Nina Teicholz Reports in the British Medical Journal ~ The Conflicts & Funding

BUMP! In working on a follow-up to The Slimey Truth About Sugar Slammers ~ Links & Background , I've received a few tweets that reminded me of this post from almost exactly a year ago. Eventually we got answers to the questions below, and those will be discussed in the follow-up. People are going bonkers over a pittance split between three scientists 50 years ago who published an article in a *professional* *peer-review* journal. This was done at a time when such journals would publish articles countering and debating the findings of previous articles. So in the intervening years it is the sugar industry that is solely responsible for confusing people? I am not carrying water for that or any industry here, but I don't think so! This article came before some answers were unearthed by yours truly in Nina Teicholz, The BMJ, The Nutrition Coalition and nutrition science's George Soros: The Laura and John Arnold Foundation . Spe...