Sat Fat --> PUFA = Less SubQ Belly Fat?
Mostly a bookmarking post, but I found this interesting
Substituting dietary saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat changes abdominal fat distribution and improves insulin sensitivity
For some reason I can't C&P the abstract.
Substituting dietary saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat changes abdominal fat distribution and improves insulin sensitivity
For some reason I can't C&P the abstract.
They analyzed the results of 5 weeks on diets rich in sat fat vs. PUFA (described as spreads and oils, presumably high in omega 6 and probably some transfats :( ) on T2's, obese and non-obese subjects. The study size was small, but I think most readers will be as surprised as I was by the results.
All of the PUFA groups had less subcutaneous belly fat at the end of the 5 weeks. This was statistically significant in the non-diabetics, both obese and non-obese. Visceral fat either decreased or stayed the same. This was statistically significant for the diabetics, but not the non-diabetics.
The PUFA group seemed to eat less, but total body weight didn't change. Not sure what that's about. Could be underreporting or a slower metabolism? In any case, if this can reduce belly fat .....
Insulin sensitivity IMPROVED on the PUFA diet.
This goes counter to that n=1 "study" by the journalist that altered her diet to consume O6's that has been making the LC rounds lately.
Although not specific to T2Ds, but have you read:
and these Stephan posts:
Right now I'm tearing my hair out trying to a study relating all LCFA to IR ... uggh ... browser crash wiped out a week of history :(:(
I do wonder if O6 is so toxic/inflammatory why the epileptics getting a corn oil diet see beneficial effects. Could be the high ketones counter the O6?
I'm not sure if you've commented before, so if I'm extending a repeat welcome sorry for that :)
Yes, I have commented before, but a welcome is allways welcome!
There is a new trial out on this subject! It looked on sat fat and insulin sensitivity on MetS obese subjects. "Conclusion: There was no effect of reducing SFA on SI in weight-stable obese MetS subjects".
The O6 and epileptics is a hard question!
OTOH, the depressing part of that Lancet study: We're all going to die of something :(
"The researchers took care not to reuse the vegetable oil after cooking but took no such precautions with the butter, resulting in butter that was very deficient in vitamin E. There were also twice as many heavy smokers and 60 percent more moderate smokers in the butter group." Hmmm.
Apparently O6's make one a bit more aggressive, and somewhat restless. There is even a theory (I need to find the reference) that increased O6 consumption evolved among humans because it increased their aggressiveness. Presumably that made them better hunters; particularly men.
If that is true, it is a major maladaptation today, because physical violence is institutionalized (e.g., police officers can use it, under certain circumstances). Without escape mechanisms like heavy physical exertion, all one is left with is a lot of stress. Obesity soon follows.
Welcome to my blog and thanks for commenting! I'll be checking out yours as well (I'm sure I've stopped by before).
I've got me some belly fat. I've vastly improved the fatty acid profile of the fats I consume over the past year. It hasn't changed a thing. That's my own n=1 :)
I think the cholesterol- and triglyceride-lowering effects of PUFAs are due to its toxic effects on the liver. PUFAs impair the production of cholesterol and triglycerides in the liver.
Martin Berkhan recently posted an article defending alcohol. He said that alcohol increases insulin sensitivity. I speculate it's because alcohol poisons the liver's ability to produce free fatty acids.
Another study suggested that the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 doesn't matter. What matters is the absolute quantity of omega-3. So I don't think the benefits of omega-3 has anything to do with its anti-inflammatory properties by replacing the inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids. I think it's because omega-3 poisons the liver's ability to produce free fatty acids, thus increasing insulin sensitivity.
I think I've seen that study about the amount of O3 being the more important part of the equation. That has been my experience in terms of how I "feel". Actually I just found an article I'll blog on soon that lists O3's as being mildly insulin de-sensitizing.
Thanks for contributing and welcome to my blog Organism as a Whole!
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