Interpreting Study Results Quiz 2
So when we left off with Quiz 1, we had two strains of mice weaned onto one of two diets.
As promised, my first question regarding which mice gained the most weight was not a trick question. If you don't agree that "D" is the "winner" here, please consider having your eyesight checked ;-)
So now, I'm still not going to unblind my study here, as where would be the fun in that? But two strains, two diets.
Since D stands out, let's use these mice as our "reference". Thus, given:
- D & B are either the same mouse strain on different diets, or different mouse strains on the same diet ... and
- D & C are either the same mouse strain on different diets, or different mouse strains on the same diet.
Let's ignore A and any comparisons we can make here. What conclusions would you draw in terms of weight gain if:
- D & B are different strains of mice on the same diet, thus D & C are the same mouse strain on a different diet.
- D & C are different strains of mice on the same diet, thus D & B are the same mouse strain on a different diet.
Again, no tricks here. Just the data. And ignore A ... that's for the next Quiz ;-)
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