Glyceroneogenesis v. Taubes
My greatest criticism of Taubes is that despite several years of "exhaustive" research, and a deluge of references in his book, the bulk of his "Adiposity 101" is either unreferenced, or based on decades old physiology texts and papers. In this lecture (Slide 48 at around 46 min in) is his discussion of glycerol-3-P. Taubes is a master of stating facts ... in a misleading way that (1) leads the listener/reader to incorrect conclusions, and (2) enables Taubes to use the "I never said that" out when challenged. He first quotes a 1970's text on the Fatty Acid Cycle and shows an updated text of similar. In both he highlights the need for glycerol-3-P to esterify FFA's to triglycerides. This is true. However on Slide 48 he presents a bunch of cobbled together "facts" that are either not considered settled science or are taken out of context. And I note that while he now (2009) lists glyceroneogenesis on his slide, the word