Hyperinsulinemia, Hyperglycemia and Insulin Resistance
Over in the comments on the Taubes Toothpick post, starting around here , Nostril Damus (funny!) challenged my contention that the only carb implicated in IR is fructose, a carb that doesn't elicit an insulin response. ND posited that other carbs cause hyperinsulinemia cause self-downregulation of insulin receptors leading to IR. Then Melchior posted about a study where hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia/insulinemia induced insulin resistance which provided more food for thought. I thought on this a bit and think it is worthwhile to repeat in a post of its own and add a few more comments. So a direct quotation of ND's premise: " Over time, this self-induced loss of target cell receptors for insulin reduces the target cell’s sensitivity to the elevated hormone concentration." Unfortunately only the abstract is available free online, but it does contain some interesting information. Here's the study: Effect of sustained physiologic hyperinsulinaemi...