Blogger Comments
I don't know if you've noticed, but Blogger has changed the "look" of those of us Blogspot blogs with inline comments. In addition to a slightly different look, below each comment I now see a "reply" link (I also have a delete link for my blogs, I just tested that and it works.)
Oh cool I thought -- a bit more like other comments where replies could be nested. But I mouse over "reply" and all I see is a "javascript:;" and clicking does nothing, not even skip me down to the comment box. Is that working for anyone else? I'm guessing not since I don't see any nested responses. But I thought I'd ask.
Thanks in advance for feedback.
There is one issue with the Reply function that I have, and it's that it does not seem to take page width into account. On some blogs, long reply chains get squeezed into very narrow columns, making the later replies almost unreadable as each word is stacked upon the other.
But that would give you the opportunity to encourage people to use the forums! :D
I noticed that something had changed, as my browser (FF 9.0) now scrolls straight down to the last comment (if there are any). This is rather annoying when I navigate back to a page that has a large number of comments.
I notice the nesting only goes one deep. But you can add replies below that which can help a bit with following longer discussions.
@Nige: That's not good IMO. :(
Oh, good. I think that's a much better approach. That way the individual comment threads stay together but don't get too narrow. If a comment thread breaks up into multiple comment threads, then that really is what a discussion board is for. (Yes, that's another plug)
Evelyn, did you see "gunther gatherer"'s apology to you over at Dr. Guyenet's blog?
This is my first comment here, but I've been reading you over the past year or so. I was glad to see his public apology to you as I recall how nasty it was getting at Peter's blog (hence the reason I stopped reading there).
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Yeah, it does tend to suck when that happens, doesn't it?
IE9 doesn't do this, but I prefer Firefox with its Ad & Script blocking.
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