Just a Quick Note
Hey all! Some may have noticed that I've been a bit less interactive over the past week or so. I'm generally far more responsive to comments. I like to recognize and welcome new readers/commenters, and respond to questions and/or just in general. I'm way behind in this regard of late, and since there haven't even been as many as usual, some might be wondering whassup wid dat! Just wanted to let y'all know that there is a lot on my plate lately -- most of it related to my husband switching jobs and all that such a process involves. While this is ultimately a very good thing, it wasn't really something that was anticipated even a few months ago ... just busy, busy, busy. I might polish up and post some of those almost-complete drafts I have, but I don't know ... we'll see. Just realize that if I do it doesn't mean I'm necessarily "around and active" so if you leave a comment, please be patient. I'm going to leave moderat...