IB-BWBS ~ It can kill you!
No ...
This is not some new version of irritable bowel syndrome.
IB-BWBS stands for:
Intellectual Bullying - aka - Baffling With Bull Shit
It can kill you. How? Because you'll follow down a path that someone "smarter" than you leads you ... ignoring your common sense.
Don't do it!!!
This is not some new version of irritable bowel syndrome.
IB-BWBS stands for:
Intellectual Bullying - aka - Baffling With Bull Shit
It can kill you. How? Because you'll follow down a path that someone "smarter" than you leads you ... ignoring your common sense.
Don't do it!!!
Amen to that! Care to give any examples? I think some of the bloggers with M.D. after their names might be on the list (not all, by the way). Certainly a medical degree qualifies one to lead the way on diet recommendations, right?
When I hear things like how complicated this is or the obnoxious "you don't understand", it irks me.
But, speaking of MD's, I do find it ironic how many on the internet apparently know it all while blasting other doctors for being misguided.
because they have assumed it's only about small, dense LDL being bad for you. I've been trying to hold my tongue but it's getting difficult.
There's been a similar criticism in psychiatry, initiated by Paul Meehl's 1954 study (results replicated many times to this day) showing mechanical diagnosis is far more accurate & reliable.
does this sound familiar for long time readers?
"he would be the first that gained weight ... ". Way to base diagnosis & treatment on non-science dude: clinician bias, self-selection bias, confirmation bias.
> physicians are not educated to connect patient data with medical knowledge safely and effectively. Rather than building that secure foundation for decisions, physicians are educated to do the opposite
Why would they trash it, doesn't it support their long held "big fluffy LDL is good, small dense LDL is bad" idea?
Surely they should be dissing the "study cancelled early because niacin for raising HDL does harm" linked earlier ...
"Contrarian" blogs and mainstream medicine and research suffer from a lot of the same problems in terms of ego, bias, groupthink, and so on.
As someone without the time, training, or energy to sift through all the research myself, again, after reading and understanding what I can, I have to fall back on what seems to work for myself. I think I have as much chance of being right that way as Dr. Oz, Dr. Ornish, Dr. Atkins, Dr. Davis, Dr. Harris, or anyone else out there. If Dr. Oz ends up with polyps in his colon and Jimmy Moore can't keep weight off, who the hell knows why? Maybe it's their diet, maybe not. Each is a sample of one, like me.
I see a lot of this 'Scientists that don't conclude carbs are evil are stupid' attitude and it really pisses me off. I'm a scientist. :P
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