April 2018 Update: Here in the year 2018, it's fair to say that #Paleo is pretty much over. Nothing tells us this more succinctly than a quick trip over to Mark's Daily Apple, a website I rarely frequent these days. I'd heard rumors that Mark had "gone keto" ... given the seemingly meteoric rise of #Keto of late, is anyone really surprised? This is the same man who developed the "more addictive than crack " P90X recovery drink and other things, Ever the businessman (can't fault him for that), Mark seems to have transitioned from using his blog to sell paleo/primal-related books (did he ever find a proper ghostwriter for his wife's book?) to selling over-priced avocado oil products. The whole "primal" thing is about as downplayed as possible for someone whose signature product is The Primal Blueprint, can be. Poor Grok. Now it's Keto Reset time! Can these marketeers PLEASE make up their minds? Wh...