#LCHFollies ~ Is there a place for beer, wine, spirits in the Banting lifestyle?

You're kidding, right? What? This is a serious question? Why yes it is! I've got some things to say -- hopefully in the next week or so -- about Tim Noakes running afoul of the Health Professions Council in his country for advocating a woman wean her child onto a LCHF diet. But I had a Twitter exchange of my own the past couple of days, in which I basically encouraged folks to hijack the # WeSupportTimNoakes hashtag. This is being started to, well, support Noakes against his percieved persecution. Said Twitter exchange took me to a podcast page with a sidebar image showing the Facebook post screenshot below, and leading me to this podcast: Alcohol and the LCHF Diet: Can you drink when Banting? For Real?? No ... not the Onion website! [it's a mighty good thing I didn't have an adult beverage in hand when I came across this!]