent desserts ... and not low carb versions either. So in addition to the alcohol & tobacco, there's no evidence she's a low carber. And, one might fairly make the case that, while McKeith is slender, Lawson has been prone to gain weight. Indeed, even watching the amount of food TV that I do, I was only vaguely familiar with the name so had to do a little research on who exactly we were talking about here.  More recently Nigella has been the topic of the gossip rags for her ballooning weight which I quickly discovered by Googling her name ... that burka-bathingsuit pic is all over the place and there are many versions of it (including one where she's walking next to a bikini clad friend and a view from behind). There are also pictures showing a belly bulge of the non-preggers variety from her most recent cooking show. Which is neither here, nor there, but if you're going to post pictures on the internet and draw comparisons, it would have been more honest of the originator of the graphic to use current, comparable pictures. Still -- Nigella, sexy goddess in the kitchen, was suffering from weight-related bad PR moreso than looking excessively aged for her years. 

Why am I going on about this?   Well, two reasons.    First, regardless of her youthful, attractive appearance, over the past few years Nigella gained considerable weight (menopause?).  If you're going to highlight eating butter as a plus, and point to the pictures as proof this is anti-aging or somesuch, you have to be consistent and not take butter off the hook for her considerable weight gain.   Anyone watch Hot in Cleaveland in my audience??  Valerie Bertinelli looks younger than Jane Leeves (and Wendy Malick, but that's not fair as Malick is 10 years older than them).   Clearly Nigella still looks younger than Gillian ... but could her weight be a plus here?  Well, early in 2011, Nigella thought so, as this article relates:  Nigella Lawson: losing weight would age me 10 years.  Featuring a pic of Nigella in the swim-burka, in April of 2011:
The 51-year-old “Domestic Goddess” jokingly described herself as “built like a shot-putter”.

“If I lost 40lbs, I would age 10 years straightaway – That's my excuse," she told The Australian Women's Weekly.
"But you know women find it very easy to persecute themselves over their weight and whenever I've said, 'I ought to lose a bit of weight', I can guarantee I'll put it on.
Super-slim Nigella Lawson looked fabulous in ultra-tight jeans on a lunch date with her husband
The last line reminiscent of the teachings of the HAES (Health At Every Size) crowd....  There may be some truth to this, indeed part of the reason even the more slender Nigella  looks younger than Gillian is in part due to the fact that she still has some padding on her bones and facial bones in particular.    My second reason for discussing this, however, is because sometime after that, Nigella dropped the excuses and went *GASP* on a diet!    In recent reports:  Domestic goddess Nigella Lawson draws attention to her derriere on lunch date with husband (picture at right she's described as "super slim", I note the hair is atrocious, something else the rags picked on for it appearing to thin in the back), and REVEALED: The secret behind Nigella Lawson's incredible weight loss, we learn she's trimmed down from a size 18 to a 12 (UK sizes).  Now that I know more than I needed to about Lawson ... How'd she do it?  By the Clean and Lean diet (summarized in that second link).  In a nutshell:
He [James Duigan] believes the body does not cling onto fat, as many people believe. It is processed foods and drinks and excess sugar that pollute the body, causing fat to cling to the hips, thighs, bum and tummy.
Sounds almost Taubesian but not quite.  Also sounds like it might just be another low carb diet.   We get more details in an article published just yesterday in the Mirror:  How to slim like Nigella Lawson with the Clean and Lean plan.    
Meals on James's diet plan are full of fish, lean meat - including turkey and chicken - and fresh, preferably organic vegetables.
Clearly we're talking that dreaded Dukan diet.  Everyone knows that in order to lose fat you have to eat fat, right?   Chicken?  Not the breast meat without skin and extra butter to drip down my arms??  James' also advises a mixture of yoga or pilates with something that gets your heart pumping (cardio!!).  Ahh ... but at least it sounds LC!  Some further elaboration on the diet rules: 
1. Cut the C.R.A.P
Avoid the four main food groups that cause fat to cling to our bodies: caffeine, refined sugar, alcohol and processed foods. {Sounds LCHF friendly so far, nothing about butter there! Phew!!}
2.   But allow yourself a weekly cheat meal Once a week, enjoy an indulgent meal of whatever you fancy, from creamy pasta to a slice of chocolate cake with cream. As long as you're eating clean, healthy food the rest of the time, an occasional high-fat treat actually speeds up your metabolism.  {Didn't Duigan read Atkins?  If one bite can mess it all up for days, one indulgent meal a week will undo all the rest.  Your fat will get locked up into the cells for sure!!  NOTE:  high fat TREAT}
3. Take fish oil supplements
They burn fat and supply essential fatty acids.  {Everyone needs a gimmick, presumably this is in the Body Brilliance supplement at exaggerated cost.}
4.  Always have breakfast
Eat within one hour of waking up. If you don't have time for a proper breakfast, just grab a piece of fruit and a few nuts.  {Was almost sounding like Leptin Man there for a minute ... }

5. Don't eat after 8pm
Eating a large meal in the evening when your body is slowing down or sleeping is a bad idea for your digestion and weight. {Sounds a little like Dr. Cate and others ... }
All still LC friendly.  Then we get a gander at the sample menus.  I'll C&P two here:
Day 1

  • Breakfast: Omelette made with three egg whites and filled with 75g chopped mixed peppers and a handful of spinach
  • Mid-morning snack: 100g chicken with ½ red pepper, sliced
  • Lunch: One grilled chicken breast, mixed salad leaves, red peppers, green beans and ¼ tbsp olive oil
  • Mid-afternoon snack: 100g turkey breast with ¼ cucumber, sliced
  • Dinner: 100g grilled chicken breast with steamed broccoli
Day 2

  • Breakfast: Baked chicken breast with a handful of stir-fried kale
  • Mid-morning snack: 100g turkey breast and ½ green pepper, sliced
  • Lunch: Baked haddock fillet with mixed green salad, with ½ tbsp olive oil
  • Mid-afternoon snack: 100g turkey breast with 75g steamed broccoli
  • Dinner: One salmon steak with chopped dill and steamed green beans
This is even more austere sounding than the JumpStartMD plan!  Do they even make 1/4 Tablespoons?  That's less than one teaspoon!  What's with these steamed veggies.  There's way too much chicken breast here!!  Sounds like lean "meat" (lamb makes an appearance in one sample meal, otherwise this is mostly poultry breast and seafood) and veggies.  Well ... at least Wheat Belly would be proud.   But there can be no doubt ... Nigella owes her current figure to good old Eating Less and Moving More!
Nigella Lawson (Pic: Big Pictures/Eroteme)
After - Size 12                            Before - Size 18

It worked for Nigella!   And yes, she still looks younger than Gillian despite not eating a whole lot of butter for a considerable period.   Hmmm ... and she looks younger having dropped the weight after all ... again -- without consuming a whole bunch of animal fat.   

Of course ... it wouldn't be fair to compare now, right?

Look folks.  Aging happens.  Shit happens.  For those of us who have gotten significantly more overweight than others, that may mean not being able to undo that shit completely either.  And for crying out loud, none of us can or should compare ourselves to photos of celebs because there just is NO way to know if there has been "work", creative lighting and other camera techniques (anyone remember how Cybil Shepard was supposedly filmed through pantyhose for Moonlighting?), photoshopping, etc.  I go back to Hillary Clinton -- they took 15 years off her face (at least!) in some of those debates, and yet candid shots sans makeup taken around the same time revealed a much different Hillary.   I would hate to be a celebrity because even the most photogenic among us with super slim bods can look downright gnarly in snapshots.  

I just think the low carbers (and paleos for that matter) ought to be more careful and considerate before posting nonsense like "who looks older" stuff like the McKeith/Lawson comparison.  Let's also keep in mind that while McKeith can rightly be judged somewhat on her appearance as she advocates for a particular way of eating, I'm not sure the same is fair for Lawson -- a point I made with respect to Paula Deen as well.  Indeed although she seems healthy, Nigella serves as the cautionary tale for any woman, especially those with more curves to start with.  She can't keep eating the way she cooks ... doing so didn't wear well after a while.  So the more fair comparison would be McKeith (who does not appear to have altered her appearance surgically) to Carpender -- and there are far less flattering pictures of both to be found on the internet.  I'd call it a wash.  But when stacking up the low carb community in general (especially the women of a certain age) against those following more traditional dietary lifestyles?  Like, say Denise Austin ...  I just don't know.  

Sorry Jimmy.  Passing along garbage like the pictures of McKeith and Lawson is just idiocy.  And please, comparing Sisson to Ornish is a bit much.  I'll have at that one sometime when I get around to it.  Suffice it to say that I think quite a few will be dismayed at the real life appearance of more than a few Paleo f(x) and LC Cruise speakers ...


bentleyj74 said…
This one is kind of a no brainer. I'm shocked to ever find myself in the position of defending McKeith as I'm no fan of her diet religion and supplement nonsense [and I'm sort of fond of dessert and butter myself :)] but let's get real...they aren't even of similar build or ethnicity and McKeith was never particularly attractive to begin with.

Nigella has a natural hourglass figure and would indeed have to become VERY obese before losing her shape to unattractive androgyny. Especially in a carefully draped and girdled dress selected by a professional.

McKeith and Carpender are a better comparison as they are both examples of belief in food religion that has not delivered results of even "better than average" for either of them.
bentleyj74 said…

If Nigella was in a bikini no one would be elevating her eating habits :) Especially if it was at close range with no photo edits.
dang, the "Eat Fat in Unlimited Amounts & Avoid that Fattening Cardio" Fairytale just gets better & better. Apparently it is a Fountain of Youth, too. Who knew. Honestly.
Galina L. said…
I look better than Julian bat worse than Nigella (I am also less beautiful) at 51, size 12. Without going into details about a diet, I think that exercise is very important for the delay of aging, and the total elimination of sugar was a difficult but important step for me 4 years ago. I also think IF and calories restriction work in a right direction. Unfortunately, it is either my food I enjoy, or what I see in the mirror. I would hate to look emaciated, though. I will try to add my passport picture dated Nov 2011 to the post (the only one on that computer). It was taken for a passport. Now I am without glasses and probably 5 lb thinner.
Galina L. said…
Sorry, somehow profile picture was not being added even though I tried. It was some exclamation mark in the picture place.
LeonRover said…
Yeah, it IS lean meat and 5% vegetables. Thus fish with some added fat.

The amounts indicate (to me), that it is calorie limited - at least in the sense that you may have to put up with light peckishness once in awhile.

It is version of Steffansson's Igloo Diet for up-market London foodie Goddesses.

There is kein' strudel on this diet - ( or even Irish potatoes ).

OnePointFive said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
OnePointFive said…
I don't think much of Gillian Mckeith as a nutritional 'guru'
but that picture comes from her time in I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Here.
Hardly a fair comparison
And Gillian is a fair-haired gal, while Nigella is dark-eyed, dark-haired, and that in itself predisposes Gillian to look older. We don't know what cosmetic enchancements they have either.

I'm 51, the same age as both. I'm not as wrinkled as Gillian, but I'm biracial, and that helps. I do notice that my face crossed some "fat borderland" about 10 pounds ago, and I look older. And the more I lose (and I want to lose 19 more pounds or so), the older I'll look. I have the jowl sag from those cheeks emptying of fat (ie, looser skin) and the crepe-iness that post-menopause does to us. I didn't have creases last year. I have forehead creases and the dreaded nose to lips creases beginning to be noticeable. Sucks, but the less fat, the less plumpness. Nigella might look better just cause of genetics, or from less sun exposure or from the added plumpness (even at size 12, she's larger than Gillian).

You definitely showed why the comparisons are dumbass. Why not show a pic of a 51 year old famed low-carber from among Jimmy's pals? Or another health guru of similar coloring and size as Gillian who low carbs, if you're gonna do that? Not that it says anything about sun exposure, genetics, medical conditions.

I still look younger than many 50-somethings I know, but that may be cause I stopped suntanning in my mid-twenties, rather than even later. Miami sun is tempting, but I've tried to be good. :) If I'd 1. never been morbidly obese and stretched out my face, 2. never been chronically ill and always had robust health, and 3. never ate a bunch of crap for decades and 4. didn't have eczema and acne and hyperpigmentation issues on my face/neck, I'd probably look fricken 30, cause my parents had pretty good "look younger" genes. I did damage. Who knows what Gillian went through earlier in life (I know she had scoliosis or something and didn't eat well for years).

Apples and oranges...and maybe kiwi, too, in these comparisons.

Peace....and thanks for the fun post...
Galina L. said…
@Princess, we are neighbors! I live in Jacksonville, FL last 11 years and keep hiding from the sun as well. Also, I look like I am partially Asian (Russia is situated both in Europe ans Asia, so it is reasonable), so I have some of olive skin advantage when it comes to the protection from wrinkles. I lost some chubbiness of face during last 5 - 6 years due to aging, but since I had some extra, I look normal now. My naturally-thin lady-friend regulatory have injections of fat and fillers into her face or her cheeks would be 1 -2 mm thick, mine are 1/2 inch thick. She also had couple of face-lifts and do Botox. Genetics!
river rance said…
Good post Evelyn and with all the photoshopping and using of old pics (probably Sisson) why use internet pictures to compare diets? Here is JM from 2010 according to him…if pictures are the proof that a diet is good or bad…why would anyone take his advice after seeing this…he needs a reality check.
LeonRover said…
River Rance - That is a truly awful photo, an anti-poster.

That man is ill, and needs to lose 50 kilo. Unless he adds calorie restriction to ketogenic eating, he will die young.

He needs Nigella's diet.
Karen said…
He was asked to post his pic too. Said he would never not show his pic. Then posted one from 2010 if Im reading it correctly. Sigh
Sue said…
That first pic of Gillian was taken on that show I'm a Celebrity Get me out of here - she wouldn't have had access to makeup etc so bound to not look her best. When slimmer in face you always tend to look older.
Nigella is just beautiful - was getting too round and looks even better with weight loss.
Comparing Ornish and Sisson - yeh silly - one is I presume sedentary and the other a former athlete and very active still.
Denise Austin ageing gracefully - she looks really good.
Rad Warrier said…
See self and wife here, just a month ago during a brief vacation back in India: . At that time, self was roughly 5 months short of 60 and wife was 7 months short of 54. No make up, no photoshop, what you see is what you get. In my eyes my dear wife of over 30 years looks, at 53+, as young as (or younger than) Nigella in the first photo. And I think I at 59+ am not as bad as JM in the picture of the link that river rance has provided above. Self and wife have been vegetarians all our lives. Wife doesn't eat even eggs which I can eat though not with any great enjoyment. We eat plenty of the "evil" carbs and a lot of fructose "which is poison." :)

bentleyj74 said…
Link not working for me Rad :(
Rad Warrier said…
It is a picassa album. I can easily access it with the link I have provided. I don't know if picassa doesn't allow those without a google account (such as a gmail account) to view the pictures. Even if you have a google account, you may have to sign in to that account before being able to view the pictures.

Rad Warrier said…
Sorry, forgot to make it "public on the web" -- I have just made it public on the web and all should be able to see it now, whether you have a google account or not.

Nick said…
Really hard to take JM seriously. So full of confirmation bias.
Sven Anders said…
Hmmm. Since he's going down that road - how about comparing a recent photo of Jimmy himself with any high carb dieter of similar age?
Sven Anders said…
I see now that others have made similar remarks so my comment is redundant. Still, I consider comparing pictures like this as bullying and degrading.
Tonus said…
I can see the photos now, you both look a lot younger than 59/53! You both look great, so I assume that the proper LCer response should be "sure, but how fluffy is your LDL???" :)

In an age where both photo evidence and photo manipulation are so prevalent, I don't understand why JM would use what I presume is an image he found on the web (he provides no clue as to credit/source). Aside from how hypocritical it feels, there's also the fact that (as Ev shows in this post) it isn't very difficult to Google up some photos and information that make the image he posted seem very misleading and even malicious. Oh, but it's CarbSane whose meanness makes it difficult to take her seriously. Errr... okay.
Swede said…
Great picture. Good job keeping that energy up.

Where was that taken? Looks like California?
Swede said…
Good call. I was watching TV the other day (ugh!) and saw a segment about Lou Ferrigno. Someone was touring his house and interviewing him. I immediately noticed how young he looked. Just checked and he was born in '51. The guy had great muscle tone and an energetic smile.

He does NOT follow any type of low carb diet.
Sven Anders said…
Lou Ferrigno is awesome :)
CarbSane said…
Not to worry, an equal opportunity version for the guys will be forthcoming.

The head-to-head comparisons are unfair. But the "aging gracefully" pics are a bit more relevant. If you look at Jimmy's before pic (2004, 2003, so 8 or 9 years old), his after pics (that Thinker avatar included, 2005) and anything more recent -- particularly stuff 2009+ -- he is aging rapidly. In his tribute vid to his brother, Kevin is 41 or 42 and gravely ill. I think Jimmy has looked older than him for a few years now. We're talking only 4-5 years difference in age in some cases and he looks like 15 years older.

Lou was fun on King of Queens too.
CarbSane said…
Welcome to the Asylum Nick! Unfortunately, many still do. More recently this is because of his "gravitas by proxy" from rubbing elbows with and interviewing so many of the gurus and "experts". I keep thinking that at some point affiliating with Jimmy will become a liability for some of these folks, but it doesn't seem to be happening just yet. I imagine those who don't really follow him will be quite surprised when they meet him at PaleoFX.
bentleyj74 said…

Love the pics! Where exactly in India were you? That landscape looks sort of mid/southeastern. Some of my family lived for years in Bangladesh and I was always just a little bit jealous :)
Anonymous said…
The big difference between McKeith and Nigella is personality. McKeith is a self-righteous, self-important, arrogant bully who claims to be a scientist, but who has based her 'career' on belittling people. Nigella is just a nice lady who likes to cook.
Karen said…
Evelyn could Jimmy's aging be because of his brothers death? He really loved his bro and maybe Kevins death caused the ageing look. Just wondering.
Bio right on there!!
Galina L. said…
If somebody asked me to guess Gillian age on the camp photograph, I would guess it at least 65. On the picture in the evening dress - pass 55 but not 60 yet. However, the same goes to Mary Vernon, she looks definitely older than 60.Ethnicity plays the role as much as genealogical lottery.
However, I noticed some particular things in a diet that influence look if not aging. LC dumps extra fluids,so it helped with swollen ankles and bags under eyes in my case. Higher fat content of my diet made my skin less dry, even it is a problem when I am photographed with a flash - too many reflexes from the face surface, but probably it helps to delay the appearance of wrinkles. Somehow I've failed to put my profile picture in comments, but I will continue trying to provide it.
Orla K said…
I've seen those 2 photos being compared before and it has always annoyed me no end. Gillian McKeith's photo was taken while she was in the jungle so she doesn't look like that all the time in fairness. Really glad to see you de-bunk that one!

As for Nigella, I'm from Ireland and her TV programs are on here all the time. Once I watched her make a wok full of pasta and take it off to eat in bed! Way to promote healthy eating habits, eh!

BTW first time commenting here but just wanted to say that I really like to read your take on things!
Galina L. said…
It is like with Dona Carpender - I never heard about her before I read a post about her medical problems here. The same about Gillian mcKeith - never new she existed till that blog-post. Just out of curiosity decided to read a little bit about her. Sounds like she is a super-quack with a lot of confidence and some influence - great combination. It is a small surprise some people are enjoin to watch her fast aging.
Lerner said…
Let's try it the other way around. Here is the cover photo of a book by (famous) 70+ yr old bodybuilder Clarence Bass:

Now, from the photo would you say that he is lo-carb or lo-fat? I think this approach shows how ludicrous the question is, with its assumption that macronutrient ratio matters so much. Genetics, exercise and calorie consumption matter far more... take your pick on the order of importance.
@Lerner b/c of you, I just ordered one of his books. It seems to me like genetics, exercise & calories consumed are kind of three legs of a stool & all three matter in equal measure in their own way.
Lerner said…
Hi, FTD: it would be nice if you could eventually post back on what he says, I really don't know. The '3-legs' is what I believe personally, same as apparently you do also.

I do know Clarence is generally low-fat, and has always been. So when LCer Paleos show Art Devaney, here is Clarence as the counterpoint. That tells me that one of two things is correct: either macro ratios don't matter, or else there are different types of people who do better on either low-fat or on LC - and also those (like me) to whom it doesn't matter.

I tracked down a picture of maybe a 3.5 legged, with maybe aesthetic dermatology as the extra, who knows:

that being Linda Thompson at ~59 yrs old, a composer and also once married to what's-his-name.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for this, Evelyn, but sorry you have to debunk this nonsense. JM's post is just bottom of the barrel stuff.
I'll definitely give you the 411 on the Clarence Bass book. I do look forward to hearing what he has to say. The reviews for his various books on Amazon were pretty glowing and not all of them read like they were planted there. Okay Linda Thompson looks amazing - and hey, if she did add an extra .5 of a stool leg with some help from better-living-thru-chemistry (or Botox or whaevs) - dang, I'll have what she's having.
Sue said…
Yeh, the photo is bad. Granted he is thinner than he was at heaviest but still looks bad.
CarbSane said…
Welcome to the Asylum Orla! I had no idea who Gillian was, and when one discovers the background of the pictures it is more annoying. Hmmm ... taking a wok of pasta to bed? Sounds an awful lot like some of Paula Deen's antics. Oh ... but SHE should be educating everyone on LC now! LOL
CarbSane said…
Welcome! I certainly am not "white knighting" for McKeith, I had no clue who she was and many comments here don't paint a pretty picture. But it does sort of make the comparison all the more ridiculous, eh?
CarbSane said…
Hi Karen, I have no doubt Jimmy's aging is in part due to stress in general. He used to use that word a lot on his menus blog ... yet made sure to tell folks how happy go lucky he was. As much as he discusses things publicly, however, the lack of mentioning Kevin leads me to believe that is one of those things he was prepared for and dealt with. But I'm not in his head. Still, supposedly all the sat fats or something are should protect one from all that stress, while lack of same makes you more susceptible. Doesn't seem to be working for him ...
CarbSane said…
Wow! Clearly he's not eating any carbs! >;)
CarbSane said…
Jimmy sure is becoming increasingly snarky on topics such as this. It's kinda funny that my side-by-side of him and Jared Fogel of Subway fame, and just posting PICTURES of low carbers on this blog got me kicked off his forum, and banned from his sites. As far as I'm concerned, nobody has all the answers for all people ... that's a big duh ... but to act like you do when it's not even working for you? That's a special kinda whacked. In his comments on the cooking show thing he thinks Dana and Jim look HEALTHY (<- his caps) and Dana looks awesome. Dana looks fine ... about right for her age in some ways, older than some, younger than others, and in need of a haircut ;)

I think it was Fashiontribes who said a while back that Jimmy's celeb name dropping may be more to drive page hits than anything.
CarbSane said…
For the longest time I bit my tongue on Jimmy's forum and such. But as the delusions keep coming, the more I feel that exposing this stuff needs to be done. The straw that broke the camel's back on this if you will was his Low Carb Conversations podcast. The first several episodes were all (except for Tom Naughton) fat low carbers chewing the fat about how healthy and wonderful LC is. Jimmy guffawed about folks calling him "Big Guy" when he wasn't 410 lbs anymore ... and then figured it's cause he's tall (6'3"). Yes, he's tall, but he's obese, and not just by BMI standards which can be wildly erroneous. Then Naughton and Jimmy guffawed some more about what the height/weight charts said they "should" be. Now Tom looks pretty good and has a "thick" build (I can relate!). Jimmy does not, he's got spindly arms and legs (no matter how much muscle he keeps claiming he's gaining) and he still had a 40+ inch @230 lbs "after". I don't care what the charts say, he should weigh under 200 with his frame and it's clearly not a damaged metabolism keeping him from doing that. You just can't preach about a healthy lifestyle when it's not working for you. Does he REALLY not see it?
"gravitas by proxy" LOL. :)
Diana said…
Dirty little secret: do you know how celebs get, keep and stay thin for a part? They starve and go on extreme exercise regimes. Eating disorders are rampant amongst celebrities. The only one who was ever honest to my knowledge about this was Keanu Reeves who admitted in 1993 that to lose weight for a movie (Little Buddha), he stopped eating. That's all. Just stopped eating. (And he's a tall rangy guy who wasn't exactly fat to begin with.)

All the rest of them lie about their healthy eating "chicken and vegetables and pasta" diets. They starve. Also, many smoke heavily. Then, like the rest of us, they binge and gain weight because you can't starve and overexercise forever.

It's not fair to argue using celebrities, but that's our society, I suppose. I joined AARP for the benefits. Every magazine they send has a brainless celebrity on the cover.
Sanjeev said…
It's PAINFUL listening to Jimmy play nice with high carb interviewees to fil his airspace when I know this kind of thing is going on in the background.

The faux flexibility "everyone has to find their own way" in those is ... well, your word's a good one, whacked.

> more to drive page hits than anything

That does work. Aren't there basically entire TV networks dedicated to star gossip?

Don't know if anyone here followed the whole SCO saga but the CEO of the SCO Group made a few slanderous comments about Linux users. Stock price went up. He said similar and again the stock price went up.

Pretty soon it was a slander - fest right, left and center, with CEO McBride and his two stooges on an all out media rampage against Linux users. After they claimed "millions" of copyright infringing lines, claiming "mountains", we figured out in the end there may have been 320 lines (out of 5 to 6 million) that SCO claimed (never proved) looked similar to lines in the SCO products.

I wish I could say it ended badly for them but they left the scene with 5 to 8 years inflated salaries in their back pockets (bestowed by the SCO Group board of directors)

Funny thing ... no matter how many times McBride claimed he wanted to be in court in front of his peers, his legal team ALWAYS found a way to delay. Always.
Sue said…
I think its just part of the entertainment - taking a wok of pasta to bed. You also see Nigela in the fridge late at night grabbing a snack from the leftovers she cooked previously.
Unknown said…
apparently colin farrell did that too, when he had to lose weight for a role a few years ago. When asked how got so thin, he said he just stopped eating.
Leighan said…
To be honest, it wouldn't suprise me if they do starve themselves.

There's so much contradiction out there regarding nutrition that they probably thought "screw it!" and just decide to eat nothing at all!

For people within the fitness industry, most of them have no idea about good diet, nevermind someone trying to find out from the outside. Most personal trainers have no idea about diet, and that is the main area.

What a sorry state!
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