Rapid Weight Loss Tanks Metabolism? The TBL Study
Thanks to Yoni Freedhoff of Weighty Matters blog for providing me with the full text of this one. Check out his take on the results. Update 11/11/13: Full text now available free HERE.
Context: An important goal during weight loss is to maximize fat loss while preserving metabolically active fat-free mass (FFM). Massive weight loss typically results in substantial loss of FFM potentially slowing metabolic rate.Objective: Our objective was to determine whether a weight loss program consisting of diet restriction and vigorous exercise helped to preserve FFM and maintain resting metabolic rate (RMR).Participants and Intervention: We measured body composition by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, RMR by indirect calorimetry, and total energy expenditure by doubly labeled water at baseline (n = 16), wk 6 (n = 11), and wk 30 (n = 16).Results: At baseline, participants were severely obese (×± sd; body mass index 49.4 ± 9.4 kg/m2) with 49 ± 5% body fat. At wk 30, more than one third of initial body weight was lost (−38 ± 9%) and consisted of 17 ± 8% from FFM and 83 ± 8% from fat. RMR declined out of proportion to the decrease in body mass, demonstrating a substantial metabolic adaptation (−244 ± 231 and −504 ± 171 kcal/d at wk 6 and 30, respectively, P < 0.01). Energy expenditure attributed to physical activity increased by 10.2 ± 5.1 kcal/kg·d at wk 6 and 6.0 ± 4.1 kcal/kg·d at wk 30 (P < 0.001 vs. zero).Conclusions: Despite relative preservation of FFM, exercise did not prevent dramatic slowing of resting metabolism out of proportion to weight loss. This metabolic adaptation may persist during weight maintenance and predispose to weight regain unless high levels of physical activity or caloric restriction are maintained.

Now the first thing that stuck out to me was the amazing RMR's!! I mean at Week 30, at ~ 190 lbs average weight and 27% body fat, the average RMR was 1763 cal/day. I know without having it checked that my own RMR at ~200 lbs (I logged intake and weighed for a pretty decent stretch in 2009) had to be quite a bit lower as I maintained at roughly 1500 cal/day. As if 1763 weren't enough, their TDEE was 2900 cal/day -- an enormous amount of food! I'd say that it's really hard to justify any sort of assertion that TBL "damages" let alone "destroys" contestants' metabolisms. Now I imagine the TDEE maintenance calories would go down w/o the 4-6 hrs/day of exercise, but if one picks the right foods, the 1763 cal/day RMR translates to roughly 2350 cal/day for a very sedentary person (using RMR as 75% of TDEE). When one considers that Mark Sisson's full sample menu (which he states he rarely eats in its entirety) is around 2500 cal/day, I think making excuses for regain based on some differential from predicted reduction in RMR is bogus. That's two 1000 cal meals and a 500 cal meal. If one of those 1000 cal meals is breakfast, that's 5 eggs fried in butter and a large bagel with cream cheese. Then one could go to McD's for a light lunch for 500 calories and eat 3 Lean Cuisines for dinner. I mean really ....
Frankly as I've been working on my RMR post, I must say I was shocked to see how high their RMR's were. Their initial RMR's are also phenomenal so it's fair to say these contestants did not get obese because their metabolisms were hopelessly slow or they had dysfunctional mitochondria or whatever.
So, is there any other useful information to be gleaned from this study and/or TBL in general? Well, for one, overtraining -- and I don't subscribe to this part, but it IS a competition reality show after all -- and whatever cortisol that produces does not prevent *massive* weight loss. Secondly, from the use it or lose it category, high volume exercise -- the bulk of which is "cardio" -- does appear to be quite effective in maintaining lean body mass. Now, here's my rub with how this study was presented. They say:
Despite relative preservation of FFM, exercise did not prevent dramatic slowing of resting metabolism out of proportion to weight loss.And yet the plot was for adjusted RMR and then the regression line used to predict the post-weight loss intervention took other factors into account. Yet RMR is know to correlate rather tightly with FFM (fat-free mass aka LBM = lean body mass). I would love to have seen a regression of measured RMR vs. FFM. Perhaps this would produce the same conclusions, but body weight does NOT correlate all that well with RMR. If you're looking at how an intervention impacts metabolism, and you're going to "call out" preservation of lean mass, it would be more appropriate to present that analysis (if it was even done, and if not, why not?) than the analysis they did.
The results of this study demonstrate that despite a relative "tanking" of metabolism, participants were able to shed boatloads of fat with admirable preservation of lean mass. That perhaps the rapidity of the intervention is insufficient to allow for adjusting to the NORMAL food intake required to maintain the losses.
Obesity (Silver Spring). 2012 Feb 13. doi: 10.1038/oby.2012.34.
Greater Than Predicted Decrease in Resting Energy Expenditure and Weight Loss: Results From a Systematic Review.
Changes in resting energy expenditure (EE) during weight loss are said to be greater than what can be expected from changes of body mass, i.e., fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM) but controversy persists. The primary focus of this study was to investigate whether there is a greater than predicted decrease in resting EE during weight loss in a large sample size through a systematic review.
This analysis does not support the notion of a greater than predicted decrease in resting EE after weight loss.
PMID: 22327054
I forget where I read it but I agree with the observation ... everyone complains about the metabolic "downside" of losing weight and forgets that when they gained, their metabolic rate was probably higher than if they had remained at steady weight.
Sorry, I don't know what you are trying to say?
It is a lot easier to hold on to lean mass (and hence retain a higher metabolic rate) with resistance training when losing weight, than it is to gain lean mass - that is what I was saying.
> gaines 10 kg of scale weight 3.3 kg of it are
> lean mass even when the individual is totally sedentary
yes, the amount of lean mass one gains along with adipose gains is individual - natural testosterone variation and age probably accounting for huge part of the variation. The 30% number is obviously an average. I dont recall the error bars or standard deviation numbers.
I don't know if this applies to the hyper-obese. I would suspect there's a definite levelling off of lean gains above some threshold.
@fredd: I think when losing close to 60 kg, roughly 10 kg LBM loss would be considered quite good. I have seen total retention of LBM only in studies that involved far smaller losses in total mass. I'm not sure you want to retain all of your LBM even if it means a lower metabolic rate. In my case, I think I may need to deliberately lose lean mass as my appetite (for protein) seems quite well dialed to my current level of LBM. Although I have fat mass left to lose for sure, I think I retained too much lean ... dunno if that makes any sense at all. While metabolic rate correlates highly with LBM it does not appear to be consistently true within the individual. It's been shown that calorie restriction makes our bodies more efficient.
It has been a while since I've commented on here. I've been busy, but I check out the posts from time to time. I could not resist commenting on this one though. It relates too much.
For a refresher: In 2000 I was 300 lbs. By 2004 I was ~180 lbs. I maintained around there until the end of 2010. All that was done low/no carb. Through Carbsane, another site, and my use of university journal access, I learned what the research actually says about kcals. So at the end of 2010 I threw out low carb. The result was a quick drop to 165 lbs. I maintained that through all of 2011. At one point I used the usual practice in research of tracking my kcals with a slow weekly increase to find my avg TDEE to be ~2650 kcals. Knowing what I knew and being so close, I chose to put this knowledge to use at the beginning of of this year to finally lean out to the extent that I always wanted. That resulted in reaching ~10% body fat last month at 150 lbs. As a former low/no carber that maintained for years between 180-190 lbs with a body composition I did not like, my experiences since the end of 2010 have been LIBERATING and transforming. I had given up on this scenario for myself for many years.
With that in mind, my maintenance has been ~2500 kcals/day (and by that I mean average. I eat based on hunger and life with some days high and some low) at this new weight. I also had my RMR measured twice at this new weight and body comp. They produced an RMR of ~1450 kcals/day. Because of all of this, I cannot side with any lamenting over the supposed lower than expected measures for these subjects. Both my RMR and my TDEE are lower than the average of these subjects and I STILL reached my desired composition (weight I ended up at was a byproduct, as it was the composition I was after). I think the researchers said it best: "Although metabolic adaptation acts to decrease the rate of weight loss, it was the subjects with the greatest weight loss who had the greatest metabolic adaptation." A lower than expected metabolic rate does not mean anyone HAS to stay heavier than they want to be. I sure hope people don't use this study as an excuse to not bother trying.
As for the RMR numbers, I have seen plenty of former obese subjects in multiple studies with RMRs like mine that are lower than the subjects in this study. In fact, the only time I see higher RMRs are with never obese subjects. It's not pleasant, for sure, but I think we're just handicapping ourselves if we try to think/live like a never obese person. I have a lower metabolic rate than another 150 lb 5'9" male that has never been obese. OK. I'm not going to bitch about that while I consume more energy than I expend. That's just ridiculous.
I also like that you pointed out that "over-training" and the supposed high cortisol levels did not seem to stop these subjects from losing weight. That is something that I have realized over the last year from reading actual weight loss research. The popular media and gym culture LOVES to talk about those two things...but they never seem to show up in the research as something that matters for moving the scale when an actual deficit is in place... And the cardio didn't cause them to lose all their muscle was a nice catch, too. I hear/read that myth all the damn time.
Hope all's going well with the studies :D
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