Ancestral Symposium Bound!
It's official!!
I just purchased my ticket to AHS12 at Harvard this August. I'm looking forward mostly to meeting so many of the people I interact with through this blog. It should be interesting to see so many folks "in the flesh". I plan to live blog/tweet as much as possible throughout the event so my readers can get the AHS experience. The only decision remaining is whether or not to go in disguise :-) Creative ideas or just funnin' allowed in consideration of that dilema! I'm pretty sure they don't allow concealed carry at Hah vuhd, but perhaps a water pistol filled with real KoolAid might ward off would be attackers :-)
I don't usually do this, but the cost is a bit steep, so I'm making a special appeal for donations for any who specifically wish to sponsor this trip. I'm happy to publicly acknowledge your contribution or you can remain anonymous. I've already received some funding but would greatly appreciate your assistance, no matter how large or small the donation. If I could put one of those specific bar-thingies just for this I would, but that seems a bit overkill. Thank you in advance!
Anyway, I'm so looking forward to your live-blogging of the event/talks. Consider having some youtube vlogs, maybe?
And yeah, put up the dorky donation thingie. I kinda like seeing those..and who knows? It might spur donations...A discreet one is not bad.
@Evelyn: here's your best wardrobe choice:
The URL for that says it all :)
Amen to that, it's probably their biggest downfall.
Also, that was a nice little vignette you posted -- Taubes really says in person that he might be wrong? Haha, maybe he's practicing saying it. Did his face freeze up getting the words out? :)
And btw, I'd agree that eating the dreaded processed food makes zero difference in body composition, at least for me that's 100% true. I get tired of hearing how everything must always be whole food, natural food, 'real' food... Healthwise? That can be debated, but for composition it's a red herring for me.
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