Insulin Resistance ~ Taubes v. Frayn aka Adiposopathy 101

I thought in the interim of doing something more formal, I'd bump this post from October of 2010. Keith Frayn, for newer readers, is recently retired prominent Oxford scientist who wrote one of the books Gary Taubes likes to use pictures from these days in his lectures (you're welcome Gary, if only you'd read the book more thoroughly). Metabolic Regulation. {as textbooks go this one is relatively economical though I probably wouldn't recommend it unless you've got some scientific background in the subject ... or a lot of patience, because it should be manageable if tackled in smaller doses } He lays out the basics of Adiposopathy - pathological fat - sick fat - though doesn't use the term. The evidence for this is overwhelming, and although this is just an outline of sorts, it only needs some clarifications and fleshing out with evidence of various components and the mechanisms involved. In that regard, much progress has been made enfor...