2015: An Update
Hello all, and Happy New Year!
What? It's the 18th already? Yeah ... well ... that's about par for the course for me lately.
I haven't updated much personally on this blog for a number of reasons. First and foremost, because this is not a blog about my personal journey. I realize that some of my critics don't seem capable of grasping that point, but that is what it is. In addition, while threats to my security, that began to develop almost 3 years ago, have abated somewhat in the past year, they have not disappeared entirely ... and the internet, for better or worse, has a long memory. Hopefully things continue to improve on that front, and if you have no idea what I'm talking about, you'll never have to!
The past year was a horrendous one for me on a personal level. It would not be exaggerating to say it was likely the worst year of my life, though memory tells me that age 13 was pretty bad too :-)
After a fairly long bout with late stage cancer, we lost my father in law. My own father has picked up where my in law left off with his own serious health issues. He still works full time (or did) and is in good physical shape otherwise. So appearances, and even being super active physically and mentally, are ultimately not always indicative of anything in the end. Realizing he needs to slow down will not be easy for Dad. My mother, who is doing rather well otherwise, nonetheless had her second knee replaced. We're officially at that point of children caring for the parents ...
Last year two of my high school classmates passed away. It hits home ... ya know? I'm only just over 50. There were other losses ... from both of our sides. We still have financial stresses due to moving almost a decade ago without selling our home, and a whole lot of things going on that simply are not going to be discussed here on this blog. In the end, it is all irrelevant, except to remind people that there is life outside the Asylum.
I'm tired. Tired of being accused of persecuting or harassing or stalking people. I do not do that. Anyone who makes their public living based on their personal story, should expect that personal story to be held up to the light of day. Especially if that personal story is their whole reason to be "in the business". By contrast, many I discuss here are "gurus" who claim to bring the science or know better than the supposed misguided mainstream. These people need to be held to the high standards they supposedly hold others to, and the personal backgrounds have little relevance. Read what I write, not what others say I write.
That said, I'm more tired of hucksters, scammers and the outright dishonest preying on people's desperation and ignorance than I have ever been. I use the latter term according to its dictionary definition, e.g. not as a judgmental term or one conveying any "better than" attitude. If you are actively in the process of ruining your health or promoting lifestyle choices with unproven, dubious or downright negative health consequences, I will continue to blog on such in a fact based manner. The onus is supposed to be on those making extraordinary claims ... let's put that responsibility where it belongs. That said, avocacy does not come without responsibility, so while your family is off limits, your personal motivations are fair game for scrutiny when you claim to be "helping people" with your efforts, engaged in coverups and lies and whatever else to make a buck.
What will 2015 bring? I had a fair idea around a month ago. I'm less sure of it now, as this year has not gotten off to a stellar start on the "real life" front. It's not all bad, thankfully. There have been some amazing positives, but these are sure to mean more time spent "in real life" rather than on internet/hobby stuff. This is a good thing, but it is not without inner conflict.
I have spent a lot of time building what I've done here. I still have aspirations to do *more* with this and build upon that. I'm just not sure exactly where that building will come in 2015. So ... that's a bit cryptic. Sorry. This blog will go on.
I want to take this opportunity to thank ALL of you for making this place what it is. There are the old timers, the new comers, and the stealth behind-the-scenes supporters. You all help make this blog a truly special place worth continuing. From my heart, THANK YOU.
Here's to a great year for each and every one of you.
I have read quite a lot of what her critics say about her work. So far I have not found a single criticism I thought was justified.
Things are going much better of late.
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