JimKKKins Jimmy Moore Meme
I didn't link to the source of the following meme because I "swiped" it from a friend on a private FB page. However. Jimmy Moore is digging in his heels with his latest and repeating his deceitful behavior that began when he posted a bunch of screenshots of correspondence he claimed was directly with him. His intent is clear. To try and attach to people such as myself, nasty comments and/or play the martyr for suffering such supposed abuse. The only screenshot with any connection to me or this blog was one of a comment Dr. Kurt Harris left here, he presented it as a comment he'd received, and did not link to the source. Bad form, but nothing new for JimmyKKKins.
If he wants to link to where I have called him a neo-Nazi, I want to see it. Near as I can tell, ItstheWooo is the only blogger saying that.
Now here is my challenge to Jimmy Moore. Post a link or divulge the source of the following meme or remove the insinuation on your blog that someone such as myself created it. He is playing victim with:
"I didn’t even know what a neo-Nazi was before all of this drama unfolded online over the past few days with the really disgusting and unwarranted memes being created with my photo on them that you see in this blog post."
I say Jimmy probably created that meme. It gets no hits on tineye.com. Shame on you Jimmy! I didn't really think you had it in you to stoop this low to save your ass.
In other hilarious news, according to Jimmy, his critics need to get out more in the real world and stop spending so much time on the internet. This from a man who claims to have never heard of David Duke, apparently is incapable of a 5 second Google Search, and now claims he didn't know what a neo-Nazi was before all of this happened. Too sad and sickening to even be funny. Need to get out more Jimmy. Ha!
This site features "bandwagon non-thinking, zero-distinction, collective mentality, binary thinking (good OR evil), political correctness (the biggie) groupthink imaginable."
Now, we know that Rich reads here and we know that he's too much of a coward to post here anymore and back up his words. But it must be pointed out that his line of thinking is truly binary and truly reductionist to an extreme. Surely he can do better than painting with a broad brush in such a childish way. Surely he's better than that. Surely he has to know that his logic and reasoning in that post of his is at an 8th grade level.
Yep, once again he is trolling for hits and comments.
What is unclear is, how will this all shake out? Will he be able to just walk away from this? What about all the big guys who appeared on his show? Will they say nothing, or will they be forced to disassociate themselves from him?
Probably not because they are smart enough to stay 1,000 miles away from "Neo-Nazi." Health gurus want to be associated only with positive things and if they even mention this in a blog post then the magic of Google searching will result in their being associated, however tangentially, with Neo-Nazis.
Nobody wants health advice from someone associated with Neo-Nazis, it's a buzz kill.
As for the "big guns" I don't think a quiet kiss-off is enough. I think that at some point Taubes will have to say something about this. But maybe I am too 20th century. Old school.
You are so busy practicing medicine that you can only exercise 2 minutes a week, yet you have time to give an interview to a Neo-Nazi?
5:00am - 7:00pm In Surgery
7:08pm - 7:10pm Exercise
7:30pm - 8:00pm Interview With Neo-Nazi"
And this is a health guru?
Yep, I'm listening to it.
At the 44-minute mark, Duke talks about how "his people" are "controversial." I wonder what Davis thought when Duke kept bringing up about how "his people" believe controversial things.
Note: Duke stated up front that Davis "doesn't really realize" who he is. Take that for what it's worth.
Yes, many strawmen in his response. I think Julie Lalonde nailed it in a comment he surprisingly published:
by Julie Lalonde
Agreed, I did not read this as a sincere apology, instead I read it as a list of excuses. The first part read as “I have a life, but most internet people don’t, so that’s why I’m only answering now”. And then on about how some people just hate him so much out there that they’ll do anything to make him miserable. I think that happens to any public figure but whatever, they wouldn’t be able to do much if they didn’t get the right ammo. And then to weirdly talking about how some people won’t post full body pics or some people are just jealous that he’s lost 60 pounds. And at the end of this whole thing I’m supposed to get the warm fuzzies about how it was all some tragic mistake? Here’s another post that could have been written instead of the 20 paragraphs of excuses: “Guys, I am TRULY sorry, I had no idea, never would I have done an interview if I had understood who this guy was and what his message was. Please accept my sincerest apology”.
Look at the timeline.
He says he was emailed in OCTOBER.
He says he clicked the links in the email and saw good information.
How did he miss the crap on that site?
The HE contacted Duke. HE contacted him, which means he clicked through pages to the contact page, and he STILL missed all that man's crap?
Duke contacted him back to go on his show, not Jimmy's. Jimmy does not other due diligence? He goes on his merry way to Australia, then gets back and does the show, no idea what he's going on?
But that's not the worst thing. He was warned shortly after the show, when he linked to it, that he'd gone on a former grand wizard of the KKK's show.
What did he do with that information?
He then linked to him on his 12/22 blog post, encouraging his readers to check out the blogs he listed, including David Duke's website.
He again was warned who the man was!
Yet he played stupid in comments and on twitter and then has the gall to write he didn't know until AFTER Christmas, after the shit not only hit the fan, but splattered all over him?
If he expects any of us to believe that, he's STUPID. And he's even stupider than I thought because he also attempted to delete the history of what happened. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.
I really do hope that the big fish realize what an idiot they're dealing with and move on, away from him.
He didn't do that instead he went back to the "people hate me, people are jealous of me and its a witch hunt and I'm the prey".
Nonsense and pure hubris. His actions and his response to his actions are both "shameful".
He should be shunned, he has nothing to contribute to health,exercise, or nutrition.
I didn't understand that, and maybe some of your readers don't, so for the benefit of those who don't, in his woe-is-me apology, Jimmy links to another "haters gonna hate" whine he wrote a while ago. These screenshots were misleading juxtapositions of insulting below-the-belt emails people wrote to him directly, PLUS a screenshot of Kurt Harris making a legitimate complaint about Jimmy, on this blog. He made it look as if they were all the same.
The man is unbelievable.
I predict he'll have lap band surgery and lie about it.
I wish Jimmy, as a Christian man, would stop with finding excuses and making deflections and just say, "Man, okay, I was not duly diligent and did a stupid thing. Really sorry, guys, I screwed up. I will be more careful in future. To any whom I have offended, please forgive me." Done, end of it.
We all do dumbass things now and then. But he can't seem to just accept, apologize, and take the responsibility. It has to be someone else at fault? Geesh. Evenlyn, I and a bunch of others clearly stated we didn't believe Jimmy was a racist/neo-nazi/whatever. We did NOT. If some did, hey, that's their right. But he's so busy deflecting, deflecting, self-excusing that any apology has to ring hollow in the barrage of CYA activity...
Some who gather here are atheists. Some believers in some faith. Some paleo. Some LC. Some HC. Some (like me) moderate carb--I find I do better and my thyroid does better with more carbs than the VLC and LC crowd prefer. Some of us believe LC is great for weight loss. Some thing LC is dangerous all around. Some follow reward theory. Some think there is validity in gluten avoidance; some don't. We're hardly homogeneous.
I'm an evangelical Christian with one degree in Health Information Management (which meant I also took courses in medical science, nutrition, microbiology, chemistry) and one in English. Some here are engineers and scientists, atheists or agnostsics. Some are regular non-science folks who want to get a handle on weight problems and want the science explained to us. Pretty much that's me. I don't work in a scientific career, but I want to understand it better for my own health. Because I saw issues creeping up in the LC community, I went exporing and found Evelyn. I like her critiques. I think they have value to the dieting community, especially to avoid LC groupthink.
I haveread Taubes and Paleo folks. I read Jaminet and deVany. I like Guyenet's blogs. I like Kresser. I like when these folks discuss the issues and debate them. It's valuable.
I don't hue to one bandwagon. I just look for folks who can explain better ways of understanding where the fricken good trails might be for all sorts of wagons, folks with the ability to assess and warn about the pitfalls so I can keep from breaking my metaphorical legs on this journey.
I do hope Jimmy sorts this out. I really do.
"Here is how it went down with me. My manager at Ultimate Exercise was contacted multiple times asking me for an interview. Dr. Duke described himself as a history professor at the American University in England. He stated that he conducted interviews that were used as content at various high quality websites and blogs. He billed himself as a supplier of content for news sites, and blogs and that he focused on cutting-edge content relating to politics, science and economics. I told my manager that I would not give an interview until I could see examples of his work. He provided links to a few interviews and articles at various websites that gave no indication of anything untoward. I agreed to do the interview. I did not find out I had granted an interview with THE Dr. David Duke until a few weeks later when someone I had done a consult with about a year prior, left a voicemail saying how much he enjoyed the interview and gave the name of the website. My wife and I were on the way to pick the kids up from school when I got this phone call. My wife was driving, so I looked up the website on my i-Phone. When I figured out what had happened, I felt like I was going to puke.
Oddly, he was one of the best interviewers I have ever encountered, and the interview went very well. When the interview actually appeared, it was preceded by an introduction where Dr. Duke stated that the interview was done without me actually knowing his full identity. He said this was done so as not to bias my answers or make me uncomfortable. That may have been his intent, but had I had full knowledge of who he was, I would have declined the interview.
However, the responsibility of due diligence is mine, and I must accept responsibility for this screw-up. If my being interviewed by this man has offended anyone, I deeply apologize. I apologize to my co-author John Little, I apologize to my wife and children, and all others who have affiliated with me or supported me along the way."
Bob Crason says:
December 30, 2012 at 12:18 pm
Hello, Dr. Davis. Happy New Year and thanks for your work.
Quick comment – you’re being taken to task on some of the paleo sites for your appearance earlier this year on former KKK grand wizard David Duke’s radio show. Your response?
Ev Barney says:
December 30, 2012 at 6:38 pm
Aww Bob, I have to tell you i hope that Dr. Davis has the dignity not to go there – at least not much. Would I RATHER someone I admire not be associated in any way with David Duke? Sure – but this whole ‘Low-Carb-Guru-Nazi” nonsense is getting out of hand. In fact, I found Jimmy Moore’s reply to the whole thing so absurdly defensive and juvenile it will be a while before I can read him again. I just blush at the thought.
Doing it on Mr. C-Word's blog somewhat detracts from the sincerity, at least to me. He should write the same thing on his own blog.
"‘Low-Carb-Guru-Nazi” nonsense is getting out of hand."
Yes it is. That's the strategy Jimmy is adopting and among the idiots, it's working. "She's saying I'm a Nazi because I unknowingly appeared on Duke's show!"
Never mind that Evelyn has said, and almost all commenters except one or two have said, that they don't believe Jimmy is a racist or an anti-Semite. You could say that 1000 times and they woulnd't listen. These people truly have thought disorders.
There is an old experssion in political PR; The cover up is worse than the crime... Not that Jimmy committed a crime, but he really looks like he is going crazy trying to cover his ass; and in the process making himself look worse.
I'd like to see the links that McGuff was sent by Duke.
"He provided links to a few interviews and articles at various websites that gave no indication of anything untoward."
Even still, what kind of manager does this guy have? Either they guy is supremely incompetent or was in on misleading his client. I find it hard to believe a manager looking out for their clients best interests wouldn't have at least googled.
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