Chronological list of all of my posts
Hey gang! I thought I'd bring your attention to a new page I added to the blog. I have published over 600 posts here in the past two or so years. The archives widgets are wanting in terms of being able to browse titles. I do try to organize by labels, but even many of those lists are cumbersome. Even when I try to find some of my own posts it often takes quite a while. And then it hit me, that it would be nice to just have a list of all of my blog posts. So I went searching for such a widget and found one quite quickly. If you look down the right side bar you will now see a link to the page where all my posts are listed in chronological order. While not all of my post titles are descriptive, many are, and I think this might help some of the newer readers, especially, to peruse what older material they might find interesting.
I'm not surprised by it. I actually feel a bit of frustration that it took that blatant of a lie for otherwise smart people to realize that the guy is a charlatan.
You just never know what is coming next with this guy. The educational value of kruse is 0, but his entertainment value is absolutely off the charts. Next will proabably accuse paleo insiders of having a mole in secret service and hacking into his FBI file. Or maybe his brain has been hacked by spirochets.
This comment on FTA cracked me up - "Has anyone done a background check on Dr.Kruse? His industrial ties and such? Not to sound too conspiratory, but he could be a (pharma/health)-industry agent provocateur planted to discredit from the inside, a paleo/low-carb* movement which starts to be a threat to the bottom-line. It sounds a bit paranoid, but I’ve witnessed and read about weirder shit than that."
I think this reaction speaks to how much we humans hate feeling like we were punked. Has to be anything but having a stupid gullible moment or three, right?
Sure, google backs up your blog data but I wouldn't trust them. What's more, one can never know when they might lock down any blog because of real or imagined violations.
The tech who came also was telling me about a recent customer who had lost her backups on an external backup drive. So I'm personally resolved to keep two backups of critical stuff. I hope I stick to it because sometimes it's good to be paranoid. You never know...
I remember you being accused of working for Agri-business, from when I first found this asylum about 9 months ago. But I thought the accuser might have been a secret agent for Taubesey-business.
Everyone has heard of how Big Pharma supposedly wants to keep people sick and not cured, so as to keep a supply of lifelong customers. But I've also recently heard the claim that the diet industry keeps people fat with deliberately ineffective diet strategies, so as to keep their own lifelong supply of customers.
her travels through the town of Wimberley, Texas.
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