Because you can never have too much fun ...
In honor of Jimmy's podcast with the new leader of the Insurgency, Peter "War on Insulin" Attia, MD, I've gotta introduce the latest in my series of Lego superhero analogies. Attia is younger and considerably more photogenic than Taubes and puts a fresh face on the movement. When Taubes introduced Attia on his blog, I just couldn't help but think "Boy Wonder" ... and it all started to fall into place.
The "Dynamic Duo" of Taubes and Attia will from now on be known as Fatman and Glucagon here at the Asylum! These two shall patrol Glutton City in their Fatmobile protecting its citizens from the dastardly deeds of team CICO.
No analogy would be complete without identifying the everyday alter-egos of these two. In the role of Bruce Wayne, we have none other than Jimmy Moore (has anyone ever seen Taubes and Moore in the same place at the same time?), and in the role of Dick Grayson, we will have Adam Kosloff.
Yours truly, of course, shall play the role of Catwoman ;-) Nah, let's make that Carbwoman!!
Update: I went looking for Lego Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson. Had luck with the first, but not much with the second. Except that I came up with something even better. It seems that Dick Grayson got tired of being Batman's sidekick and struck out on his own as Nightwing. I think this scenario fits Kosloff better ... we'll call him Gateking. So allow me to introduce you to Jimmy Moore, as himself in Bruce Wayne's role, and Gateking! Jimmy is holding on to Gateking's black box for him while he fights off the Calorie Wizards with his pool noodles.
Yours truly, of course, shall play the role of Catwoman ;-) Nah, let's make that Carbwoman!!
Update: I went looking for Lego Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson. Had luck with the first, but not much with the second. Except that I came up with something even better. It seems that Dick Grayson got tired of being Batman's sidekick and struck out on his own as Nightwing. I think this scenario fits Kosloff better ... we'll call him Gateking. So allow me to introduce you to Jimmy Moore, as himself in Bruce Wayne's role, and Gateking! Jimmy is holding on to Gateking's black box for him while he fights off the Calorie Wizards with his pool noodles.
@evelyn....aha! you're right! no they've never been seen in the same place at the same time. Ignatius is so busted!
> But everyone is different
I ain't; I'm the same. The same as what I don't know, but the same.
Declaring war on insulin is effectively declaring war on food (as insulin is a nutrient storage hormone). Dr Attia is effectively saying "Don't eat too much" (i.e. calories count)!
With whey, the insulin spike cancels-out the glucagon spike.
Net result:- GI = ~0.
I'm more disturbed that someone with a medical degree would read GCBC multiple times with 4 different color highlighters and 4 different color page tab stickies and come away with over 20 pages of questions to ask the great Gary Taubes. That is troubling.
Speaking of which, is it hyperglycemia or hypo insulinemia that leads so many of us down the diabesity path? (OK, I know, it could be both.)
Diabesity? Hmm. Have you seen Insulin Resistance: Solutions to problems?
The obesity part is eating too much (for whatever reason) and moving too little (for whatever reason). The diabetes part is multi-factorial.
Whey powder = Very expensive glucose + very expensive wee.
hmmm, this motley crew (excepting the fab feline, of course) needs some worthy superhero theme muzak, no?
So, does glucagon have any effect on adipocyte lipid storage one way or the other?
here's 2 things recently from Stephan's that made me scratch my noggin
"people experience insulin making them gain weight"
(paraphrased, it was split up in 2 or 3 sentences in the original)
And our own beloved "NNNNN" could go down in the record books for the density per paragraph and the mindlessness repetitiveness of non sequiturs.
After making the same comment ten times, not even significantly changing the wording and convincing NO ONE, innit about time to bring in something new guvnor? Too bad "broken record" doesn't resound like it used to.
I've searched for repeated, verified proof that glucagon causes fat release from human adipocytes in vivo.
A few of the searches:
Still very little ...
All the standard textbooks at the local university library still say glucagon has very little effect in humans outside the liver.
and another search
And as far as glucagon opposing insulin ... or click
Wish I could see the full text of that one (that's all in vitro though ...)
I experience the effect on my fat as a humorous poking sensation ... I could be mis-experiencing a weight gain as a poking though.
My Type 1 stepson injects - and has not yet decided to "go" R K Bernstein. He like his bread & potato and injects.
Injected always has a decay rate from one injection to the next. It is difficult to get a median average.
Pulsatile it ain't - not like us ordinary folk, many of whom have never had a fasting insulin, so they do not know whether they are hyper or hypo.
I did five years ago: it was 3.4 IU.
Increasing lipolysis increases conversion of TAG -> Glycerol + FFAs.
Glycerol is converted into glucose by the liver & kidneys.
Un-burned FFAs enter adipocytes with glucose for conversion into TAG.
In the end, this is all academically interesting, but the big question remains whether hyperinsulinemia is a source of the problems of diabesity, or whether hyperglycemia is solely to blame. If the former, then Dr Attia needs to rethink his morning shake irrespective of his theory of obesity.
I don't think neither hyperinsulinemia or hyperglycemia is a cause of diabetes. They are more likely a result of insulin resistance caused by overeating.
Personally I think the whey is the least of Boy wonder's problems. Good thing he eats something that isn't fat.
[Yoda]One meal does not a diet make, hmmm.[/y]
Please post more if you know of them, showing more or less lipolysis in human adipoctytes, in vivo
Maybe I should search pubmed more than google, which sometimes gives too many hits to sort through all of them
for fat loss it's looking more and more like it __deserves__ none.
But like they discount ASP with thought experiments (not real experiments), the low carbers won't let facts and real studies get in the way of the
[ (protein -> glucagon) plus (protein ->insulin) ] reduces fat while
carbs -> insulin increases your fat stores"
Lyle's research reviews point to leucine (especially rich in fast-digesting whey) being anabolic in and of itself but not necessarily anti-catabolic, and a steady trickle of amino acids (as provided by casein) being somewhat anti-catabolic.
And insulin (even small amounts) blocking muscle catabolism.
large amounts of whey right before a workout, and during and immediately after appear to accentuate exercise's anabolism, carbohydrates in the same time frame minimize glycogen depletion's (ie exercise's) catabolic effect.
based on what Attia believes, "insulin makes you fat" Attia's wrong.
Based on what is IMHO "good science" Attia's kind of right, but only going half-way (he should have a lot of carbs around workouts)
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