Jimmy Moore, PSS
In recent comments here, someone hit the nail on the head about Jimmy Moore. He's become a professional sympathy seeker, PSS. This is evident in his latest whine blog post: Aren’t You Going To Respond To The Negative Attacks Against You?
Jimmy posts some screenshots of comments made about him and says this:
I guess these people have an expectation that if they write a comment like this on my blog, Facebook wall or Twitter page, at a YouTube video, on my forum or elsewhere online that I have a duty to publish it. I do not. I tend to agree with the famous blogger Tim Ferriss from “The Four-Hour Workweek” blog and his doctrine of it being okay to disagree with the ideas I share on my blog. But once you cross the line into personal attacks against me or others, there is no expectation that your comment will ever see the light of day. DELETE! I’m more than happy to entertain lively debate and discussion of the topics I blog about (that’s what a blog is for, right?). But if you decide to write some of the kind of stuff I shared above, it’s a guaranteed way your comments will never be approved.
This is laughable as the first comment of mine I recall him censoring was calling him out for saying something like he'll listen to what I have to say when I come out and stop using my idiotic moniker (this was back when I was still anonymous). Jimmy gives the impression that his critics, and he's said that this blog is dedicated to exposing his fraud, are trying to post obnoxious comments and that's what he censors. I've never tried to post an obnoxious comment on any of Jimmy's blog and I have screenshots somewhere of the few comments that have been censored. But this man is dishonest about comments on his blog because several have mentioned having their comments censored, and those weren't derogatory. Jimmy has for about a year now been moderating comments that simply point out the problem he is having is related to how MUCH he eats. Period. And I think this is truly precious coming from a man who published Jeff Volek's attack on Paul Jaminet calling him a nut job, routinely pokes fun of overweight people who are not LLVLC, and calls scientists and such idiots on a regular basis.
I have no problem blocking these kind of unproductive, demeaning comments from ever seeing the light of day. If you can’t be positive or at the very least show common decency in a public forum, then you don’t deserve to be heard. It’s pretty easy to disagree without being disagreeable and at the same time be encouraging even in the midst of criticism. Some people have yet to master this fine art of comment decorum.
Yes, Jimmy, we're well aware that if someone doesn't contribute to the community in a way you deem fit you have no use for them. But please, sir, it's bad enough you play your Christian card to avoid criticism, please don't lecture folks on the fine art of comment decorum when you let stand a whole bunch of vitriol against me on your blog. You only care that it's not you or one of your friends that's being criticized. But eh, that's not what prompted this post. Before the above quotes he posted a series of screenshots -- unattributed -- of supposed comments purported to have been made on HIS blog/Twitter/forum/etc. Well, that's a LIE. One of them, the longest one, was a comment made on this blog by Kurt Harris.
That post was Response to Moore/Kosloff Podcast II: Commentary . How funny that Adam Kosloff drops by in the comments to commiserate with poor Jimmy after misrepresenting our email exchange in his podcast. I'm still waiting for any sort of followup from Adam as promised here on March 25. But back to the point at hand. First of all, I don't see anything about Kurt's comment that doesn't meet with the "fine art of comment decorum" here or elsewhere. Secondly, how dare Jimmy use that comment, from this blog, to imply that it is an example of nastiness on one of his venues. He goes on:
These sample comments I shared above are only a few of the ones I’ve received just over the past week.
No Jimmy you're lying to your readers. You did not receive that comment, I did. And you did not receive it just over the past week, I received it over a month ago. So you wouldn't have had the option to delete it. But thank you for sharing it with your audience, perhaps it will wake up a few of your followers to what you're all about. I realize desperate times call for desperate measures, but there's a saying about holes and shovels that you might want to give serious consideration to. Criticism of a 300 lb man singing the glories of his diet is in no way out of bounds. Why not just use current pictures on your sites Jimmy? Why does Twitter still say just "Lost 180 pounds on Atkins, eat low-carb paleo, working through metabolic derangement, educating through my Livin' La Vida Low-Carb blog/podcasts" sporting a caricature avatar that bears little resemblance to you? And criticism of Amy Dungan is justified on the same count because she has weighed more for most of the past decade than she did prior to going low carb. That is a fact and the criticism is more than fair. For the record, I believe Jimmy did not attribute the comments to those who wrote them to deliberately imply that they came from folks like me. Sleazy cheezy.
I've been meaning to mention this for a while now (and perhaps I have, I've typed it out before just not sure it was published in the final version of a blog post) because this is not the first time Jimmy has complained about all of this supposed animosity and nastiness in his venues. He is a hypocrit on that note and nothing demonstrates that better than how he runs his own forum. Forget that he let stand posts accusing me of being an addict (for consuming fructose in any way, shape or form) or calling me a lunatic when I suggested NEFA stimulate insulin release. No, I'm talking about his use of Razwell to take a poke at Anthony Colpo. When we're talking decorum I cannot think of a more vile troll that I've ever encountered than Razwell who authored quite a number of vulgar misogynist posts about yours truly before his blog was removed for violating just about every Blogger rule. I'm not new to being on the receiving end of Razwell who abused the PM function at the LLVLC forum back in 2009 to send vulgar misogynistic messages to me. In addition to rants on the public board against Colpo and others that were let stand, Jimmy rightly banned him (but did not remove all content) for this behavior. Since there are actually very few folks banned on the forum (I can only think of one before Razzy got the boot, ZC'er Charles Washington) Jimmy should have some recollection of the circumstances of the banning. He certainly is aware of who Razwell is and his disgusting rants. So anyway, after exploiting his embryo adoption saga (I can't think of any other word for it) to whatever end motivated putting the last episode up to Christine letting out a wail when informed she'd lost the baby(ies) on YouTube, Jimmy publicly took a much needed break from blogging/etc. to grieve the loss. He broke his silence twice (perhaps more, I didn't do Twitter at all at the time). Once understandably to post links to podcasts with AHS11 speakers, but the second time just blew my mind.
"Jane Santos" writes:
Hi, Jimmy.It's Razwell. Something happened to my account since my last visit.
I just want to tell you that I have your back on this. As you can see . The dimwitted Anthony Colpo is hurling the insults on his site. Anthony Colpo is a fraud and a shady, shady guy. He is grossly misinformed about obesity. Obesity is almost as heritable as height, surpassing all other conditions but height alone . And possibly equalling it. The greatest quality peer reviewed science from Dr. Jeffery Friedman and Dr. Stunkard demonstrate this .
Anthony Colpo has proven he thinks lowly of obese people and does not treat them with the same respect ANYONE deserves. See Urgelt's of YouTube obesity video. ....
There's more to the rant, but you note Razzie identified himself. But he calls AC "dimwitted" -- is that the "fine art" of decorum Jimmy's hailing? Even had he not been banned before, that post should have been removed. But if one is serious about why they banned someone, he should have removed it and banned the new identity. But no ... instead Jimmy comes out of his grieving period respite to post on his forum (something he didn't used to do much for a very long time other than announcements for podcasts and blogposts) and replies:
Jimmy Moore, clean up your own act before trying to psychoanalyze your critics. It's sickening. Someone going by Hold the Hoax on Jimmy's forum posted this in response to his blog:Colpo became irrelevant a long time ago.
In all honesty it's hard to feel very sorry for you, Jimmy. First of all, you don't distinguish between the two (as I see it) distinct types of criticism of you: (1) the mean, nasty, ad hominem attacks, which I think we can ALL agree have no place in civil discourse, and (2) the thoughtful, considered opinions of those who - rightly or wrongly - feel you attempted to co-opt a movement (paleo) near and dear to their hearts (I mean, seriously, Jimmy…paleo? Do you even believe in evolution?). If I had to guess, I'd say that's where some of the visceral dislike comes from: the recognition of some fairly blatant hypocrisy. And, to those who've read you for some time, this is nothing especially new - from the KimKins fiasco (where you stubbornly dug in before issuing a mea culpa) to the altering of reader comments to your present blacklisting of polite, respectful contrarian voices from your blog. I find it frankly incomprehensible that you refuse to draw distinctions between legitimate and illegitimate criticism - and very clever, as well, as evidenced by your slipping Dr. Kurt Harris' comment from CarbSane's blog in among all those slightly less elevated comments from garden-variety trolls. There is a difference, Jimmy, and I think you realize that. And speaking of CarbSane, it's REALLY hard to feel bad for you on that point - because you CREATED her! Before your podcast, nobody much knew - or cared - about the anonymous, bunny-eared blogger attacking Gary Taubes. But, for whatever reason - controversy to generate page views and bring in readers/listeners, whatever - she was given a national audience, and we all know what happened next. Anyway, I'm sure this comment will be gone even before I can click "Post Reply", but I feel it is important that your readers know that not all criticism of the almighty LLVLC webpire is created equal. And why am I even reduced to posting on a forum of which I am admittedly not even an active part? Easy - because I've been banned by the head champion of free speech and open debate himself: Jimmy Moore.Well said, and thanks, whoever you are. You know, you're right. In many ways Jimmy Moore did create me. The podcast basically doubled my regular traffic and it stayed that way, but the next big bump in my traffic was my LC Morphing to HAES series and the like. Jimmy coordinated with Taubes on that podcast deal and took pot shots at my character in Gary's "response". Jimmy didn't care that people were trashing me for who I was and my anonymity and couldn't care less to respond to the science. Jimmy wanted to take me out and he probably figured the little boost the podcast might give me would wane as folks wouldn't stick around. And he was counting on his and Gary's fans to shout me down and he didn't care if some of the crap that was flung hurt me. He was wrong, and the interest in the HAES series and posts exposing low carb FRAUDS is always stronger (page hit wise) than the science posts. That's not why I write them though. I write them because if a blogger with a "voice" learns of something that is wrong, I believe not sharing that with others would be wrong. That I try and inject a little humor with the drinks, Lego characters, etc., is as much for my own entertainment as it is for my amazing audience. That they are almost always hits tells me that there are people out there who want to know this stuff and are glad I'm putting it out there. Exposing fraud and quackery IS productive Jimmy. Read it and weep.
p.s. I've been reading your blog to perhaps close to two years now, I just don't usually comment.
This one was mine
The effectiveness of Jimmy's 'broken metabolism' and 'the government caused all this' lines show's how big a market there is for excusing the obvious. That's the real shame of paleo or whatever you want to call it getting co-opted- for a huge percentage of people a message of don't eat processed junk, sleep more, exercise more and learn to relax is correct, simple and a very helpful list of things to fix first. It just doesn't sooth the ego as well as broken metabolisms, magic supplements, evil government agencies, diabolical macronutrients, uncontrolled hormones and so on.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I learned more on this site in the first two weeks about nutrition than I did in an entire year of following Moore/Naughton/Taubes.
You do a really good job in being able to go after monkeys like Jimmy with more class than I ever will. I have way to much emotion that fuels my writings and a philosophy towards humanity that influences how I approach others. If I think someone is being a whiny scumbag, then that's what I call them, hence I tend to get labeled a troll. I can live with that.
Thanks for the time and effort you put into your blog, its doing a lot of good.
I actually felt regret about my comments after reading his post. He is tortured by his condition enough, and obviously can't do much about it for whatever reason, personal or natural, lack of willpower strength... If he could he would. He doesn't cause delusions by being honest enough about his ridiculous food choices. I have never been in his shoes, never needed to loose so much fat, before I turned 40 years old any diet worked for me, my live-hood never depended on any life-style. He works hard making available his podcast for free for a wide audience, no one does it on a such scale (may be I am wrong - Dr.Mercola comes to mind, it is just I can't stand him at all.).
Probably, he deserves more mercy from all of us, and definitely doesn't deserve to be very harshly ridiculed. Poor guy.
Harsh ridicule, and lots of laughing are in order. Taubes' rudenes to Stephen Guyenet is a good snapshot of how his mind works. If you disagree, you are an enemy. I am beginning to think there are a lot of reactionaries in the paleo/LC world.
I can't tell for sure if you are joking or serious. I want to think you are kidding, but the internet blocks many of the tools used to decipher communication so I'm not sure.
What got me was that someone posted a mean response to Jimmy's thread on sugar addiction and how it is making us overweight. The person said that he felt he needed to go up to fat people on the street, get in their face and tell them they were addicts. I told him he was being self righteous and that if someone did that to me I would not be kind back. What struck me as odd was that Jimmy kept silent, he's 303lbs and didn't find it insulting that someone would post that kind of dribble.
LC/Paleo and people like Jimmy foster that kind of mentality, it's commonplace in that community. I really think LC is just another place where bigots can go and take out their bias on fat people. What's more disturbing is so many of them are overweight, but they think they are OK because they are doing something about it. Nothing worse than a reformed tubby or someone who thinks they are.
If you can't eat some potato or sweet potato without slathering it with fat you clearly have a problem with food.
I think LC offers solace for people who can't overcome their food problem because it offers a chance to move the goal posts ... you don't have to lose weight, all you have to do is avoid spikes in your glucose and improve the numbers in your blood work ... then you can claim to be healthy despite being obese, and look down upon the poor misguided "skinny fat" people who eat pasta and are doomed to an early grave.
That said, if he really believes that "the answer to the question I used as the title of this blog post [Aren’t You Going To Respond To The Negative Attacks Against You?] is a resounding no" and "My tactic is to ignore this stuff ... the world is a much better place if we all tune out the naysayers and thus lessen their impact" I'm not sure why you'd write a blog post about it ... or at least write about it at length and with so much detail.
Then again, there are 75 comments on his post of the "Jimmy I just want to give you a big hug" variety. If I was feeling pretty unhappy about where my weight was *and* I was getting hateful criticism, I might need some support too. I think I've said here that's my theory behind the data dump posts.
I did think it curious that he'd use the KGH criticism since not that long ago Kurt was one of the favorite podcasts (and since Jimmy could easily make his point without Kurt's comment ... perhaps b/c of the source that one really hurt?)
He contradicts himself big time. If you go to his Facebook page he has one of his criticisms he posted as his background photo (he posted it long before his boo hoo blog). Obviously the stuff is getting to him and his blog post is just his way to get "hugs" and "Jesus loves you comfort".
BTW I was honored that I made such an impact on him. I was a little embarrassed by my poor writing skills though. I think my English 101 teacher who gave me an "A" in the class would be upset to.
I share your shock at the KGH "lift". Kurt was the #1 vote getter for Encore Week last year ... my how things change.
You hit nail on hhead of why this post was made. Jimmy needed some love.
It may be obvious to others how to armchair quarterback someone else's issues, but having been in those shoes (for decades) I know how hard it can be to let go of what's not working for you.
Oh good, it did it's job then.
How hard is it for you to stop using dishonesty and manipulation to capitalize on other peoples struggles as your primary source of income? Ooooh ouchie...that's just a little less easy to sympathize with isn't it? If I call him onto the carpet for his BEHAVIOR I do not have empathy for his situation or condition. Convenient. I need to GET me one of those easy buttons :)
But what he posted was generally pretty tame, and in some cases a reasonable criticism (regarding how it looks when someone promotes a diet or lifestyle that doesn't seem to be working for him). So I get the impression that he was aiming this at a specific group of people who are making a specific type of criticism. By lumping them in with "haters" and using a decidedly passive-aggressive tone, he is trying to smear people he doesn't like, while pretending to remain above the fray.
I agree with Evelyn that it's pretty sleazy.
Personally I can't decide whether I think KGH will give JM something to cry about for using his comment from another blog as an example or if he'll just wash his hands of the whole deal.
You know I'm no fan of sadistic choices so obviously I reject the paradigm that says I'm either above the weight I deem reasonable OR sane.
"Why does Twitter still say just 'Lost 180 pounds on Atkins, eat low-carb paleo, working through metabolic derangement, educating through my Livin' La Vida Low-Carb blog/podcasts' sporting a caricature avatar that bears little resemblance to you?"
Maybe it's just me, but I think his Twitter avatar makes him look like Frankenstein. Compare this (http://bit.ly/IunVC6) with this (http://bit.ly/IuprEf). A real photo would be better.
He has his own Facebook page as well as his Living Low Carb page and then swoops in on Naughton's page. He hustles and it got annoying especially when some of the people he put on the show were total nincompoops. Funny to is that the main pic that he uses is him back when he was at his low weight of around 230. Can't post a pic of a tubby b**ch pushing a diet that is supposed to be a cure-all for obesity.
Yes my favorites are the God comments, "God has a plan", obviously its for him to stay fat. Which if that is the case he needs to trust in the Lord and come to grips with his fate. Maybe instead of eating he should be praying. Does he do Communion? I mean he is eating bread and drinking wine....oh wait! It just hit me his weight gain is from the carbs he ingests during the ceremony. The insulin being produced from it is countering his LC diet. Reason number 2,456,435 of why I am not a Christian.
> my favorites are the God comments, "God has a plan"
Hold the Hoax
> seriously, Jimmy…paleo? Do you even believe in evolution?
Does anyone know if Jimmy's a creationist? Were he European or from some parts of Ontario, Quebec, New York, California It would not occur to me to put these 2 things together this way.
Wow. The mind boggles at the thought of how much he must have pulled in over this.
"One of the people who e-mailed me after hearing this podcast, which he described as “bad,” exclaimed matter-of-factly that “evolution is a fact…the Bible is a fairy tale.” Because I shared in a follow-up e-mail with him that I’m a Christian who does not believe in the Darwinian theory of evolution and that the Bible has great meaning in my life, he actually cancelled his reservations for The Low-Carb Cruise coming up in May 2012. Oh well, it’s his loss and seems rather immature to do over a simple disagreement about something a podcast interview guest shared. Very strange."
I really dislike how Jimmy hides behind Christianity. I've received many an email over the past year or so from people he's been decidedly un-Christian to. I have no way of confirming every story, but based on my own experiences with him and the whole "stalker" thing, they tend to ring true to me.
On the other hand, I do feel embarrassed for him.
If he doesn't want to read criticism, he shouldn't read here. Problem solved.
"Really Jimmy quit whining. You talk the talk but have been failing when it comes to "walking the walk". Reach down, grab a pair and start "walking the walk"…loose the weight…man up and you will get respect not sympathy. Its really pretty simple."
Got fired on by a few for being a hater and my poor grammar (it was intended, like in My Cousin Vinney, yoots for youths}. I forgave my drill sgt. for calling me a "lard ass". It was motivating especially when his boot met my butt. JM's cutting and pasting of so called "hateful comments" didn't appear to be mean spirited to me…especially the one I read here first from DKH…truthful and spot on…Jimmy really is the 300-pound elephant in the room, at these conferences that he shows up at and tries to hijack. His passive aggressive personality is wearing thin. And he does need to get out from behind the "skirts" and man-up, and really try to help people…he can start with himself.
I tried to post a comment yesterday morning regarding the use of the Dr. Harris example but it never made past moderation. Somebody commented about the anonymity of Jimmy’s critics, and I pointed out that the one example was from Dr. Harris, one of the more prominent voices in the Paleo/Ancestral movement.
I also noted the strategy on Jimmy’s part to try and intertwine troll comments with the criticism of people like Dr. Harris to try and pretend that all criticism is nothing more than trolling.
I guess I didn't show enough pity to make it past moderation.
You know, I used to feel sorry for his wife Christine as she never seems too enthusiastic about being in videos. But she's Muzikgirl who posted this in response to you: "Wow! How insensitive can you be! It’s people like you that make this world a harder place to live in. You don’t know what Jimmy has been dealing with. You don’t really know him. If our did, you woukdn’t say crap like that. Thank you for making Jimmy’s point. You’re jut one of the haters…"
I mean really. She's invested in all this too so maybe it's Helsinki Syndrome. But I don't feel sorry for her anymore.
Sometimes you bring it on yourself. You said “that’s just Lance being Lance” and then and you blocked me on facebook when I said a neurologist
(offline) said there’s no cure for MS and
I said you and followers don’t want to hear it and if you want to ”surround yourself with Yes Men so be it.” And I was blocked from ever viewing your profile.
You shouldn’t have said “That’s just x being x” condescendingly and block… escalating things so quickly like that. Saying “that’s just x being x” is not humble and provoking diet wars laughing while mocking “vegetarians” and “vegans” is highly inflammatory. So learn from your mistakes, otherwise, don’t complain if you don’t want to learn. If you take the approach “They can’t be convinced anyway.” you’ll just further become more and more narrow-minded convincing yourself you’re the one true all knowing.
I'm not a big fan of vegan/vegetarianism, but it always rubs me the wrong way how much they are bashed by low carbers & Paleos (as to the latter, it seems it attracts many ex-veggies, and you know what they say about ex-smokers ... I think it applies here too). Sounds like one of those comments was from Lance and was part of a heated exchange. Kumbaya!
I can just imagine how that'd go over when he gets upstairs :) "No, seriously...aren't you aware that I'm insulin resistant?! Could we skip the metaphors and do the blood and flesh straight up?" It's all about having your priorities straight.
I just tweeted some vintage Jimmy Moore ... my how times change. http://livinlavidalowcarb.com/blog/fat-acceptance-is-a-ruse-to-avoid-weight-loss/1212
The only thing I can think of why it was rejected is that he is actively trying to hide the fact that the quote came from KGH. Don Matesz did not fair very well invoking KGH on one of his blog posts.
When I weighed 410 pounds before starting on the Atkins diet in 2004, I was clearly not honoring God with my body. The sin of gluttony has full control over me and every way I tried to overcome that (including the overly-hyped recommended low-fat diet) fell miserably short of the mark. But then livin’ la vida low-carb came into my life, helped me shed 180 pounds that year, restored my health, and set my life in a direction that I believe is pleasing in the eyes of God. I give Him all the praise and glory for helping me overcome a lifetime struggle with my weight.
Guess the God thing isn't working too well right now.
"...or do I skip it in order to avoid an unnecessary spike in my blood sugar levels? Decisions, decisions!"
Hey, I've been discriminated and verbally abused being an evangelical since 1975...but I'm not anti-science, and I'm not anti-debate. I simply think it's ALWAYS dangerous to be "groupish". And that group could be blinded by a scientific theory (and refusing to budge) or blinded by a doctrine (that may be incorrectly formed). One has to be open to HEAR and SEE.
On this weight loss journey, I've tried so many different ways of eating, and I'm still open to hearing what is BETTEr or more RIGHT. I will not be a slave to any theory, cause we all know what happens when food dogma occurs--be it eat margarine instead of butter, or eat as low-fat as possible and avoid oils and nuts, etc: just wait a few years and see the studies show or the health fall-out of said way of eating. Wait for the conclusion: "Oh, that was not the best way to eat after all."
I think Jimmy, who is, whether he likes it or not, a brother in the household of faith, needs to remember that the Pharisees, as "holy" as they thought themselves to be in their dogma, were called out by Christ as very much out of sync with the real Holy will. We can think we're very right and virtuous, and it takes a prophet who seems rather weird to tell us we're on the wrong path. That prophet might be naked, married to a whore, eating locusts and wearing camel skin out in the desert, or otherwise bizarre and "other"...but the word of truth is in that odd mouth.
I happen to think, Evelyn, that you are a diet prophet in a way. You speak boldly, you make a fuss, and you look at issues in a strangely clear-sighted way, even if not particularly diplomatic.
Well, diplomacy isn't for prophets. It's for ambassadors. :D
I think brother Jimmy would do well to hear the oddball prophetess outsider --pardon that, it's said affectionately--because the prophetess may bring healing words in a barbed-message.
Me, I see a Biblical message that first told us to eat fruits, vegetables, and seed-bearing good. THEN, later, meat. And our sacrament is based on bread and wine. So...is God wrong? He didn't say eat fat and more fat with your meat. He said eat what grows FIRST, in the "garden". Then the animal goods. If we're gonna go to the Bible, sounds pretty carby Paleo, with a sidetrip to grainland for sacramental goods.
I do not believe we'll go wrong eating fresh and whole until scientists, doctors, ethicists, etc figure this baby out in a saner way. I'll do that until then. Real food, minimize processed, rest, water, a multi-vitamin,exercise, and not too many calories. And prayers. :D I'll just hang here while y'all hash out the details.
Oh, and I'll add that Jimmy needs to fess up. A lie is a lie, and he knows it's wrong. The comments weren't made recently on his sites. Made here, more than a month ago? Um, this is deception. God says that's wrong. :)
On my blog, when i regained FIVE POUNDS, I changed my pic and captioned it that I regained and was working to lose the regain. So, it's not hard to switch one's avatar and admit a regain. :D
When I lost pounds again, I switched the avatar again. I redo my ticker every couple weeks, to show up or down. So, really, honestly is easy.
Presumably by a believer in Evolution [as opposed to evolution]?
> kaynessMay 1, 2012 11:25 PM
> OH WAIT! I found it! It's actually on his main site after all:
This "elevates" Jimmy's behaviour to new levels of absurdity.
> Can someone tell me what a Creationism Paleo diet is? I'm curious
the same paleo diet as the Darwinian/neo-Darwinian but with the usual overlay needed for reconciliation.
The justification is that Yahweh/Jehovah/Elohim/(your choice) did the creating but since he made it look as if evolution was involved, that's Y/J/E 's way of telling the faithful what a healthy diet is.
IMHO this would not work for the "dino (Fred's dog) and grok (doing ballet lived side by side, kids rode on the backs of Triceratops" crowd. That's a large IMHO. I'm sure there are paleo dieters from this subsect of creationists... humans can rationalize anything, it seems.
Based on cognitive dissonance theory (The diet drops out of the toolbox of archeologists, paleontologists with lesser influence from forensic scientists, the vast majority of currently active researchers are not creationists) so any technically knowledgeable person would have dissonance between the 2) I would presume creationist paleo dieters just keep one hidden/quiet/submerged in their communications and self-talk.
the only diet I can think of that a creationist could NOT justify would be the Hitchens diet.
so the rationalizations do exist; they're probably pretty standard for stuff of that type but damn, I was just shaking my head in disbelief as I typed this up ... how did the paleo crowd let Jimmy even put his foot in the door, and how did JM even think of trying to co-opt the movement in the first place?
I won't even charge Sisson a consulting fee for making the logo more female-fantasy-friendly. Heck, if he can sell paleo WHEY PROTEIN, he can sell women on paleo ballet.
I don't like the attacks on those of faith, as lacking intelligence or using it as a crutch, etc. Those making such attacks generally have their own crutches and beliefs that require some degree of "faith" anyway. Because we all know science does not have all the answers.
To me "paleo" makes sense more for the "ancestral" component. I don't think to turn back the very recent explosion of obesity and concordant disease does not require going back to the stone age because even the paleo authorities cannot agree on a single dietary composition, and if they ever could it would be impossible to duplicate that diet with modern foods.
I remember in 2009 Jimmy's avatar on his forum was rotated quite a bit. I remember one with glasses where he looked very intellectual and commented that I liked that look. Folks can also have one avatar park-link, and link to it all over the web and just change the pic that link goes to.
But that's not what he's done, it seems that as his control over his eating and weight unraveled sometime around a year ago, he reverted avatars back to 2005 pics and has left them. He did change the description on his podcast website to "kept off well over 125 lbs". I'll never forget his rant against some "ignoramus" for suggesting he should change his "I've lost 180 lbs and kept it off" on his menus blog profile.
Ya know, the announcements for Paleo Summit and Paleo Fx used his 2005 Before/After. Jimmy really needs to update that.
I appreciate the acceptance and the ability to say what I feel I need to here!
After the huge outpouring of love (and financial support–THANK YOU!) from so many of you to my recent blog post about dealing with ugly personal attacks, I realized the importance of taking care of my own health and that perhaps that kind of daily negativity is grinding away taking its toll on me physically. Isn’t it ironic that in the midst of trying to help others live a healthy lifestyle that perhaps I’m partially destroying my own in the process?
So now he is blaming his followers for his health? Hitler (I know cheap shot for comparing Jimmy to Hitler, but if the shoe fits) did the same thing in WWII, he blamed the Germans for losing the war, said the people had failed Germany.
Poor poor Jimmy can't take any responsibility for his own actions, has to go around blaming everything else. What a terrible cross he has to bear.
I decided to peruse the comments from Jimmy's boo hoo blog and this just stood out and struck me as, "WOW, you gotta be sh**tin' me!" This is the mindset of some of his followers and is why he can talk and blog the things he does and get away with it. Obviously the person who made the comment has never been to college.
who remembers the greasy poop thread?
here and
here and
here too
That was Gary Taubes using a pseudonym
> why GCBC was actually three PhD theses wrapped up in one book,
three PhDs, three college degrees ... dat dere educamation really be addin up don't it? (or is that be-n't it?)
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