More Content Rip-Off
I suppose I should be flattered, but I really get angry at times when content from here is ripped off. This latest case is especially maddening because one has to be an idiot -- yes I just called names -- and IDIOT, to think that they can cut and past entire blog posts of original content from a blog such as this, post them on their website with some commentary, ask readers for feedback ... yada yada ... and not think, nay KNOW, this is wrong. Therefore I am posting this here prior to getting a response from the latest rip off artist in the form of one Barry Cripps of Paleo Diet News, to make an example of them.
I posted the comment that follows on this post: ... and I will C&P back from there at the end of this post so please don't do these hacks the favor of following the link unless you feel compelled to weigh in on their behavior.
Hello Barry,
On occasion since my content was being ripped off by feed-reader sites, I Google phrases from my posts and see what turns up. Recently your site turned up. I check my Blogger stats and happened to look at "now" and saw ONE hit from here. This is not surprising considering that when you C&P an entire post, what's the point of going to read it on the original website, right?
If you found this “Paleo Diet: Is There A Negative To Coconut Oil?” article useful, please click the ‘LIKE’ button below to share on Facebook. We also invite you to leave comments, and join the Paleo Diet News discussion! Ummm .... this article WAS NOT YOURS.
Surely you realize that even with attribution, copying and pasting entire blog posts for discussion, etc. on a website like this one is ILLEGAL. Cease and desist. It is not necessary for you to remove existing content, but I will be monitoring to make sure that no further content from my blog is lifted or I will take legal action.
Fair use allows for excerpts, and although guidelines on what constitutes an excerpt are sometimes fuzzy (e.g. what percent of content), it is crystal clear that 100% of content is not "fair use".
I do find it interesting that you lift content from my "ranting spouting and complaining" prior to my "deciding to bring something helpful" , yet cannot bring yourself to include my blog in the sites worth visiting in the right sidebar. WOW.
I don't take stolen content lightly and this site is more than just a random feed rip-off. You are trying to drum up traffic and business here using my content. STOP IT. This behavior is disgusting. And I will blog about this and include this comment because it is unacceptable to me that any website would even consider this sort of behavior in the first place.As of publication here, my comment awaits moderation.
For the record, quite a few popular and less popular "news sites" and magazines link to this site. For example, I recommend as I read their site. They follow a whole lot of paleo and related blogs and post like the first 100 words or so from the feeds. There aren't even ads on the site as of this post! They didn't ask my permission, but AFAIC, they don't need it and I have no qualms with being included on such a site. Actually I'm honored. There are right and wrong ways to go about things, these Paleo Diet News hacks are in the corner of wrong.
The posts (that I know of)
Paleo Diet: Is There A Negative To Coconut Oil?

Coconuts! Image courtesy of
Everywhere you look, there are people shouting the praises ofCoconut oil. It’s pretty much a Paleo Diet staple, and is known to be very healthy. Coconut oil is processed directly into ketone bodies, which means that it isn’t processed in the same way as other fats. Because of this, it is very useful as a treatment for neurodegenerative diseases, like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
It’s a great oil to cook with, because it is mostly saturated fat, so it has a very high smoke point, and it’s very resistant to oxidization, unlike vegetable oils etc. So is there a negative to coconut oil?
According to Evelyn on her Carbsane Blog, there could be. In a post dated May 1st 2012, and titled “Does Coconut Oil Stimulate Appetite?“, Coconut oil could cause a problem for some:
“A comment I read on PaleoHacks led me to this article on Livestrong: Does Coconut Oil increase your appetite? It cites the following study: Ingested Medium-Chain Fatty Acids Are Directly Utilized for the Acyl Modification of Ghrelin.
ABSTRACT:Ghrelin, an acylated brain and gut peptide, is primarily produced by endocrine cells of the gastric mucosa for secretion into the circulation. The major active form of ghrelin is a 28-amino-acid peptide containing an n-octanoyl modification at serine that is essential for activity. Studies have identified multiple physiological functions for ghrelin, including GH release, appetite stimulation, and metabolic fuel preference. Until now, there has not been any report detailing the mechanism of ghrelin acyl modification. Here we report that ingestion of either medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) or medium-chain triacylglycerols (MCTs) increased the stomach concentrations of acylated ghrelin without changing the total (acyl- and des-acyl-) ghrelin amounts.
After ingestion of either MCFAs or MCTs, the carbon chain lengths of the acyl groups attached to nascent ghrelin molecules corresponded to that of the ingested MCFAs or MCTs. Ghrelin peptides modified with n-butyryl or n-palmitoyl groups, however, could not be detected after ingestion of the corresponding short-chain or long-chain fatty acids, respectively. Moreover, n-heptanoyl ghrelin, an unnatural form of ghrelin, could be detected in the stomach of mice after ingestion of either n-heptanoic acid or glyceryl triheptanoate. These findings indicate that ingested medium-chain fatty acids are directly used for the acylation of ghrelin.So, while the MCT’s in CO don’t stimulate more ghrelin production, they do bind ghrelin and convert it to the active form that stimulates appetite. Short chain fatty acids like butyrate and long chain fatty acids like palmitic acid do not do this. The Livestrong article goes on to mention how CO can aid in weight loss, but I’ve not found peer review evidence of impact on metabolic rate, but I have seen one study where replacement of LCT’s with MCT’s has aided slightly in this regard.
I was wondering why this might be and then I was reminded that the only other food I can think of high in MCT’s is human breast milk. Perhaps the MCT’s activating ghrelin ensured babies would eat enough?
In any case, I just wanted to share this with my readers since CO is all the rage in both the low carb and paleo movements. Perhaps it’s something to consider if you’re not losing or gaining weight on an ad libitum diet that includes lots of CO. Those who take CO as a supplement of sorts (why?) might want to reconsider that unless they are trying to gain weight.”
Interesting stuff! What do you think? Is there a negative to coconut Oil? Is this information going to stop you from eating or using so much Coconut oil?
If you found this “Paleo Diet: Is There A Negative To Coconut Oil?” article useful, please click the ‘LIKE’ button below to share on Facebook. We also invite you to leave comments, and join the Paleo Diet News discussion!
Go to, and download my 30-Day UN-Challenge eBook now……It’s a step-by-step guide to your personal health revolution.
Barry Cripps is a Paleo-based, Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, who operates out of Bowling Green, Kentucky.
For more information please visit:
Paleo Diet: Carbsane Vs. Kruse

You know, I guess at some point someone is going to yell at me for helping to spread the negativity and dissension within the Paleo community, and my reply will probably be of the inevitable “Don’t shoot the messenger!!” kind.
I happen to think….as many people do…..that what these people who are being attacked, bring to the table might be perfectly valid, but instead of following them blindly, maybe we need to take a critical eye to the whole thing. Some of the experts in the Paleo community are perfectly “qualified” to do such a thing for us, if we choose not to do our own due diligence. I think that these experts who are critiquing veritable “new-comers” to the Paleo community, are doing exactly what I would expect them to do…..looking at how these newbies conduct themselves, and of course, taking a long hard look at the information they bring to the Paleo table. There are a lot of people talking about Dr. Jack Kruse. Some have positive things to say, others have constructive criticisms, and yet others just tear him a new one at every given opportunity. This is the way of the world, and if what these “authorities” have to say is correct, then what they are peddling will stand the test of time.
It’s important to remember that one of the ways that the conventional knowledge mainstream pulled the wool over our eyes for years is by utilizing the “Appeal to authority” logical fallacy. Just because someone has a PHD, or a it doesn’t mean that they are the be-all and end-all of everything. If I had a PHD in molecular biology, it doesn’t mean that I could be trusted to perform brain surgery, and on the flip-side, just because someone started out as a dentist, became an MD, and now practices Neurosurgery, doesn’t make their Nutritional research skills any better than yours or mine. We can access Pubmed too now, can’t we.
Carbsane Vs. Kruse
On April 1st 2012 Evelyn of the Carb Sane-Asylum blog posted an article entitled “You, PCS vs. Jack Kruse MD, DDS”. Check out what she had to say:
“I’m going through a period of intense disillusionment with the state of this larger diet/nutrition/fitness ancestral/paleo/whole-foods/LC community on the internet and beyond. By far the greatest contributor to this disillusionment has got to be the meteoric rise of one Dr. Jack Kruse,NEUROSURGEON! , although there are certainly others adding to the malaise.The other day I forced myself to re-read — more slowly this time — his Holy Trinity post from the night of his Paleo Summit presentation. Now, apparently Quack Frost (there are just so many good names for this guy, I have to rotate them for him!) has some inside information on how Lance Armstrong trains in the cold. And Phelps too? He implies that he does. But in the Paleo Summit he states affirmatively that Phelps spends 18 hours a day in a 50 degree pool. This is how myths start, because I just Googled “Phelps cold adaptation” and I come across this. Folks I don’t have a medical degree. I was, however, a swim instructor, pool rat and lifeguard in my yoot (as My Cousin Vinny would say). So I suppose one could claim that I have some special experience that qualifies me to know that nobody trains in anything near 50 degree swimming pools. And yet it turns out that most people know this, even if it’s from a report that says so-and-so went missing in 65 degree water with the dire prognosis of survival. The fact that a doctor would even say this, let alone repeat it (Phelps is cited over 10 times in the Holy Trinity post alone) is disillusioning in and of itself. That others seem to accept this without skepticism is disheartening. That still others now repeat it as fact, moreso.”
Honestly, I’m not a big fan of name calling, but Evelyn certainly gets creative with the nicknames. Appropriate or not, I can’t help but find myself chuckling when I read her articles.
“I’m recalling from my Olympic “feel good” coverage, that Phelps is the child of a single mom of limited means who sacrificed greatly for him to be able to train. Although he’s now (though he did his best to blow quite a bit of it) famous and enriched by his success, training in a 50 or even a 60 degree pool for however many hours defies logic. No facility would keep their pool at anywhere near that temperature even if some young speedy swimming whippersnapper promised dreams of gold, because nobody else would use the pool. Even if he could now afford it, how did he get to where he’s at? As a normal warm adapted mammal that’s how. Sure, he spends a lot of time in water colder than his body … but not anywhere near 50 degrees. NOBODY swims in 50 degree water for any length of time on any sort of regular basis without an insulating wetsuit. The cold plunge at my recent vacation spot was at 60 degrees.So You, PCS — those letters you’ve earned stand for Practitioner of Common Sense — Practice your hard earned degree!”
“Practitioner of Common Sense”…that’s what PCS stands for, I was wondering, weren’t you? She has a point here. Even those of us who don’t have applicable medical degrees etc, we are all qualified to read this stuff for ourselves, and use a critical eye. Just because it is written, it isn’t necessarily the truth!
“Ahhhh but perhaps Dr. Duvet simply misspoke there. I don’t think so because he’s evoked Phelps name over and over. What makes his swimming ability so superior? Do not all the other swimmers also train in water cooler than 98.6F? But let’s move on to another claim by Leptin Man MD, DDS.Next up we get the “freeze your ass off” theory of cold thermogenesis and weight loss. In this part of the theory Jack tells us that cold adaptation or therapy or whatever leads to the die-off — or that big word “apoptosis” — of fat cells. Now I’m going to ask you this, and go dust off and don your PCS cap and gown first before answering. What evolutionary advantage would there be to a mammal that evolved in the cold (as Frosty claims) to have it’s subcutaneous fat cells die off thereby making it more susceptible to the cold? If we are indeed cold-weather mammals, who are supposed to reconnect with our cold-water brethren, what do You, PCS know of cold water mammals? Ummmm …. they have lots of subcutaneous fat, aka blubber! The purpose of which is to insulate them from the cold! So, exercise your hard earned degree and reject this woo woo! In his Underground Wellness Radio interview with Sean Croxton, Kamal from PaleoHacks called in and asked him specifically about this. Leptin Man claims that applying cold to the skin in the form of 50 degree water is the same as killing off fat cells by essentially freezing them. And Kruse stood fast that the mechanism was the same. He evoked the fact that Koreans who had frostbite on their faces never regenerated the tissue or something like that. Does this make any sense to you, common or otherwise?? On his blog he cites a study done on pigs. They subjected the pigs to sub-freezing temperatures (-1, -3, -5 and -7 deg C) applied locally to skin, for relatively short periods of time (10 min) under anesthesia. This apparently killed off some fat cells without damaging the skin. How on earth this applies to ice water baths causing fat cells to release leptin I’ll never know and I’m thinking You, PCS can see the difference as well.”
Let’s also not forget that our Ketogenic friends, the Inuits, are known to be rather “plump” in nature. Why? Probably because their cold-adapted bodies require a little insulation to help retain body-heat in frigid temperatures….just like seals, whales, and any other mammals that reside in the cold extremes of the world. The fat composition of these people is probably skewed heavily towards the Brown Adipose Fat (BAT) that we have spoken about before, since the purpose of Cold Therapy in this respect is to activate BAT, since it is metabolically active. Why then would we be looking to “kill” fat cells? Isn’t that counter productive?
“On to the crux of the super dud Kruse missile. What does a blast of cold do to you? You, a warm blooded human being that is … cold adapted or otherwise. It, as the term “thermogenesis” implies, causes your body to shunt fuel use towards generating heat … to keep you warm. The studies that demonstrate reduced temperature extends lifespan have mostly been done in cold blooded animals (like our worm friends). They live longer in cooler environments because itShe looks Cold Adapted Doesn't She!slows their metabolic rate. Now remember, this CT stuff is for longevity and weight loss. Jack claims that at Restaurant Depot he walks into the freezer and undresses down to his t shirt and when he comes out he’s bright red and his skin is hot to the touch. He also talks about lighting your internal pilot light. This is true I suppose, if a bit exaggerated. But it is also counter to the life extending reduction incore temperature. I simply cannot muddle through all of his ramblings on CT to see if he actually suggests you cool your brain as well, but the fact of the matter is, to cool the core of a warm blooded animal, you have to trick the thermostat in the brain into thinking the body is warmer than it really is — exactly the opposite of sitting in ice baths will do for your metabolism. Jack MD, DDS does not see this although several folks have called him on it and tried to get him to understand that thermogenesis does not reduce one’s core temperature. I’m thinking You, PCS do, but just in case, I have one study for you in a warm blooded mouse. They were able to lower the core temperature by increasing uncoupling in a region of the brain, generating heat near the “thermostat” in the hypothalamus. Sensing warm temperatures, the hypothalamus doesn’t send out the signals to the furnace — the BAT in mice — to warm the core. The mice had lower energy expenditure, lower core temperatures, and lived longer. It is not known if the mice sensed feeling cold all the time ….”
Agreed! None of the evidence that I have seen in reference to the efficacy of Cold Thermogenesis says anything about lowering core temperature. Why would anyone want to lower their core temperature? That’s insane! A cold core temperature doesn’t lead to an increased metabolism, and also doesn’t help the immune system. The aim is to raise core temperature and activate BAT through stimulating the exterior with cold temperatures. This reduced core temp BS sounds like an attempt to invoke hibernation!
“Speaking of common sense …Quack Frost likes to jibber jabber about thermal coefficients and such. If you missed it, I discussed some of this in Quantum Bullshit, but that was more about the electron nonsense. Basically he talks about manipulating the thermal coefficient of the environment. I finally figured out what he was trying to say, which is basic physics. The rate of transfer of thermal energy depends on several factors:
- Temperature gradient — faster the larger the temperature differential between two bodies
- Surface area of contact — directly related
- Thermal conductivity of the bodies
I think the last one is the coefficient he’s talking about. It’s why you can survive for a lot longer in freezing air (32F, 0C) than in ice water at the same temperature. Numbers 2&3 are why your beer gets colder faster if you dunk it in ice water vs. packing it in ice cubes vs. sticking it in the freezer. (Those quick cool gizmos that spin a can in ice water are pretty neat! And I’m not sure where Jack gets that ice water is 8 degrees F warmer than ice …) In any case, Jack discussed in his interview these coefficients again — another Quiltism is that he talks conduction of cold repeatedly which you learn in any basic physical science class is not how it works. Cold is the absence of heat. Thermal energy flows from relatively warmer to relatively cooler. Many engineering majors will take a class called Heat Transfer, not Cold Conduction! But I digress …So when asked how to do this CT stuff, Jack talks about how you can do it with air but that it is very inefficient to get cold adapted. So instead he got tens of pounds of ice and put them in a tub of water and immersed himself for two to four hours a night! Yes you heard that right. But what’s funnier is that he talks of how metal is an even more efficient conductor … and then … with a chuckle …. he actually cautions people not to use metal to do this! That’s right, folks. Don’t try this at home!! And why? Because you see Dr. “I’m a Brain Surgeon” Duvet, Jack Kruse MD, DDS apparently did. Although he doesn’t give details, one gets the impression that little experiment didn’t end well. I’m quite sure You, PCS would not try this.”
Wow. That about says it all doesn’t it! I don’t think I need to add anything, to that. Finally, In what appears to be an addendum by Evelyn, there is another block of text at the bottom of the article, that looks like it was an afterthought…..but it’s poignant nonetheless:
“OK … Seriously now. For those not aware, Jack Kruse has taken his schtick to a new level with a paid membership site. For free you can be a Kruse Kruiser, for $48/month a Kruse Karnivore, and for $248/month you can be in the Kruse Klub. Now nobody is forcing anyone to part with their money, but something like this only happens when enough people in positions of influence give a person like Kruse a podium of respect. He was part of the Paleo Summit, the inspirational keynote speaker at PaleoFX (in addition to giving a speech), he’ll be speaking at TEDx Nashville, he’s speaking on the Low Carb Cruise, and he’ll be speaking at the Ancestral Health Symposium. This is a travesty in my opinion. I’ve covered the more “physical sciencey” stuff here, and will continue to do so. Do also go please read Melissa McEwen’s Uses and Misuses of Evolutionary Biology where she covers that angle. Others are beginning to speak out about this and I think it’s important that the volume get turned up.As a formerly obese person who has struggled with my weight for decades, the one thing I cannot sit back and watch happen without speaking out about, it’s taking advantage of obese people for profit. Let me be clear here. I have NO problem with people making a living and charging for their services. Nobody owes anyone anything for free, and that includes those who have something valuable to say to help others improve their lives, be it healthy eating, fitness, performance, weight management, etc. I do have a serious issue with separating often desperate people from their money with false promises and quackery. The formerly obese, and worse yet the still obese, doing it just truly disgusts me. I cannot and will not stand by silently when I see it happening.”
So does anyone agree with Evelyn on this? Maybe you’re all scared to speak out and be judged yourself? Without going into too much detail, I have to be honest and say that I tend to be on Evelyn’s side with this one folks. Have a great day!
Go to, and download my 30-Day UN-Challenge eBook now……It’s a step-by-step guide to your personal health revolution.
Barry Cripps is a Paleo-based, Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, who operates out of Bowling Green, Kentucky.
For more information please visit:
Carbsane Weighs In On Cold Therapy
Evelyn AKA Carbsane, has been ranting, spouting, and complaining about Jack Kruse for quite a while now, but she finally decided to bring some helpful information to the table in an article on April 11th 2012. In the article entitled “Cold Adaptation, BAT & Thermogenesis”, Evelyn brings us back to the reality of the true function of BAT, and the effectiveness of Cold Therapy.
“Lerner posted a link to this study in comments on another post: Cold-Activated Brown Adipose Tissue in Healthy Men. A small part of the study where they looked at BAT activity for the three subjects with the most BAT under neutral thermal conditions caught my eye, and I think this is central to some of the confusion Kaptain Konfusion has introduced into this whole discussion. They tested all subjects lying on their backs in a chamber, first for one hour in thermoneutral temp, next for 2 hours at 17C. For three subjects they retested in thermoneutral temps for the entire time.There was no detectable brown-adipose-tissue activity in the three subjects who were retested under thermoneutral conditions. Brown-adipose-tissue activity was recorded in Subject 2 at 856.5 kBq during exposure to cold and 0 kBq in thermoneutral conditions, in Subject 3 at 587.2 kBq during cold exposure and 0 kBq in thermoneutral conditions, and in Subject 4 at 250.0 kBq during cold exposure and 0 kBq thermoneutral conditions.What this clearly shows is that just having BAT doesn’t mean it’s active when the thermal energy it is capable of generating is not required. When you look at where humans have BAT, it seems mostly to keep our heads and neck warm. BAT is active in infants — very small humans — and generally less active in adults. Not surprisingly, BAT is a far more important factor for small animals, like rodents, than large ones. So in adults we still have to maintain a body temperature often radically differing from our environment, and one can come to the reasonable conclusion that thermogenesis — heat creation — comes from processes other than uncoupling in BAT.Humans living in colder climates tend to retain more BAT/BAT function than those living in warmer climates. While clearly we can use BAT, we also make use of WAT for insulation for body temperature regulation. I mentioned this before, but say it again: cold-water mammals are fatty fat blubbery fatties! However, this 1980 paper cites studies where Alaskan Eskimos had similar subQ fat to whites. Could perhaps our northern cousins have learned the fine art of exogenous insulation? Methinks so. Incidentally that paper claims mostly that the higher basal metabolism is from the high protein and fat content in the diet. This would actually be the high protein content, if true. In any case, whatever the adaptations, the Inuit are cold-adapted from living in that climate all the time, not from jumping in the ice water from time to time!So this whole cold exposure therapy for adaptation, etc. seems a bit confused. If the goal is to increase BAT, I ask “to what end?”. Even if you sit in an ice bath for an hour a day, every day, there’s those other 23 hours in the day when you’ll probably be in ambient temperatures. I get if you purposely turn down the thermostat in the winter and crank the AC in the summer time and spend almost no time outside when the air temp creeps above, say, 50F, you’re going to use that BAT. But I also think that is when your body may start thinking about upping the subQ fat to adapt you to your chronically cold environment. If you’re not, then it’s really the time you spend in the cold and the calorie-intensive thermogenesis in response that’s the issue. I was happy to see Ray Cronise suggest good old fashioned swimming in 80 degree water over the short periods lying in very cold water. He also warned to be mindful of the hunger that might result in compensatory overeating some 2-4 hours afterwards. I say might, because this is something that I have never experienced myself. I always used to lose weight in the summers when I was younger because I went to the pool and swam and dove as much as I could and just never felt particularly hungry afterwards. If anything I like to eat lighter in the summer and my lengthy but moderate “cold therapy” (who knew?) didn’t have me itching for a lot of food. Chronic cold makes me hungry, which is the opposite of what some of the Khillin’ Krusers are claiming. Eh? On that note it’s important to listen to your own body, right?In any case, this study showed that your BAT is only going to rev up while under thermal stress, so just having more BAT isn’t going to do much for you unless you have a use for it. We see that Subject 2 had more than 3X the energy output from their BAT vs. Subject 4, and yet in thermoneutral conditions, didn’t manage to produce squat all the same. The “cultivating” of BAT may well have some life-improving qualities such as better cold tolerance, so I’m not saying it’s a futile endeavor, however it’s not going to be a calorie-burning bonus over WAT if you don’t need it to be. Still, it does burn off calories during the cold exposure, and for some, an hour in the cold is preferable to exercise.So there’s cold adapted and then there’s cold adapted. If you improve your tolerance of cold with intermittent cold exposure that “pumps up” your brown fat, a better term for this might be cold conditioned. Because to me, cold adapted really applies to folks living 24/7/365 in colder climates. That’s adaptation (and favors a layer of fat for insulation if anything), so you won’t see many shredded humans living by traditional means in arctic climates.”
In a nutshell, Evelyn is saying that just taking a short ice-bath everyday isn’t going to do much, because Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) is active and producing heat while a person is IN the ice-bath, but during the rest of the day, the BAT isn’t doing jack. Also, regardless of whether certain people are claiming reduced appetite or not, my last article on Ray Cronise showed where Ray is fully aware of the appetite raising effects of Cold Therapy, and warns people against it. He makes no claims of reduced appetite.
One of the things that Ray Cronise has said about his Thermal Loading principle is that generally lowering the temperature of your daily environment is better than only taking a cold shower or ice-bath. Eating according to the Paleo Template, while making an effort to lower the overall temperature of your daily living environment, will probably have more combined benefit to metabolism, and BAT activation, than a daily ice bath alone…..unless you’re spending 4 hours in there like Jack Kruse.
If you found this article useful, please click the ‘LIKE’ button below to share on Facebook. We also invite you to leave comments, and join the Paleo Diet News discussion!
Go to, and download my 30-Day UN-Challenge eBook now……It’s a step-by-step guide to your personal health revolution.
Barry Cripps is a Paleo-based, Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, who operates out of Bowling Green, Kentucky.
For more information please visit:
This is entirely my responsibility, not Barry’s. Paleo Diet News is my site. Barry writes for this site.
The premise of this site is what’s called curation. This means that no more than 40% of an article on another site can be quoted. This also includes full attribution and links in the article back to the original post. I had not been monitoring what was taken from your site and others, as I should have. I am deeply sorry for this misunderstanding. I will make certain this does not happen again. The links to sites worth visiting are periodically updated and I will gladly add yours to the list if you would like.
Ripping off content is not something anyone should condone. I certainly do not. If you would like me to remove the posts, I will do so.
Again, please accept my apologies for this.
Best Regards
Lila Solnick
But seriously-- kudos to you, Lila.
Hi Lila,
Thank you for your prompt reply. While I now understand this site’s content is your ultimate responsibility, your writers should be aware of the bare minimum of “fair use” practices.
I appreciate the response, and as I said in my first comment, deleting existing problem posts is not necessary … not having this happen again is. It’s always a compliment — whether in flattering or critical light — to be cited, it’s just not quite so much so when one’s content is lifted word for word in total.
If you’d like to include me in your blog list, that’s great — I only mentioned this because it seemed odd to me to feature my content in articles but not in the blog list.
Thanks again for the prompt consideration of my concerns.
And Lila also emailed me to make sure I received this. I'm happy she's taken responsibility.
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