James Krieger on the "Tearing Down" nonsense
For those who don't follow me on Twitter and who may miss James' alert comment here today, I'd like to point your attention to the following post on his Weightology blog:
Why Losing Weight Is Like Trading Stocks, Part 2: Bashers and Pumpers
Why Losing Weight Is Like Trading Stocks, Part 2: Bashers and Pumpers
Thank you James for speaking out about this abominable turn of events. And while I'm at it, thank you to all who have emailed, commented publicly here, or even risked the consequences of posting and speaking up in the hostile territories. I think it's a sad commentary on the nature of internet discourse that many seem hesitant to speak out ... if not in my defense, just simply in condemnation for reprehensible and unacceptable behavior. It speaks to the ultimate motivation of silencing people is all I'll say about that.
You know, it's really bad out there when Tom Naughton can't even get through a comedy routine (roast) without bringing up the fact that Jimmy Moore has come under criticism (not attack Fat Head) of late. And several days after returning to dry land still saw fit to post erroneous and misleading accounts of Kruisegate to beat the martyrdrum. Such is the state of Krispdom these days I suppose.
These are the same folks who coo over pictures like this:
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Remember THIS POST? |
Will hurl epithets and smear me if I were to post this:
Oops ... I just did post that! Shame on me!! You'd think that woman on the right would agree with me that Atkins/LC ought to come with a warning label. :D
I never realized James was such a good writer too. That was a great example of using an effective analogy. For some reason I remember that stuff from english class?!
Evelyn, I'm not a scientist or trained in such, so I can't add your sort of scrutinizing weight, but at several blogs, I do try to make them think twice when they mischaracterize you. I think you do the weight loss blogging world a favor, and I hope more LC folks will simply LOOK at your science-related posts and think about the INFO you present, and address THAT, the info, not the characterization.
Later, lady.
There are scenes of Bob and Jillian lecturing their respective teams on how they should eat. Even though there are some variations in their diet plans, both of them say the exact thing for rule number one:
"Low carb"
My wife and I were both stunned since this advice is never explicitly given in later seasons. My guess is that privately, Bob and Jillian eat and recommend relatively low carb diets. Some in the low carb world have even said that Jillian's "Master Your Metabolism" is "not so bad".
There are glimpses of this on occasion in the show (one time Jillian instructed her team to scoop out most of the bread from their Subway sandwiches to cut out some of the empty carbs). There was also a recent interview with Bob on the Crossfit site where he said that it's important to eat fat to lose fat.
Now that's not to say that either of them would ever go to the ridiculous fat obsessed extremes that the low carb community seems to be plunging into these days. Their low carb plans are probably far more Sane and would look more like the Perfect Health Diet than anything in the strict low carb circles.
I think lowering carbs is great for binge-ers like I was, because upping protein makes for satiety, lowering carbs means you tend not to eat the traditional junk foods or higher reward foods (potato chips, fries, pizza, mac n cheese,burritos, etc). I think that is why it helped. Plus I was prediabetic and I do think controlling sugars/starches helps in that situation. I saw my sugars and BP go down radically when I controlled carbs. It worked for me.
But I didn't smother everything in bacon fat or coconut oil or butter. I still watched calories.... I'm unconvinced calories don't count. I think they count DIFFERENTLY because we don't all burn as efficiently, we don't all have the same medical issues, etc, but they count. In my experience....
It's really a shame that there's such a poor rate of transmission between what scientists and researchers are doing and the general public. I think that's actually the best part about what you do at this blog. This stuff is so complicated that it's amazingly easy for laymen, even bright ones who try to follow along with the science, to be mislead by some guru who plays fast and lose with one part out of thousands. Your articles couldn't be published in a journal because that's not what you're going for, but I would wager that you've done more good in aggregate by explaining the science to a wider audience than the last five years of peer-reviewed articles put together.
I hope that reads like a compliment because it's certainly meant that way!
I Guess James Krieger Wants to Fuck With Me. Let’s Go, James.
May 28th, 2012 · Heroes & Villains
My identical comments at his identical postings here (awaiting moderation) and here. I have to draft another post for the morning, 9:30 am EST, and it has to publish precisely to military precision and when you see it, you'll understand why. So, you'll have to read Fuckface Keieger's stupid post yourself, where he tries to impress you with his stock trading prowess by means of overwrought, non-sequitur and just plain stupid analogy. ...Which is no surprise, as he can't even beat himself out of a wet paper sac on the meaning of hypocrisy.
Of course, that moron cunt Evelyn at CarbSane couldn't wait to suck his cock over it.
Look up the word misogynist in the dictionary and you'll see Richard's picture - a person who hates, dislikes, mistrusts, or mistreats women.
from the above post at FTA: "Both good and bad science got us into this mess and both good and bad science will get us out. What's important is personality, drive, sensation, conniving, influence, and a whole list of human attributes people pay attention to" [...] "In the end, the best salesman wins."
As long as the bad science and personalities all line up with your own world view, you're good to go! If not, just do a Google search ... I'm sure there will be someone out there telling you what you want to hear. Just remain uncritical, fuzzy eyed and willing to tow the party line.
And shame on those who try to alert us to the lies, fraudulent claims, bad science and deceptions of the some of the greatest "salesmen" (oops ... I mean diet gurus) that ever walked the earth.
The book includes one-week sample meal plans for 1,200-, 1,500- and 1,800-calorie diets, along with some recipes. Forty-five percent of the total calories come from carbohydrates, 30% from protein, and 25% from fat.
The 4-3-2-1 Biggest Loser Pyramid sets the stage for number of servings from each of the food groups:
4 servings of fruits and vegetables
3 servings of protein -- lean, vegetarian, or low-fat dairy
2 servings of whole grains
1 extra of fats, oils, sweets, alcohol, or your choice, equivalent to 200 calories
On Jimmy's podcast, Dr. Dansinger mentioned that some contestants follow a low carb (his diabetes?) diet.
I signed up for a Jillian Michaels free analysis/plan and will post results to Vicki below.
You're a fast oxidizer.
Because you crave salty foods, cheeses, and meats, you may be a fast oxidizer. This is the fancy term for your metabolic rate. It simply means that you burn through the nutrients in your food rapidly and that you therefore produce energy instantly. If the energy is not used immediately, it is stored as fat. Carbs only speed your oxidation and energy production further. So to best serve your metabolism and feel energized both physically and mentally, you require foods with higher percentages of proteins and fats. Make sure that there is protein in everything you eat, including snacks. Your ideal meals and snacks should break down to a ratio of 20% carbs, 50% protein, and 30% fat.
But the bottom line is, you have to burn more calories than you take in. That's it. And to really do this successfully, you have to eat the ideal diet for your body and metabolism. Believe me — I've struggled with this myself. And I've done a lot of research and work to figure out my ideal diet. And now I want to share my findings with you. I have recipes and snacks that will help you eat better for your body type. And I have secrets and tricks to make it easier. (I didn't say "easy.")
So, that is LC but it's also pretty LF as TBL diet I posted to Mike above is. There's room for Special K and potatoes in both plans. I agree that when folks like Jillian talk low carb they generally mean low junk carbs. I think 20% carb is low carb, but most LC'ers don't agree ;-)
Anywho, hubs rarely reads my own work let alone anyone else's. I had him read James' piece last night as we were waiting for (shhh don't tell anyone) our pizza to be ready. He enjoyed it!
As for Weightology subscription, I didn't subscribe when he went to the pay model because I didn't want to risk copy-catting, and it seemed from the titles that still popped into my reader, we were on similar tacks when he switched over.
I find this all so hysterical that he thinks he's in a position to advise me on the proper way to politely criticize someone. You can't say anything negative about their BS "science" without sucking up first! LOL!!
I think I *get it* now! ;)
I read that as: the science doesn't matter; the salesmanship does. Charisma trumps truth, I guess.
I've heard it bandied about that over 40% is borderline toxic and I doubt JM would recommend more than that if it really was.
percent or fractional is not a good way to specify this.
40% of the calories of a fast?
Of a starvation diet?
Of a binge?
As to the other alleged "toxic effects" of excess protein, I have not found any non-anecdotal corroboration. There are papers that allege human liver cannot process some amount of urea but they don't document toxicity.
Kurt Harris apparently also did his own search and wrote on the high fatters' favourite hobby horse, "rabbit starvation disease" - Kurt couldn't find corroboration that it even exists.
is the inability to see his own real ("truth") qualities (instead of imagined "special qualities"[0]) part of his charisntma
I don't doubt he heard it from someone & invented a justification.
If one feels bad while eating high protein, one might look for a reason. Looking for it, one could find that protein metabolism uses Vitamin A (just one justification I've read), so ... a feeling plus a plausible sounding mechanism and voila, a disease is born.
Fabrication not needed.
Jimmy's new n=1: testing ketones. Sigh. Seems he will try (and re-try) ANYTHING - except, that is, radically alter his paradigm/approach. If there's a better example of entrenched thinking out there, I've never seen it.
Jimmy Moore: From Carboholic to Lipoholic
You said: "Kurt Harris apparently also did his own search and wrote on the high fatters' favourite hobby horse, "rabbit starvation disease" - Kurt couldn't find corroboration that it even exists."
Unless my memory is failing me, I think you are confusing me with someone else. I never wrote specifically on rabbit starvation.
FWIW, Rabbit starvation makes sense as a phenomenon where the ability to process excess amino acids into glucose hits a limit, and it makes sense to me there is such a limit, but I agree that we don't know what it is exactly. So if rabbit starvation means you can only utilize so much excess protein a day for caloric needs, then it's just a form of caloric starvation. There are plenty of historical accounts from the 17th through 19th century that support that there is such a thing.
Conversely, I have written briefly in comments that protein needs are lower than most people, especially bodybuilders, think they are. And I firmly believe that eating all your protein at one meal each day is perfectly fine. I seem to be able to add muscle mass, maintain strength, and not waste away doing so and have been eating most of my protein with the evening meal for years now.
(or copy this & paste to your "url" box)
The excess part adds a twist for me - one my own past trains of thought was about the liquid protein diets. Granted people had lots of negative effects but for the really low fat ones there did not seem to be the type of thing I read about rabbit starvation.
The comparison's biggest flaw is probably that the liquid protein users are usually at a severe calorie deficit and while very high in protein as a fraction, low in absolute mass of protein.
; )
But personally, I thought he was much more mellow before he was conceived
Weight loss diets should *always* be very high protein. It's not for satiety, it's for health. Protein is wasted in starvation.
And, yes, JM like all other successful weight reducers prioritizes protein and minimizes carbs, meanwhile the woman on the right did not get to that size by following a controlled carb diet I promise you.
The thing to keep in mind whenever discussing the diets of bodybuilders is that they're a very specific outlier. The extreme ranges are probably the ones who use anabolic steroids along with a cornucopia of additional substances, some of questionable value. Steroids are often the first thing mentioned whenever a pro bodybuilder suffers from health problems, particularly kidney failure. But could it be that kidney problems amongst a population that ingests upwards of 300-400 grams of protein every day are due more to that, than to other causes?
Weight loss diets should *always* be very high protein. It's not for satiety, it's for health. Protein is wasted in starvation.
Agree with the first statement, but I think it's for both satiety and to prevent catabolism -- especially on "crash" diets. The problem with your typical CRD suggested in the late 70's for women (when I started dieting) was that 15% protein for 1200 cals amounts to 45g protein. IMO protein should be kept to maintenance levels of the baseline diet and indeed this is what has been shown to happen -- absolute gram wise -- in at least two studies I've seen where calories were spontaneously reduced on LC or HP/LF.
meanwhile the woman on the right did not get to that size by following a controlled carb diet I promise you
I agree, but that is not always the point. There are cases where people have gained weight on LC. The sad thing about Amy is that going LC and wedding herself to the lifestyle and the dogma has ended her more obese than when she started. She's discussed many times how she's had periods of adhering, trying to adhere, etc. This is the result. Yo-yo dieting with LC instead of whatever. This is the case for far too many who remain wedded to LC because it worked for them once. Just a month or so ago Amy finally removed her woefully outdated 2001-3 before/after from her website. How she can promote Healthy Low Carb Living and present her "success story" on the recent cruise is beyond me!
Years ago, if you went on a diet and lost some weight, it was only your friends, work colleagues and family that had to suffer if your dieting success made you an annoying and insufferable boor. Now, thanks to the internet and blogging, you can embarrass yourself before millions. Progress????
(I read you regularly before pay-wall, so it nice to read the freebies!!)
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