Announcing Limited Edition Keto Clarity Commemorative Teaspoons!


MacSmiley said…
ROFLOL I've got to stop reading your blog posts while I'm eating.
Nigel Kinbrum said…
Calories In = Calories entering mouth - Calories exiting anus - Calories exiting nose & mouth ;-)
carbsane said…
Calories snorted don't count! :p
EJ said…
Teaspoons are used for portion control by people who eat carbohydrates and believe in CICO. On a well-formulated HFLC diet, there is no need for portion control. A nutrient-dense whole food such as grass-fed butter is so satisfying, a keto-adapted person will often feel full after eating only 1 or 2 sticks. Not that butter should be measured in "sticks" because that would also be portion control.
Kitty said…
I was glad to read that Jimmy recognized that the Defibrillator was deficient in saturated fat and had a bit of butter with every bite. It could have really messed up his ketone production and caused weight gain if he hadn't. Smart man.
carbsane said…
Love it!
carbsane said…
This reminds me of a Westman quote from Cholesterol clarity that eggs are the equivalent to a baby chicken. So there you have portion control packages. 80 calorie packs :D
Sanjeev Sharma said…
complete with fur and beaks ... ugh, wadda maroon