Memes & Infographics
I don't know how many of my readers do the Facebook thing here. So called infographics (perhaps should be better termed disinfo graphics in most cases) and memes are big in that social media venue. These have, IMO, both good and bad aspects to them. They are a reflection of just what a sound bite world we live in, which on balance I believe is a bad thing because two things happen with sound bites -- effective summarization of a larger theme or camouflaging misinformation. On the good side, and to the former point, many people are reached at an intellectual level more by visuals and short phrases than by a sea of text.
In any case, I thought I would share a couple of these here from time to time. Many of these cannot be tracked back to an originator or are posted in "friends only" places so linking/attribution is difficult, so I won't be doing that here. If anyone recognizes their work and would like attribution (or recognizes someone else's work and can provide a publicly accessible nod), pipe up in comments or pop me a note (carbsane at gmail dot com) .
So without further delay, two about sugar:

Unfortunately, many took this the wrong way and didn't recognize the humor used to take a poke at some of the more absurd claims made about sugar. My favorite part is toxidant. Gold!
This next one was shared on the page of a nutritionist who likes to pose with vegetables and make disturbing videos on naughtiness. I kid you not. Perhaps she can bring her advice on practicing safe soy to the brothels ;-) In any case, here's the original and a "rebuttal" of sorts below.
First of all, I realize that many people describe foods as addictive and have their personal "trigger foods". This is not what memes like the one at right are saying and equating sugar to drugs like cocaine is nothing but demonization and scare-mongering. It's one thing to use over-the-top hyperbole, but analogies like this are not helpful especially when couched as "science" . So below is the rebuttal (not mine)

I would just note a few things. Clearly there's more than one atom different, though they might be referring to the nitrogen there in the cocaine? All amino acids contain nitrogen .... But even if that were the case, a single atom is all that needs be changed to convert a biologically active molecule to a benign one. I might add that there are different fatty acids that have the exact same chemical formula but where the location of a functional bond or group is different.
And lastly I'm reminded of water, good old H2O. I first learned about this evil substance when I took a class in Environmental Toxicology in college. Our professor began with something similar, but real, about a certain chemical, I don't recall which and then contrasted that with something like this:
Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO) is a colorless and odorless chemical compound, also referred to by some as Dihydrogen Oxide, Hydrogen Hydroxide, Hydronium Hydroxide, or simply Hydric acid. Its basis is the highly reactive hydroxyl radical, a species shown to mutate DNA, denature proteins, disrupt cell membranes, and chemically alter critical neurotransmitters. The atomic components of DHMO are found in a number of caustic, explosive and poisonous compounds such as Sulfuric Acid, Nitroglycerine and Ethyl Alcohol.
Yes, that hydroxyl radical! Which is nothing like the hydroxide ion, just like a bound chlorine atom is nothing like a chloride ion is nothing like chlorine gas. Water is also only one hydrogen atom different from hydrogen peroxide, a ROS that causes oxidative damage! Dihydrogen monoxide sounds similar to carbon monoxide which is lethal. Get the point? These sorts of flat out lies are unhelpful.
I'll leave you with one last one

Not to be confused with Abel James' Wild Diet (as I originally did). We all need to be aware of some of these labels, but no sugar added could mean naturally sweetened with fruit juice, etc. Regardless of what you think of that slight of terminology, it doesn't mean artificially sweetened (are they all carcinogenic?), etc. I'll leave the rest, you get the point.
Till next time!
I'm one of those trigger foods people and yes, my trigger foods are sugar/fat/carb fat bombs. I can't have them in the house. I suppose I can keep trying to master this whatever you want to call it for the rest of my life. I find it easier just not to have them in the house. And I call it an addiction. See below.
I'm not saying sugar is, to me, addictive to me because it's one atom away from whatever....I'm saying it's addictive because of bitter bitter experience.
Now I realize that the word addictive is loaded. But there are criteria for addiction. FWIW, the DSM lists them. Anyone can look them up, but two of them that really hit home are:
(5) A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain the substance (such as visiting multiple doctors or driving long distances), use the substance (such as chain smoking) or recover from its effects.
(6) Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of substance use.
Ding ding ding. This is embarrassing to talk about but it's a fact: a lot of my life pre-March 2011 (when I had the ELMM revelation and ditched LC) was wrapped around getting my mitts on sugary foods. I'd walk, take the subway to places I had no interest in, on urban hikes I'd always look up whether there was a bakery in the nabe. There is a great Polish bakery off the G line, in case you are interested. Their cheesecake is to die for.
I recognize that not everyone is like this, and that the situation is complicated in that not every sugary food is palatable to me. Nor do I think that government restriction is called for. (Is it working with marijuana?)
There are also studies on Pubmed validating the addiction/dopamine, etc. theory of sugar addiction. Anyone can look them up, I won't list them here. They don't prove anything, but they are very suggestive.
Here's the kicker: It is used IN HIGHER CONCENTRATION in the margarine than in the termite poison.
I won't say sugar is toxic like a regular poison/toxic in the way we normally think of it (ie, you're really sick or/and dead pretty soon). I would say daily and excessive consumption of sugar probably has toxic effects of some sort on the body, just as daily and excessive consumption of probably a host of things will stress the body and be problematic.
I will say I know many fine, smart, otherwise normal folks who simply cannot handle sugar. It sets them off on some bad eating mojo. Is it psychological? Is it physiological? Is it emotional? Is it addiction? I don't know. But the phenomenon happens enough that I can't discount it.
00:45:03 As you can see...
00:45:04 the chemical composition for table sugar...
00:45:07 is C12, H22, O11.
00:45:11 That's how Mr. Gibbs' brain reads the Sugar Puffs...
00:45:15 the Chewy Bears, and the jelly beans.
00:45:17 Now look at cocaine...
00:45:20 C17, H21, NO4.
00:45:24 Give or take a nitrogen, this man's on drugs.
Insects & fish are killed by small doses of pyrethrins. Humans are unaffected by that dose.
"Please, breathe into this bag and prepare for a life filled with the "rich and famous".
@Charles: Please do not link to or quote from that blog here. Thank you.
Reply Charles GrashowMarch 27, 2013 at 3:09 PM
Grovelling git, Jeez what fun and larks eh ! Whip lash Evelyn speaks and the ‘men’ bow down and kiss butt.
Low-carbohydrate diets and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: Two cohort Studies
A low-carbohydrate diet based on animal sources was associated with higher all-cause mortality in both men and women, whereas a vegetable-based low-carbohydrate diet was associated with lower all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality rates.
Diets for weight loss and prevention of negative health outcomes
Bottom line
Weight loss for all diets is greatest around 6 months, regain is common, and by 2 years there is no consistent difference between diets. Only the Mediterranean diet has demonstrated positive benefits for heart disease and mortality, despite not causing differences in weight or surrogate markers like lipid profiles.
Paleo and woo: Bad company until the day they die
"Ever since the rise of science and industry, there has long been a significant proportion of the population who distrust, fear, and sometimes even loathe modernity. Science changes too fast; it is thought to endanger “spiritual matters”; it tramples on “traditional values.” People fantasize about and long for a (nonexistent) time long past, when humans supposedly lived in harmony with their environment, and view science, specifically for the purposes of this discussion modern biomedicine, has having participating in destroying that “ancient wisdom.” We see strains of this tendency not just in medicine and “integrative medicine” but in literature and many other areas as well. Films such as Avatar and Dances With Wolves, among many others, portray scientists and “Western” man as rapacious and ready to destroy a race of hunter-gatherers and early agrarian people who are portrayed as living in complete harmony with nature. CAM and the Paleo diet share this fear of modernity as an underlying assumption even as their advocates use and misuse evolution to “prove” their worth. This is nothing new, and the rationale behind the Paleo diet is nothing more than, as Zuk has put it, the evolutionary search for our perfect past. Unfortunately, fantasy is not reality, and we humans have long been known to abuse and despoil our environment, even back in those “paleo” days. Indeed, when I took a prehistoric archeology course, which was largely dedicated to the period of time of the hunter-gatherers, one thing I remember my professor pointing out, and that was that what he did was largely the study of prehistoric garbage and that humans have always produced a lot of it.
We still haven’t stopped, unfortunately."
Nice try Eddie.
If Evelyn turns up at the next Ancestral Health Symposium and gives her lecture on legumes, I will run bare arsed down Wall Street.
Hope it's not too cold!!
Bacteria in the Intestines May Help Tip the Bathroom Scale, Studies Show
"The bacterial makeup of the intestines may help determine whether people gain weight or lose it, according to two new studies, one in humans and one in mice.
The research also suggests that a popular weight-loss operation, gastric bypass, which shrinks the stomach and rearranges the intestines, seems to work in part by shifting the balance of bacteria in the digestive tract. People who have the surgery generally lose 65 percent to 75 percent of their excess weight, but scientists have not fully understood why. Now, the researchers are saying that bacterial changes may account for 20 percent of the weight loss.
The findings mean that eventually, treatments that adjust the microbe levels, or “microbiota,” in the gut may be developed to help people lose weight without surgery, said Dr. Lee M. Kaplan, director of the obesity, metabolism and nutrition institute at the Massachusetts General Hospital, and an author of a study published Wednesday in Science Translational Medicine."
Here's another article about gut bacteria and obesity.
"...The researchers added that a patient lost 4stone 7lbs in nine weeks after being placed on a diet of 'whole grains, traditional Chinese medicinal foods and prebiotics', and said this was because it had reduced the bacterium's presence in the patient's gut to 'undetectable' levels. .."
To support you on your journey, we have invited mechanical engineer and EMF expert Michael Neuert, MA, BSME from the EMF Center in Santa Rosa, CA to join us for a 5-part EMF training program designed to help you take control of EMF exposure in your home environment.
Here's the scoop:
Our first webinar is being recorded THIS FRIDAY, and will be sent to members who sign up for the EMF Bootcamp on Monday, April 1.
Register now!
This first webinar is going to review the Top 11 Areas for Reducing EMF:
Cordless Phones
Cell Phones
Lights / electrical wiring in house
TV Room / Gaming
Meters & Testing
Michael is going to give you the low-down on what you can do RIGHT NOW to begin reducing your EMF exposure, even before you buy a meter and start measuring.
Our first live call will be a Q&A on Thursday, April 4 at 7 pm CST. You must review the webinar before the call so that your questions do not repeat content already delivered in the webinar. We will have up to 90 minutes with Michael to answer your questions.
Then, we will have four more webinars, all on Thursdays at 7 pm CST:
April 11: Magnetic Fields (Power lines, wiring)
April 18: Low Frequency electric fields (electricity, body voltage)
Apri 25: Radiowaves (cell phones, towers)
May 2: Rewiring and new constructions, faraday cages, Final Q&A
For each of these webinars, we are going to drill into the ins-and-outs of EMF in all its forms, how to test for it, what to do with high readings, and so much more. This webinar series is going to offer you a MASSIVE education on EMFs! The weekly webinars will include lots of Q&A to help us unpack the different kinds of fields we'll encounter and what to do about them.
Michael charges $120 / hour for phone consulting ... spending this kind of time learning from him would cost you well over $1,000, just for his counsel alone! But we've got your back! :) For members only, we have worked out a special deal with Michael for you to sign up for the EMF Bootcamp based on your membership level:
Gold: $99
Silver: $149
Bronze: $199
We will provide access to a recording of the calls after the series is over to everyone who signs up.
As a Bronze member, you can register for this event now for only $199. Sign up today and watch your email for the first webinar on Monday!
To Becoming Optimal,
Misty & Dr. Kruse
PS - Click here to get registered for the EMF Bootcamp!
"A new study, published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology, indicates that damage to the arteries occurs almost immediately after just one -- that’s right, one -- junk food-type meal. Based on the science, moderation with junk food doesn’t really exist.
The study compared the effects of a junk food meal and a Mediterranean based meal on the inner lining of the blood vessels. They tested this impact on 28 healthy, non-smoking men between 18 and 50 years old. The men were fed a Mediterranean-based meal -- with eight grams of saturated fat and two grams of omega-3 fatty acids -- which consisted of salmon, almonds and vegetables baked in olive oil. One week later, the subjects consumed 15 grams of saturated fat and zero grams of omega-3s from a fast food sausage, egg and cheese muffin sandwich and three hash browns.
The researchers collected their data by measuring the men’s endothelial function -- the ability of the blood vessels to dilate -- after a 12-hour fast and again two and four hours after finishing each meal. The results were not pretty! Almost immediately after eating one fast food sausage, egg and cheese sandwich, the men’s arteries dilated 24 percent less than when the subjects were in a fasted state. Poor endothelial function is a significant precursor of atherosclerosis, a hardening of the arteries that can block blood flow.
This study provides evidence that endothelial function declines after consuming only one junk food meal. With that in mind, can you imagine the arterial damage from consistently consuming one fast food egg muffin every day? Isn’t it time we assess the true “value” of that value meal?"
All of our consultation services are provided by our founder and electrical engineer, Michael R. Neuert. Michael holds a Bachelors Degree In Mechanical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin (1978), a Masters Degree in Psychology from Sonoma State University in California (1984). He is also a C-10 Electrical Contractor, and is licensed, bonded and insured in the State of California.
(used to measure Electric Fields)
by Michael R. Neuert, MA, BSME
$10 for written instruction booklet (please call to order)
I keep a tub of haagan dasz vanilla in my freezer. It's the perfect combo of fat sugar and vanilla flavour. Yet I have two or three spoonfuls of an evening to help me sleep and I never ever feel like eating more.
The best thing that could happen is that folks will be going by his webspace only to glace at a train wreck of a foul-mouthed man who has become a caveman of a joke, a paleo sideshow, the geek who entertains biting heads off assorted things that start with "c" (chickens, perhaps, for those who don't know what geeks actually used to do).
I'd rather be a feminine "C"--or just have one, thanks, to my husband's delight-- than an "alcoholic psychotic" (to reference his own words) threat-spewer writhing about for attention. "Look at me. Look at me. Look at my stats. Ain't I cool? " ::cue chest pounding soundtrack:::
Much of the sugar addiction research I've seen is not convincing to me. Anyone who has ever known a coke addict (or other serious addict) knows there's a difference in the general sense (as in making blanket statements).
Mystery Malady Kills More Bees, Heightening Worry on Farms
"A mysterious malady that has been killing honeybees en masse for several years appears to have expanded drastically in the last year, commercial beekeepers say, wiping out 40 percent or even 50 percent of the hives needed to pollinate many of the nation’s fruits and vegetables
A conclusive explanation so far has escaped scientists studying the ailment, colony collapse disorder, since it first surfaced around 2005. But beekeepers and some researchers say there is growing evidence that a powerful new class of pesticides known as neonicotinoids, incorporated into the plants themselves, could be an important factor.
Neonics, as farmers call them, are applied in smaller doses than older pesticides. They are systemic pesticides, often embedded in seeds so that the plant itself carries the chemical that kills insects that feed on it.
Older pesticides could kill bees and other beneficial insects. But while they quickly degraded — often in a matter of days — neonicotinoids persist for weeks and even months. Beekeepers worry that bees carry a summer’s worth of contaminated pollen to hives, where ensuing generations dine on a steady dose of pesticide that, eaten once or twice, might not be dangerous.
“Soybean fields or canola fields or sunflower fields, they all have this systemic insecticide,” Mr. Adee said. “If you have one shot of whiskey on Thanksgiving and one on the Fourth of July, it’s not going to make any difference. But if you have whiskey every night, 365 days a year, your liver’s gone. It’s the same thing.”
Research to date on neonicotinoids “supports the notion that the products are safe and are not contributing in any measurable way to pollinator health concerns,” the president of CropLife America, Jay Vroom, said Wednesday. The group represents more than 90 pesticide producers.
Neonicotinoids are hardly the beekeepers’ only concern. Herbicide use has grown as farmers have adopted crop varieties, from corn to sunflowers, that are genetically modified to survive spraying with weedkillers. Experts say some fungicides have been laced with regulators that keep insects from maturing, a problem some beekeepers have reported.
Eric Mussen, an apiculturist at the University of California, Davis, said analysts had documented about 150 chemical residues in pollen and wax gathered from beehives.
“Where do you start?” Dr. Mussen said. “When you have all these chemicals at a sublethal level, how do they react with each other? What are the consequences?”
Experts say nobody knows. But Mr. Adee, who said he had long scorned environmentalists’ hand-wringing about such issues, said he was starting to wonder whether they had a point.
Of the “environmentalist” label, Mr. Adee said: “I would have been insulted if you had called me that a few years ago. But what you would have called extreme — a light comes on, and you think, ‘These guys really have something. Maybe they were just ahead of the bell curve.’”
Pogo - "we have met the enemy and he is us"
I suspect it works by improving mineral absorption.
Of course, this is totally psychological. But then, so is all addiction. The physically addicted to heroin thing is wildly overstated.
(If this is a duplicate trash it)
Addiction IS psychological. That "Man With a Golden Arm" getting off the junk scene is wildly overstated. I exp'd a brief window of I can eat just a small amount from March 2011 to November 2011 - then I fell off the wagon.
It is true that deprivation sets up for wild indulgence but the answer so far or me hasn't been to indulge in moderation. It has been to detach and separate from the desire to eat the trigger. No way could I have ice cream in the house and just eat a few bites. Nor do cakes/cookies, etc. fill me up.
The only thing that fills me up is some combination of protein & starch, i.e., steak and potatoes, or chicken and rice. Followed by a fruit dessert, preferably a ripe pear, or a banana, or a peach, or cherries. Apples don't do it. Weird, no? Well, that's the way I am.
I've also totally junked the idea that my moods are in any way affected by what I eat. What and how I eat is affected by my moods. Now, what creates them? Too complicated to go into here. But it's a much bigger deal than what I am eating.
I've known perfectly stable people who eat MacDonald's regularly. And most of the people who eat their version of the perfect diet are whack-jobs.
Not really. I don't think all addiction is purely psychological, especially heroin. There's a definite psychiatric component in certain cases that does have physical/neurological implications that go beyond personal will.
1) Sugar or 2) Cocaine
If you guessed crack, you would be right! Actually, cocaine (and thus, food?) supposedly are psychologically addictive, while heroin, alcohol, nicotine, opiates in most forms, are physically addictive. I would surmise that anyone who thinks they are not is lucky to never have dealt with a junky, or had to quit ciggies.
In other news, people really don't understand chemistry, I barely do and got my BS in it. also, I am SO happy that I can eat a little sugar, a little alcohol, a little cocaine, (KIDDING)!
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