Jimmy Moore ~ Low Carb Asset or Liability?
Another timely bump. Note that this is almost one year after original publication. In response mostly to this post, Jimmy wrote: Who Knew Eating Butter Would Be So Controversial? Seriously? There's a difference between eating a pat of butter here and there, and putting a half pound on a plate with some eggs and calling that a meal.
A few weeks ago, I attended the annual Paleof(x) conference in Austin, Texas and it was such a fantastic experience for everyone in the Paleo, primal, low-carb, real food community. Getting to meet so many people who shared their stories about how the work I am doing is changing their lives is incredibly gratifying and makes me appreciate the unique opportunities that this platform affords me. And while it was a positive experience attending this amazing event, the fact is it was also pretty stressful. It’s happy stress, but stress nonetheless. Plus, as you’ve know I’ve been hunkered down banging out my book on ketogenic diets which entails yet another layer of stress all to its own. Isn’t it ironic that the process of writing a book about health could be so unhealthy? Ahhhh, but I’m not complaining because the end result will be so worth all the effort it took to get there. You’ll see.
With the rise in cortisol as of late, it has taken a toll on my ketones (under 1.0 mmol), blood sugar (hovering around 100), and weight (up ~20 pounds since January). I’m not worried about these things because I recognize what’s going on. Once the editing process of Keto Clarity is finished in the next couple of months, I’ll be able to devote time to recovering and getting all of these numbers back in line again.
Note the bolded play of the Martyr Card. Cortisol. Damned that hormone and its magical fat hoarding abilities!
Original Publish Date 4/20/14
Ahh Jimmy Moore.
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My own personal ketogenic rehabilitation plan: 5 local pastured eggs cooked in salted Kerrygold grassfed butter with garlic spices and a whole stick of unsalted Kerrygold grassfed butter.
After returning from last week's Paleo(f)x conference travel from South Carolina to Austin, Texas, my ketones and blood sugar have been going wacky on me. So to help get things back in line again, this is a great go-to meal to push ketone levels higher, blood sugar levels lower. If you're ever struggling with ketone production, try this and see how you do.
Jimmy went on to claim that he's so carb sensitive even leafy greens need to be limited. This will be Gary Taubes' lasting legacy from GCBC for Dummies, aka Why We Get Fat. If Jimmy replaced half of that block of butter with an equal amount of calories in not only leafy greens but even a potato or two, he'd be far better off.
For anyone not familiar with Kerrygold, that's an 8 ounce block there = 1 cup of butter. To go with butter to cook 5 eggs in. I'm not going to bother with the fancy nutritional break down here, but this meal is roughly 35 grams of protein and a whopping 180g fat. In one sitting. This is NOT healthy. For anyone. NOBODY in the history of mankind has ever considered a block of butter a meal. This is beyond insane. AND HE IS ENCOURAGING OTHERS TO FOLLOW HIS LEAD.
Later in the same day as posting this, Jimmy had this exchange on Twitter:
Yes folks, butter is gathered! This would be humorous if it weren't so sad and so many still follow this guy's lead. I don't know what Victory Belt is thinking giving this guy a second book deal, but that he is any sort of leader or mouthpiece for the low carb and paleo communities is a joke. Worse than Fat Head comedy routine fare at that.
I got in trouble for "persecuting" members of the low carb community when I began calling them out with my Is LC morphing into HAES series. I stand by that series, and no, no matter how much know-nothings repeat misrepresentations of what I say, I was not mocking ANYONE for their weight.
Read any LC diet book, beginning with Atkins, and there is the same promise of effortless weight loss consuming tons of food. It's the insulin stupid! But these gurus all ran into the same problem everyone else has: weight is difficult to lose when you have a lot of it to lose, and if you succeed at losing it, it is even more difficult to maintain. I get that. I've lived that. But the low carb community on the whole are poor ambassadors for their "way of eating". This is when weight loss morphed into "I'm doing this for my health" and *healthy* got attached to low carb all over the place.
Q: Why do you care about Jimmy's weight you middle aged woman, you? (paraphrased from marksuave recent comments here).
A: I don't. I care about others who might follow his lead. I care about their health and that they are making the best choices for themselves based on the facts as we know them, not as folks like Jimmy twist them.
When you read, look, listen and learn from the LC gurus, the health picture is pretty dismal indeed. Jimmy has been using phrases such as "I'm doing keto for my health not weight loss" since last Fall. Translation: "I'm gaining weight again". In 2012, weighing close to 300 lbs, Jimmy told Abel James he was the healthiest he's ever been. A year later, as he dipped below the 250 pound mark, readers were treated to a litany of health problems he was suffering that ketosis had resolved.
Why when I read that does the image of this guy keep popping into my head?
Now I am sorry to point this out, but in most studies involving weight loss on a reasonable low carb diet, metabolic markers do tend to improve. Not all of them, however, and that cannot be ignored. But Jimmy Moore may well be the first person to ever lose 80 lbs and see his LDL go up 80 points (or more). His fasting blood sugars had been creeping into pre-diabetic range for years prior, he required berberine to bring them down. (This, by the way on the backdrop of an ex low carber and a current one admitting to prediabetic and frank diabetic FBG levels recently).
And yet ... There he was at PaleoFX last weekend moderating two panels. One on how to piss off your mainstream doctor and waste thousands of dollars on functional medicine, and the other to clear up the cholesterol confusion only he seems to have. (Pay no attention to that MLM banner ... run away!!)
Jimmy has taken to loaning out his soapbox -- aka the Livin la Vida Low Carb Show -- to all manner of chiropractors and "nutritionists" practicing medicine without a license on the internet. This is his "relevance" at this point. The low carb community gets mad -- boy do they ever -- when anyone points out the circus side show nature of it all. "That's just Jimmy" pretty much doesn't cut it any more. That's a dangerous man is what he is.
So yesterday it was brought to my attention that one of my biggest fans, goes by the name of Eddie, is turning a bit on his friend. It seems Eddie is not happy with Jimmy's butter stunt. It makes a mockery of low carb. Eddie doesn't like me too much because I expose the underbelly of his beloved community. I also blog on the science here as regards what type 2 diabetes really is. In his world view, there is only one way to go with that -- VLC and metformin. It's a myopic view shared by many in the low carb community and they must prevent people from being exposed to folks like me who might show you otherwise through credible scientific references. But anyway ...
He is upset with this stunt. Hellooooooo?!! Where have you been?
- 2007: Jimmy gets to 248, goes on Kimkins, loses 35 or so pounds. Generates a lot of publicity, rakes in a lot of money.
- 2010: Jimmy gets to 280, goes on an eggfast -- nothing but eggs and coconut oil and butter for a month. He reported a partial cholesterol profile at that time. Not good.
- 2011: Jimmy gets to 290, goes on a beef, egg and CO "challenge" that quickly morphs to a BECO + chocolate diet.
- 2011: After falling off that diet he fasts for 6 days and reaches his pre-KK weight of 248. This sets him up to regain and he is up to 285 by year's end
- 2012: Jimmy tops 300 lbs and goes on "nutritional ketosis" experiment for one year.
See a pattern yet Eddie? These are just the major extreme weight loss stunts. Each time he has profited through affiliate sales and such as everyone marvels at the great weight loss magic. I remember your comments on the stalker blog about how he would "show me" ... ummm ... show me what? That he can lose weight? He has shown the world that many times over. He did it once with a low fat diet in 1999 losing 170 lbs then. The only person Jimmy is impressing these days is the naive newbie or those who hope his shirt tails are long enough to garner them publicity and a chance at the internet prize$.
Have you seen this video? { EDIT 4/20 Awww, he removed the video. No doubt because it shows him not only eating butter in a manner no normal person would, but because he did that while promoting Julian Bakery bread. Julian Bakery now makes paleo breads and has co-re-branded as Paleo Inc. Still very bad man and bakery to Jimmy Moore who hates that Paleo Magazine runs rull back-cover ads for Paleo bread and the like. Oh oops! Jimmy runs ads for Paleo Mag ... Awkward! }
Have you seen this video? { EDIT 4/20 Awww, he removed the video. No doubt because it shows him not only eating butter in a manner no normal person would, but because he did that while promoting Julian Bakery bread. Julian Bakery now makes paleo breads and has co-re-branded as Paleo Inc. Still very bad man and bakery to Jimmy Moore who hates that Paleo Magazine runs rull back-cover ads for Paleo bread and the like. Oh oops! Jimmy runs ads for Paleo Mag ... Awkward! }
Skip to around the 5 minute mark where he makes a "pizza" with *only* half a stick of butter on it. 2009 Eddie, 2009. Jimmy has been struggling against self-made metabolic demons. If his metabolism is broken, he did that, and it wasn't even the Little Debbies and Coke from his first 32 years to blame. Perhaps you missed all the times -- when he allowed comments and discussions on his menus blog -- so many well meaning folks, myself included, encouraged him to moderate his approach, stabilize his weight, stop the "up the fat" and calorie denial that was sabotaging his efforts. He didn't want any of it. But you keep on calling me an awful human being when I call charlatans out on their games and do my best to present the full picture. Remember, I came to this wanting to find reassurances about LC. You can believe what you want from what others say, but that is the truth.
Good to have you on board calling out the damage he does to what remains of the legitimacy of low carb diets for diabetes and weight loss. There is some. It is not a silver bullet though, and there are options for some that LC dogma simply will not accept. Why do you want to limit the information on which people make their health choices? Rhetorical question.
EDIT #2 4/20:
I forgot to add something that came to my attention recently as well. People who just come across Jimmy's sites, or catch him as a guest on a podcast, see him at an annual CONference, etc., generally have no idea what's really going on. It is OK to struggle with weight. It is not OK to be dishonest about it while personally vouching for products and services and profiting off of them. In the past almost two years Jimmy has encouraged non-diabetic people to waste money on diabetic supplies and it showed in his yearly review of Amazon sales. Even this tweet is about "rehabilitation" for his ketone levels, no mention that this has not been working for some time for his weight maintenance. Even if he were 230, it would appear that those 230 lbs are increasingly "bad" -- as in less lean, more fat, and more concentrated abdominal obesity, a situation we can all agree (I hope) is associated with being less rather than more healthy. But in articles and elsewhere, his ORIGINAL now almost 10 year old weight loss before/afters are still used.
Articles such as this one: Ketogenic diet expert Jimmy Moore credits low-carb diet for 180-lb weight loss. Granted it's an examiner.com article, but ...
... Moore, 42, said eating more fat not only helped him lose weight, but boosted his energy, eliminated nagging carb cravings, and improved his cholesterol profile. "Saturated fat actually raises your good cholesterol the best of all the foods you can eat," said Moore, who detailed his research in his books, Cholesterol Clarity and 21 Life Lessons From Livin' La Vida Low-Carb. ....
... Jimmy is a leader in the growing LCHF movement, which has been buoyed by recent medical reports touting the many health benefits of unprocessed saturated fat. Moore discusses the LCHF diet on his widely read blog, Livin' La Vida Low-Carb, and his popular weekly podcast.
Expert? Research?Moore joins a long list of health and medical experts who agree that unprocessed saturated fat does not cause obesity, diabetes, or heart disease. ....
'I Am Never Hungry'
Moore has had no trouble maintaining his 180-pound weight loss, and said he typically consumes about 20 grams of carbs a day. That may sound restrictive to some, but Moore insists his high-fat diet — which typically consists of eggs, avocados, bacon, sour cream, and full-fat cheese — satisfies him completely.
"Sometimes I actually forget to eat," he said. "It's freeing to not be burdened with the need to eat every three to four hours, like most people do."
About once every 24 hours is all I ever eat.
Post edit. A message via email from a well known and highly respected medical professional who asked to remain anonymous on this blog. Full name and address supplied.
"I follow Jimmy on Twitter, and yesterday he tweeted that he was eating five eggs cooked in Kerrygold butter with an additional stick of Kerrygold (8 oz, or roughly 240 grams), and that was it for the day. That's less than 40 grams of protein and over 200 grams of fat for the day. Jimmy is quite tall and needs at least twice that amount of protein at a minimum.
When someone asked him why he didn't include any spinach or other greens with the
eggs, he said that occasionally he eats greens but "I'm so carb sensitive that even greens can be problematic." This is nonsense, of course. And he doesn't even have diabetes!
His latest cholesterol profile is abominable; I know you use different values in the UK, but his LDL-C and LDL-P are extremely elevated and place him at very high risk for a cardiac event.
I'm so conflicted because on the one hand Jimmy has been a great advocate of the low-carb lifestyle and is friends with all of the major researchers in this area. But what he's promoting now is very irresponsible, in my opinion. I'm worried about his health and the perception that the non-low-carb community will have of us, since he's such a visible and vocal proponent of low carb.
Moderate protein, higher percentage of healthy fats, and lots of healthy vegetables. That is the way to follow low carb if you want to improve your health."
He's a sex symbol, deal with it.
Jimmy says he has no health insurance. Fred Hahn, whose LDL ~ 180 (which means his TC could be north of 300) chimes in: "Why doc, what would that reveal?" Doc: "Young people often have zero CAC with a postive CIMT."
Doc is right but it's not just the young. The CAC doesn't really become meaningful until you turn 50. The calcium score starts soaring from 50. Fred can celebrate his zero CAC, but in his age group, say, between 40-50, the majority (55%) of the tested population does as well.
JM is apparently not the only person struggling on a high-fat regimen. Atkins sponsored Ken Altena has been having issues as well. I was surprised to see these recent images of him; quite sad actually since KA wholly embraces and emphasizes regular exercise. In fact, in youtube comments, he cites the lack of exercise for his recent gain. So much for CICO criticism.
some on the other forums seem to think zero CAC means absolute immunity from heart disease.
I see this one- did you post this comment from a different-than-usual account?
> Jimmy Moore is not the only one it seems who is apparently struggling on LC. I was surprised to see these recent images of K Altena, official
Charles, I see your comment there:
You asked him, "My blood work from October 2005 showed my lipid profile as nearly ideal with HDL at 71, triglycerides at 57, VLDL at 11, LDL at 119, and total cholesterol at an acceptable 201. This was what my numbers looked like after livin’ la vida low-carb for about 22 months and I was proud to see them doing so well." This i s not possible when you have reactively high cholesterol or perhaps Jimmy was on a high-carb Paleo diet, then. Jimmy is lying about these prior numbers or are these his pre-low carb numbers?
The official Australian medical guidelines state that doctors should not refer patients for CAC scans. Australian radiology centres are also advised not to offer CAC scans.
Also, I think Evelyn pointed this out earlier, around the time of those 2005 results, he had only recently quit lipid-lowering drugs. So the result you see may have been the consequence of his pre-low carb days with medication.
"My guess the big part of Jimmy's problem is the particular hormonal balance after a massive weight loss. What sort of a medical attention such people normally receive besides the advice to eat less and move more? People in such condition do not receive an adequate help and manage the best way they can, often on their own. For example, Wooo reported, that according to her experience, leptine injections completely stopped her body from regaining weight after a big weight loss. I am sure it wouldn't help everyone, but others like her could be possibly helped and would be like insulin-dependent diabetics living with daily injections."
That's correct and the hormonal imbalance is coming from leptin deficiency; before, he had excess leptin. When you go into a leptin deficient state, your dysregulate your hormones and the immune function. The hallmark is falling WBCs, globulins and low T4 and high T8. He's probably immune-deficient at this stage. Woo may have fixed those problems with leptin injection, which is emerging as a treatment for immunodeficiency. Leptin is a two-faced beast. Rosedale and Kruse jumped on it and thought it only had to do with satiety and tried to lower it; however, leptin modulates immune and hormonal homeostases. Going from excess to deficit, it will screw up your system you eventually will need to go on bioidentical hormones or leptin injection therapy.
Complex biological processes cannot be reduced to simplistic notions such as CICO.
" When I decided to go on the Atkins diet in 2004, I was sick and
tired (literally!) of settling for the conventional wisdom for what
constituted a “healthy” diet and instead chose a way of eating that
would help me go on to shed 180 pounds. At the time when I still
weighed over 400 pounds, I was taking Crestor after a very painful stint
on Lipitor to control my “high cholesterol” which was around 250 at the
time. They had me so scared of NOT taking this statin that I felt like
it was my only option despite the agonizing pain these drugs have been shown to cause in more users than they even realize.Nine months later after losing about 140 pounds, I decided to come off of statin drugs for good."
So in 2005 when he had the blood work done it's possible that the blood test results were still being influenced by the statins (he doesn't say exactly when he quit the statins)
Notice the test results appx 5 months later
latest visit to the doctor in March 2006 and they have my doctor pulling out the dreaded "s" word yet again:
HDL: 72
LDL: 170
I talked to my chiropractor, an opponent of statin drugs, about my
numbers and he said as long as my total cholesterol/HDL ratio is less
than 5:1 I should be fine. Using that scale, my ratio is about 3.5:1 so
I'm okay according to him.
Remember - his TC/HDL ratio is now appx 5.9:1 - SO what would his chiropractor say now??
I was traveling/visiting all day yesterday and will be around and about all day today. Will respond if I get a chance, but in the mean time, thanks for contributing and carry on!!
Second: I'm sad to see Kent gaining. He had commented here a few times in the HAES series. I think he -- like many others -- are too touchy to grasp valid criticism. Atkins and LC schtick is all about how everyone else gets it wrong and how their approach is superior. Only it is not, and over the long run it would appear to be inferior in just about every measurable way.
Did he sustain an injury? I didn't see anything in comments. But this is the important thing. LC does not sustain exercise well. Not for performance anyway -- and even the non-competitive athlete generally gains motivation through personal bests and at least that "exercise high". After a while running on keto is a "high" but it is associated with a worse crash than insulin spikes. I have no science to back up this paragraph, just observation, some of it personal.
LC'ers often pride themselves on being sedentary (ahem, Fred Hahn!) and how exercise just makes you hungry. They go on and on (and on and on) about how they aren't ever hungry on LC. So then why do they ever eat anyway? How many times do we hear it is 80% diet?? If that is the case, Kent and so many others are prime examples of how that 80% ain't working for him. And no, "I'd be so much fatter if I ate carbs" doesn't cut it. He loves stunts. Lock Jimmy in a room with water, unlimited potatoes and leafy greens, and two pounds of butter for a month. Let's see how much fatter he comes out ....
Any one of these may be correct but some Vegan and whole grain pushers/propagandists make the most atrocious arguments(logical, scientific and skeptical) and pick the most cherries.
In addition to the PhDs studying in good faith all the fringe groups seem to have their share of PhDs that have downed the Kool-Ade, down to the "UFOlogists" and the Kennedy assassinologists.
Recipe: 2 half inch slices of (no longer available) Julian Purity Bread (get your discount through Jimmy!!!)
Half a stick of butter - nuke to melt
Couple spoons of Classico no HFCS (Jimmy makes sure of that!) sauce
Handful of shredded mozz on each, extra bunch for good measure
Ton of Hormel mini pepperonis
Nuke some more ...
"Ooooooooh Christine!"
This guy is like a (very easy) IQ-test on legs. If you listen to him, you didn't pass.
By the way, I bet my last € that the vasculature of Mr. M. is literally FULL of soft plaques by now.
Jimmy spent a lot of money to remove amalgams and yank out a bunch of rotten teeth last year. He has spent thousands on keto strips. He could afford insurance, he chooses not to. He made the choice to support his family with his low carb business. I don't know if he has been denied insurance in the past, but he can get it now. The man is not rich, heck, recent comments from him would lead most to believe he's struggling. That doesn't mean he hasn't made a small fortune off of his game. That just doesn't go very far when it's the sole support for two people. He has college degrees so it really is a shame he isn't employed by a company with a good benefit package for him and his wife.
I prefer to read rather than write on blogs, but I was reading an article earlier today from the American Council on Exercise (ACE) that talked about putting your snack foods in a drawer and label it "unhealthy". I suppose this would create something of a mental challenge, and would keep the items out of sight.
However, I believe putting the above photo of JM looking longingly at that brick of butter on the drawer, the fridge, or anywhere else you might be tempted to grab a unhealthy snack would do the trick.
It reminds me of the Shining, "Here's Jimmy".
The article is interesting if you care to check it out.
I mean, really, it's so depressing, isn't it? There is the WHOLE knowledge of the world at our (and their!) hands and so many fools chose to believe in just EVERY stupid hoax there is. Hard not to get misanthropic about that.
If you really believe in your cause folks, blog about it, bring the science, go for it. Ad hominem attacks on me aren't going to bring you anything but the wrong kind of attention at this point. But it would appear that's what "Jane Plain" wants, because there is no other explanation for her reckless behavior.
*the authors are Cleveland clinic cardio doctors.
I agree, BG is more than insulin and metabolic dysfunction is more than blood glucose.
I cannot think of a single "guru" that relies on such a business for their sole livelihood. I'm sure there's someone out there, but Eades can alway sgo back to practicing medicine + his wife is a doc too. Taubes has no financial issues unless they are reckless investors. Robb has his gym, plus his wife's business, Naughton is a programmer or something, plus his wife is an artist. I could go on, but you get my point I think. We have friends where he is a very successful home remodeler -- million dollar homes and remodels -- and his wife works at Trader Joes part time JUST for the benefits. So Jimmy's situation is of his own making, but whatever.
Oops there's a raisin! :p
Salt is definitely not Paleo, and neither is sea salt.
Loren Cordain, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus
The authors recommend the Mediterranean Diet as do virtually all cardiologists.
The same with elevated CRP: it's not always metabolic inflammation. It could be hormonal or undetected autoimmunity. We see this plenty among those who've VLCed long-term.
This is so wrong I just can't find words for it. A "leading health blogger" eating a stick of butter for breakfast... What was the name of that (bad) movie? Idiocracy?
Then he posted this video WITHOUT WARNING on menus blog. I will warn you, it is a horrible thing to do to your wife, and it's all STILL there on YouTube. He should have been comforting her, not filming this. He didn't make the announcement on the main blog until days later while congratulations on the pregnancy were still coming in. This is not a well man and there's something not right about her for going along with this. Of course my detractors will use this comment as evidence of my attacking them. SIGH.
Jimmy Moore
Getting an alignment for my car & the guy at front desk just diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes last week. Sharing how #lowcarb can help him.
"The solid evidence for nutritional ketosis in dealing with many of the
chronic health problems of our day is presented, including: epilepsy,
Type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome,
polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),
heartburn (GERD), nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The good
evidence for ketogenic diets is also shared in dealing with Alzheimer’s
Disease (AD), Parkinson’s Disease, dementia, mental illness,
schizophrenia, bipolar, depression, narcolepsy, and sleep disorders.
Plus, you’ll get the details on the emerging science that is showing
great promise in treating cancer, autism, migraines, chronic pain, brain
injury, stroke, kidney disease and so much more. Keto Clarity is your
definitive guide to the benefits of a low-carb, high-fat diet. Full
details on Jimmy Moore’s yearlong n=1 scientific experiment of
nutritional ketosis, in which he used sophisticated blood testing
technology to track and monitor his production of ketones and blood
sugar to achieve rather remarkable effects on his weight and health, is
also presented as well as food shopping lists, 25+ low-carb, high-fat
recipes, and a 21-day meal plan to get you going on your ketogenic
lifestyle change."
There also are peptides in certain cheeses that work like natural ACE inhibitors. Could be another important mechanism.
It's a slippery slope to worsening health. It has worked because you confuse weight loss with health improvement. That is the biggest deception there is. Ketosis will expose you all kinds of health ills from which you'll never recover from. We're talking about serious, irreversible hormonal and immune dysregulation. And I have some evidence that these people are aware of this but are persisting because of their vested interest in the enterprise. The ketogenic/low-carb circus will go on until you bankrupt them. Until the low-carbers themselves realize that they've been had, it will still have staying power.
Remember him in that t-shirt? Just LOL.
Wonder when that was taken?
I'm not really sure how many of the paleo tenants have to get destroyed before people realize that they have been suckered into another fad. It's almost funny that "paleo" today is getting closer and closer to the US food plate.
Disclaimer, I am not a doctor, and I have not played one on TV. I have however stayed at a Holiday Inn express. In real life I am a Detective, and have played one on TV. For what that's worth.
recover from. We're talking about serious, irreversible hormonal and
immune dysregulation."
Your body can largely reverse just about any lifestyle disease in a remarkably short time (as little as 4-6 weeks for many conditions) by changing to a healthy lifestyle. The idea that ketosis (or any other diet) causes irreversible hormonal and immune damage is simply not correct.
Any low carber who changed to a healthy diet would most likely have normal BP, blood lipids, thyroid status etc within a year.
The Masai actually consume a large amount of lactose and are not ketotic.
They begrudgingly let in legumes and slammed the door only to find the rest of the resistant starch family knocking on the other side. Now some low carbers are eating resistant starch, no doubt claiming it's not for them but they are simply feeding their gut bacteria just like a vegan serving up dogmeat to his mutt.
Low carbers are always good for a giggle and the paleo movement is bloody hilarious.
Jimmy is not an Eskimo.
Come Hear From Our Special Guest Speaker Lineup For 2014:
Dr. Eric Westman
Dr. Jayson and Mira Calton
Dr. Jeffry Gerber
Jackie Eberstein
Jimmy Moore
Christine Cronau
Wendy Myers
Dr. George Diggs/Dr. Kerry Brock
Franziska Spritzler
Tommy Runesson
Maria Emmerich
Dana Carpender
Rocky Angelucci
Emily Maguire
Dr. Adam Nally
Fred Hahn
Now about appearing on butter boy's podcast ... Oh nevermind.
To be clear, it's me guest hosting JM's program; and truth is, he told me: "your show, do what you want."
I interviewed my book collaborators Tim Steele and Grace Liu (AnimalPharm blog) about aspects of resistant starch and in particular how LCers might benefit even if staying LC (not eating cooked as cooled rice, beans, potatoes...or green bananas, etc). In the last segment I bring on Tom Naughton who, because of his experience with resistant starch has upped his intake of carbs to what he calls more Perfect Health Diet levels.
So, it was not a show to slam LC, which would not be very nice since I'm a guest, but there is plenty of stuff for LCers to chew on.
You're also either a smoker or someone who's trying to quit - why else would you post a photo of you using e-cigs?
You're probably an alcoholic as well and probably either pre-diabetic or full-blown T2D - why else all of the posts on RS and it's effects on blood sugar? Scared out of your mind you'll have to back on LC which you now say is practically worthless?
In addition - who really gives a rats ass as to whether or not the Inuit were in ketosis or not - this is so far in the weeds it's pathetic
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