PURE Rubbish

Let me preface this post by saying I'm a bit time constrained, and computer issues have made my life miserable these past few days. However a new article from the PURE study was recently published in Lancet, and I wish to add some limited commentary to the mix. First things first, the links: Associations of fats and carbohydrate intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality in 18 countries from five continents (PURE): a prospective cohort study The first study: The Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study: Examining the impact of societal influences on chronic noncommunicable diseases in low-, middle-, and high-income countries Secondly, I've tweeted these links out. Commentary by others: Kevin Klatt: On PURE Nutrition Wonk: Research Review The 5 Continent (PURE) Study: A Prospective Cohort Study And now for my favorite headline!