Carbohydrates and Diabetes ~ Part II

I really struggle sometimes wondering what goes on in the minds of the staunch low carb advocates. Something comes along that's just their sort of "red meat" revelation -- you know a "what if everything you thought you knew was wrong" sort of bombshell -- and they just seem incapable of wrapping their head around it because it goes against what they've been told by their LC heroes. Instead of even trying to reconcile the cognitive dissonance, it seems they'd rather just move the goal posts .... just one more time? I suppose it is easier to believe in fairy tales, to convince yourself that the rebel path you chose on the word of so-called experts is the right one to optimal health and immortality. The alternative does tend to get rather uncomfortable. When I wrote Carbohydrates and Diabetes , my intent was to dispel one of the more common remaining myths about carbohydrates. This is one that, sadly, is embraced by the mainstream as well. ...