
Showing posts from June, 2017

Disabilesity ~ Part I: Intro and My Own Journey

This post was inspired by my own "journey" through what I'm going to call  disabilesity.   It got insanely long and cumbersome, so I'll break it up into parts: Intro and My Own Journey of Disabilesity The Forgotten Disabilesity Epidemic How the Obesity Industrial Complex does a disservice to those at risk or suffering from Disabilesity It has been my observation for a while now that various interests I shall refer to collectively as the Obesity Industrial Complex, are only marginally interested in *fixing* any problems attributable to the obesity epidemic in affluent countries.  Instead, for various reasons and in varying ways, the different factions seem more intent on maintaining some level of the status quo for profit, relevance, notoriety or some combination of the above.


It's been a very long time since I've highlighted a post or podcast from someone else on this blog.  It's also no secret that my own blogging has fallen off big time.  This has been from a "perfect storm" of burnout, frustration, personal priorities, and search for a future focus/mission in blogging.    I feel like "I've blogged on that" a zillion times already.  Around a year ago I listened to a podcast from someone I'm honored to call a friend.  On my list of "people I've met online I must meet someday", she's right up on top.    I know it sounds egotistical to say this, but I don't care.  There are so very few out there whom I consider valued sources of information.  I try and link them up, support them, share their work.  I'm not a marketer, and although a few years ago I incorporated, I've yet to really take a leap into much in the way of selling anything or making any sort of living off of doing what I do...

If Fat Doesn't Make You Fat, Explain Tokelau vs. Pukapuka

In light of the recent brash of coconut oil articles following the Dietary Fats and Cardiovascular Disease: A Presidential Advisory From the American Heart Association , I thought I'd bump this post.  Of course all the coconut oil advocates are up in arms over this.  Mind you, coconut oil is the most nutritionally bereft oil out there ... "empty calories".  This post discusses a study in the Sixties on two Atoll island populations that live in virtually the same environment, etc. but with nearly opposite diets in terms of total fat content, where the majority of fat comes not from coconut oil, but the more nutrient dense coconut meat and embryos. One Line Summary :   The increased fat content in the Tokelauan diet correlates in increased adiposity in this population as compared to nearby Pukapuka.   While the cited study abstract says the following: Vascular disease is uncommon in both populations and there is no evidence of the high saturated fat i...

A Silly Epiphany ...

A llow me to share just one "a ha" moment I came to in the beginning of 2016.    Me photobombing Nobel laureate Michael Brown and Kevin Klatt (aka @Nutrevolve) October 2016 I'm kinda cute, huh?     I met my now husband the October after graduating from college and getting my first real job.  He was a co-worker and friend of my apartment neighbors and friends.  At the time I was far from the fattest I'd been, but I believe the pants I was wearing were size 14 at the time.  We hit it off instantly.  Movie magical type stuff.  In my sleep-deprived state the next day at work I even told my co-worker friend that "last night I met the man I'm going to marry".

Jimmy Moore's 10 Year Scam-aversary ~ Remembering Kimkins!

Jimmy Moore has been complaining a lot about criticism lately.  This is nothing new.   livinlowcarbman This comment I received today is a great teachable moment to share with you a bit more of my philosophy on how to share feedback with someone online. Thank you  @creativename79  for sharing this! * Here was my response to Kris: * I love and appreciate genuine constructive feedback and always have. It's why I've attained the level of success that I have and I'm grateful for the opportunity to be even better than I am now. * * But what you're not privy to is an intense ramping up lately of personal attacks and outright nastiness behind the scenes unlike anything I've seen in my 12+ years of doing this. I don't think it's by accident as my profile has risen in the past few years that the scrutiny of my work would be magnified even more. * * And here's the thing--allowing such stuff to linger unchallenged creates a mob ...