Appearance on Evil Sugar Radio Podcast & Book Update

Hello all! A little while back I recorded a podcast with Antonio Valladares and Scott Kustes of Evil Sugar Radio. It airs today. We discuss my book, Restriction Addiction , as well as TWICHOO and Gary Taubes. We also discuss a bit of paleo craziness. It was a lot of fun and I hope you'll enjoy! EPISODE 39 Edit: Apparently over on the website someone left a comment challenging my representation of Stefansson's all meat diet. From my response: “During the first 2 days his diet approximated that of the Eskimos, as reported by Krogh and Krogh (3), except that he took only one-third as much carbohydrate. The protein accounted for 45 per cent of his food calories. The intestinal disturbance began on the 3rd day of this diet. During the next 2 days he took much less protein and more fat so that he received about 20 per cent of his calories from protein and 80 per cent from fat. In these tw...