Quotable Quotes: Taubes the Radical!
Due to a recent article in Wired , I think this (6/30/14) post could use a hearty bump. These words were uttered just over a decade ago by Gary Taubes. THE COLLAPSE OF A $40 MILLION NUTRITION SCIENCE CRUSADE Seth Roberts : But you'd seen Nobel-Prize-winning physicists get it very wrong. Gary Taubes: But what they were getting wrong were subtle; yes, they'd believe incorrectly that they'd discovered elementary particles, but what they were doing was a real subtle game. What they were misinterpreting were extraordinarily subtle aspects of the data. This obesity screw-up is fundamental; it’s like a grade school error in the interpretation of the laws of thermodynamics. And I made it as well, up until five years ago. I never thought differently. But what radicalized me is that they don't care. If they successfully ward off my threat to their beliefs, then I'm in a very dangerous place. Then it's, like I sai...