Therapeutic Safety: Context is Everything

I'm working on some posts on "the list" from a recent one , and find myself in need of a few backgrounders for the upcoming Ketones are NOT the End of Cancer. Tim Ferriss & Dominic D'Agostino Should Be More Responsible (link goes live when it's published) post. Recently I tweeted out the following: It's time for responsible scientists & docs to rein in keto cancer cure and alternative therapy hype. #KetogenicDiet — Evelyn (@CarbSane) November 19, 2015 My tweets are auto-posted to Facebook (including to my mostly-private page) where a friend responded to the statement that "a ketogenic diet is [...] safe". The comment basically challenged how we know this, or even if we know this to be true, My response is essentially the impetus for this post, but it was, in a nutshell: CONTEXT