There's no dietary need for saturated fat ...

Random Bump! Original Publish Date: 6/15/12 There's no dietary need for saturated fat ... ... or monounsaturated fats, MUFA, for that matter. Therefore low fat diets, where most of the fat is essential PUFA, are optimal. The body can make all the SF and MUFA we need from carbohydrates. Furthermore, relying on this metabolic pathway as a source of body fat is metabolically advantageous for weight management as making fat from carbohydrate is an energy intensive process. Sounds a little silly, right? I think so. But so, too, is the ridiculous mantra from low carbers citing the fact (true) that there's no dietary necessity for carbohydrate. You know the drill, we can make all the glucose we need by gluconeogenesis (just saying that makes me feel smarter) therefore LC diets are optimal. There is a metabolic advantage built into LC diets because gluconeogenesis requires energy to convert protein to glucose.